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G1: Tysons (STRIVE International)(Neil, Miranda, Travis, Monique Fortune & Alice Young)(VB) v. Foxes (together1heart)(Rick, Jeanene Marie, Ethan Marshall Edwards, Neriah Davis & Kyle)

R1: Name a nighttime ritual a 30-yr.-old momma’s boy might still do w/ his mom:

#8: Bedtime story (7)(Rick- lucked out on early buzz-in)

Foxes:  TV/”Care Bears” (ANOTHER BA), spoon/sleep w/ (T4- 9), dine/snack (T4), call/nite/”Love ya” (#3- 12), fly kite (VB), pray/”Now I lay me” (ALL BAs GONE), BF, kiss/hug (#1- 26) & look for/receive encouragement
Neil Steal: Tuck into bed- Y (22)

R2: Name something a woman’s CHEATING husband WOULDN’T be caught dead in but his wife will make sure he’s wearing it at HIS funeral:

#2: Chick duds/thong (22)(J Fox)
X- Coffin (Miranda)

Foxes: Shoes, penis pump (VB), wedding ring (TA- 39), suit/tux/tie (#3- 13), wig/toupee
Neil Steal #2: Spanx- X (BAs ALL unsaid: Sweater, pants, Speedo & makeup- 3 a pop)

Double: Name something that’s bouncy:

#1: Balls (79)(Travis- VB)

Tysons: My soft shiny hair (#2- 5), my bottom, hot set of knockers (T3- 3), rubber, babies
Rick Steal: Trampoline- T3 (T3: Balloon/BA: Bounce house)

TRIPLE: When mom yells “Keep it clean”, keep what clean?:

#1: Your room (45)(Monique)
#2: Language/jokes (41)(Neriah)

Tysons: Bathroom/toilet (#3- 4), playtime, eating & underarms
Rick Steal to W or L: Teeth (Left: Your hands- 2)

#1: On the scale, how clean are most public restrooms?
#2: Another word for “cry”.
#3: A long vegetable.
#4: Something kids go up & down on while on the playground.
#5: An animal that’s ALWAYS being rescued.

Travis: 4 (16), tear (5), carrot (34), slides (36) & cat (51)
Neil: 5 (24), weep (31), cucumber (28), seesaw & dog
Unsaid #1: Sob

G2: Girl Group (Girls Inc.)(Carnie Wilson, Terry Ellis, Sabrina Bryan, Robin Antin & Kiely Williams) v. Boy Band (Prostate Cancer Foundation)(Nick Lachey, Joey Fatone, Nathan Morris, Howie D. & Chris Kirkpatrick)

R1: Name something you might see in a hot tub the morning after a wild party:

#1: Clothes/my bikini (31)(Nick)
#2: Beer cans/bottles (28)(Carnie)

Boy Band: Wienerhosen (#3- 23), dirt ring, hair, patio furniture
Carnie Steal: Phones (#4: Puke- 7/#5: Cups/glasses- 5/Only BA: Urine/floating turds- 3)

R2 (single guys): Name something you’ve LIED more than once about on a first date:

#1: Job/rich bigwig (58)(Terry)

Girl Group: Car, my exes/how many (#4- 8), my age/over 18 (T2- 11), kids, where you live
Nick Steal: “Biggie Smalls”- X (T2: She looks great/BA: She’s fun/fascinating- 6)

Double (gentlemen): Name something you do in just your undies:

#3: Work out/dance (12)(Nathan)(VB)
X- Shake legs (Sabrina)

Boy Band: Drink, watch TV (#2- 23), eat, video games
Carnie Steal #2: Sleep- #1 (33)(#4: Strut around- 11/BA: Clean/laundry- 5)

TRIPLE: Vice_______:

#1: -President (56)(Howie)
#2: Squad (16)(Robin)

Boy Band: versa (#3- 14), -principal (4)

#1: Acc. to married men, how many times today did you tell your wife you loved her?
#2: Besides apple, a fruit that can be green.
#3: Someone who could RUIN a wedding if they show up DRUNK.
#4: Something you see sticking out of a car window.
#5: A hard day’s _____

Chris: Twice (32), lime (9), ex-boyfriend (24), flag (5) & night (54)
Nathan: Once (38), banana (13), best friend, hands (25) & work
Unsaid #1s: Pear, groom & dog

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