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“Family Feud” 5/17/24

30 Grand Game: Fraziers v. Averys (Stockbridge, GA)(Ebony, Robert, Cris, Melissa & PJ)

(Note: Neither family was interviewed before the game starts.)

R1: Name something a parrot might say that would make you think its last owner was a police officer:
#1: Freeze/stop (42)(Nicole)

Fraziers: Hands up (#2- 32), on ground/wall (BA- 3), pull over, under arrest (#3- 7), help, “…remain silent” (#5- 4), drop your weapon
Ebony Steal: Doughnuts (#4: License & reg.- 5/Other BA: Book ’em)

R2: Marian the librarian shocked everyone when she wore what to work?
#3: Lingerie/thong (13)(Robert)
#6: Bikini (10)(Grady)

Averys: NOTHING (#1- 23), housecoat, fishnets (BA- 2; Cris’ wearing ’em), skimpy dress/shirt (#2- 17), costume, high heels (#5- 11), PJs (BAs GONE) & wig
Nicole Steal on #4: Makeup- X (Missed: Daisy dukes)

Double: If you started to turn green what fictional character might you be turning into?
#1: “HULK” (56)(Cris)
#2: “THE GRINCH” (11)(Deena)


Fraziers: “SHREK” (#3- 10), “Ant-Man”, Princess Fiona, Kermit (#4- 8), “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle”
Ebony Steal #2 on Either BA: “FRANKENSTEIN”- X (Didn’t say: Jolly Green Giant & Green Lantern– 3 apiece)

TRIPLE: Name a reason your husband’s in an unusually good mood:
#2: Sex (27)(Sherik)
#3: Good meal (14)(Melissa)

Fraziers: Drunk, vacay/day off (BA- 5), just got paid & favorite sports team just won
Ebony Steal on the Top Answer to Force Sudden Death: Promotion/raise- Y (46)

SD: A type of attendant.
Richa: Door (A: Flight- 84)

#1: Something people lie about on a resume & hope no one checks.
#2: At what age does a kid get braces?
#3: Something a cowboy might have several of.
#4: A 1st name starting w/ “Max”.
#5: A kind of place where bad singing’s good enough.

Robert: Age (5), 10 (26), cows (2), Ax & karaoke (49)
Ebony: Job experience (33), 8 (9), hats (39), Maxine (27) & church (21)
Unsaid #1s: Education, 12 & Maxwell

G2: Uduhiris v. Tramontozzis

R1: Maybe some people dig it but I would never want to do what in the nude? 
#1: Swim/exercise (41)(Ijeoma)
#8: (Pose) for pictures (2)(Tina)

Uduhiris: Throw up, cook/grill (#3- 8), teach (a class), shop
Tina Steal: Drive- X (#2: Sunbathe- 22/#4: Sleep- 6/#5: Dance/twerk/#6: Eat/#7: Yardwork)

R2: Name something Adam might’ve given Eve on their anniversary:
#1: Apples (50)(Anastasia)

Tramontozzis: Flowers (#3- 13), bible, kiss, clothes/fig leaf (#2- 19), meal
Ijeoma Steal: Pet- X (#4: Carved ring- 6/#5: Another rib- 3/BA: His body)

Double: Name something you did more of than other kids in kindergarten:
#7: Talk/tattle (5)(John)
X- Ate crayons (Kennie)

Tramontozzis: Play/run (T5- 6), ate, fighting, color/paint (#4- 9), poop/pee (T5), read/study (#1- 27), invite friends
Ijeoma Steal #2: Cry/scream- #3 (13)(Leftover: Nap- 20)

TRIPLE: Tell us something fluffy:
#1: Animal/kitty (53)(Raphael)
#3: Teddybear (7)(Maria)

Uduhiris: Pillow (#2- 16), blanket, baby & cotton balls
Tina Steal to Win or Be Out for Good: Clouds- DONE (Should’ve said: Marshmallows- 5)

#1: On the scale how annoying’s autocorrect when you’re texting?
#2: Something you put on a ham sandwich.
#3: Someone who makes you smile everyday.
#4: The worst ball to get hit in the face w/. 
#5: Something a circus clown gets tired of putting on.

Ijeoma: 8 (20), cheese (39), kids (28), basket (5) & nose (42)
Kennie: 10 (18), mayo (19), spouse/mate (46), base & shoes
Unsaid #1: Makeup

“Family Feud” 5/16/24

G1: Fraziers v. Chitwoods (Eatonton, GA)(Matt, Katlyn, Kelley, Jessica & Moe)

(Challenger notes: Matt’s married to Katlyn, Kelley’s a mom-in-law who plays pickleball, Jessica’s a sister-in-law & Moe’s a brother-in-law.)

R1: Adam said to Eve “Hey- did you ________ my fig leaf?”:
#3: Eat (14)(Nicole)
X- Poison (Matt)

Fraziers: Hide/take (TIED FOR #1- 31), throw away, rip (BA- 3), burn, bury
Matt Steal: Wash/iron/shrink- OTHER #1 (#4: See/find- 8/#5: Peek under/take off- 6/#6: Wear- 4)

R2: Give a Spanish word everybody knows:
#1: Hola (64)(Katlyn)
#4: Si (4)(Grady)

Chitwoods: Uno (T2- 5), gracias (T2), muy bien, nada, fiesta
Nicole Steal: Adios- X (T4: Agua/#6: Amigo/BAs: Bueno & taco)

Double: Name a phony excuse people give when they don’t want to talk to you on the phone:
#2: “I’m busy” (16)(Deena)
X- “I’m sick” (Kelley)

Fraziers: Take care of kids, company/doorbell (#1- 23), another call (T2), “my battery’s about to die”, “I was about to go to bed”
Matt Steal #2: Terrible service- X (#4: Cooking/eating- 14/BA: On way out/late- 7)

TRIPLE: Name something you’d be surprised your store-bought frozen turkey still had on it:
#1: Feathers (69)(Sherik)
X- Skin (Jessica)

Fraziers: Head/beak (#2- 24), blood (1 OF 2 BAs- 2), neck & feet (they’ve just qualified for a jackpot game tomorrow)

#1: When God invented cows he knew we’d figure out how to turn their milk into what?
#2: The hr Steve Harvey goes to bed on weeknights.
#3: Sub…
#4: An occasion where there’s a whole lot of hugging going on.
#5: Something a dog might hide behind when it sees the dogcatcher’s truck.

Deena: Ice cream (25), 8:30PM, -way (24), wedding (38) & leash
Richa: Butter (24), 8PM (6), -stitute (15), funeral (31) & car (10)  
Unsaid #1s: Cheese, 10PM, -marine & tree/bush

G2: Uduhiris (Gaithersburg, MD; orig. from Nigeria)(Ijeoma, Chibuzor, Kennie, Raphael & Josh) v. Salgados

(Challenger notes: Chibuzor’s a sister, Kennie’s a cousin, Raphael’s a brother & Josh’s a nephew.)

R1 (women): “I’d love to be the _______ woman on Earth”:
#1: Hottest (33)(Ijeoma)

Uduhiris: Funniest, smartest (#3- 12), richest (#2- 29), most accomplished, nicest (#5- 6), thinnest/fittest (#6- 4), happiest (#4- 11) & fastest
Jessica Steal on Sole BA: Most talented (Missed: Luckiest- 2)

R2: Name a bad occasion to yawn very loudly:
#1: Funeral/eulogy (36)(Chibuzor)
#2: Church (26)(Savannah)

Uduhiris: Mtg/work (#4- 7), (dad’s) lecture/speech (BA- 3), being on TV show, recital/play (1 BA LEFT), wedding (#3- 11), childbirth, at home
Jessica Steal #2: (Mid-)sex- #5 (5)(Leftover BA: Movie)

Double: Nowadays Little Red Riding Hood might ride what to grandma’s home?
#1: Scooter (35)(Kennie)

Uduhiris: Car/Uber (#2- 26), motorcycle/moped (#3- 15), skates, horse, hoverboard (BA- 4), bicycle (#4- 8) & ATV (OTHER BA)- CS

#1: Down (40)(Melissa)
X- As a snail (Raphael) & jams (Josh)

Salgados: Dance (BOTTOM- 7), flow, -poke (#3- 10), driver
Ijeoma Steal on #2 to Win No Questions Asked: Motion (27)

#1: You used to blame things on your imaginary friend- now who do you blame?
#2: “Philadelphia”…
#3: The worst thing to forget to do when you leave the home.
#4: On the scale how soft are your lips?
#5: Something you’d hate to get in your hair.

Ijeoma: Spouse/mate (23), Eagles (16), turn off water (2), 10 (16) & dirt (3)
Kennie: Dog/pet (24), 76ers, turn off stove (15), 5 (14) & gum (61) 
Unsaid #1s: Yourself, “Freedom”, take your keys & 8

“Family Feud” 5/15/24

G1: Fraziers v. Picazos

R1: Name something that turns a kiss into a great kiss:
#1: Tongue/technique (39)(Grady)
#7: Time/20min (2)(Danny)

Fraziers: Wet, embrace (#4- 5), soft lips (#3- 6), necking, fresh breath (T5- 3), smell good
Giselle Steal: Love/passion- OTHER TOP ANSWER (Left: Hot guy/gal)

R2: Real men don’t use toilet paper- they use what? 
#2: Hands (16)(Grady)
X- Rocks (Danny)

Fraziers: (Paper) towels (T4- 11), leaves (#1- 17), newspaper (#6- 10), napkins, NOTHING, socks
Giselle Steal #2: Underwear- X (#3: Sandpaper- 13/T4: Bidet/pressure hose- 11/Sole BA: Wipes- 7)

Double: Give the 1st name of a GS host a GS fan might name their son:
#1: Steve (50)(Deena)

Fraziers: Pat (T3- 10), Alex (#2- 12), Drew, Bob (T3), William (Steve said it several different ways & the buzzer sounded every time), Jamie
Giselle Steal #3: Jimmy- X (#5: Richard- 6/BA: Howie- 4)

TRIPLE: Name something considers 1 of its favorite things:
#1: Bone/food (48)(Sherik)

Fraziers: Toy/ball (#2- 28), socks/shoes (BOTTOM- 3) & owner (13)

#1: When Snoop Dogg goes to live in a retirement home he’ll probably teach all the other old folks there how to what?
#2: Something a woman wants to be perfect on the day she gets married.
#3: What’s the last thing you want to realize you left on a plane?
#4: Something specific you might find in a taco.
#5: A word rhyming w/ “smelly”.

Deena: Rap (28), hair (31), phone (31), meat (27) & belly (40)
Richa: Smoke pot (58), dress (21), purse (13), cheese (37) & jelly (36)

Possibly the Last Car Game On This Show: Curtises v. Salgados (HOU)(Jessica, Savannah, Jennifer, Arianna & Melissa)

(Challenger notes: Savannah’s a niece, Jennifer’s an older sister, Arianna’s an aunt/niece & Melissa’s an older sister.)

R1: Give another word for a person’s bottom:
#1: Butt(ocks)(46)(Kevin)

Curtises: Rear (1 OF 3 BAs- 4), tush (T4- 6), buns, booty (#3- 7), heinie, lower half
Jessica Steal: Behind- ANOTHER BA (#2: Arse- 11/T4: Bum/Other BA: Rump)

R2: Name something a magician hopes the rabbit in their hat doesn’t do:
#1: Pee/poop (72)(Savannah)
#4: Die (3)(Kenny)

Salgados: Sleep, run/vanish (#2- 14), have heart attack, forget tricks
Kevin Steal: Bite- #3 (4)(Only BA: Eat hat)

Double: Name a reason you might marry someone even if you’re not physically attracted to ’em:
#1: Money (71)(Dayleen)

Curtises: Famous (AMONG BAs- 2), looks, brainy (1 BA LEFT), nice home, fun personality (#2- 9), friends already
Jessica Steal #2: Good in bed- X (T3: Love & kind- 5 each/Final BA: Dying/need you)

TRIPLE: Name something that might be living in your basement:
#1: Bugs (39)(Arianna)
X- Squirrels (Kyon)

Salgados: Rats/mice (#2- 37), snakes, possums, people (#3- 7) & birds
Kevin Steal for Automobile or Nothing More: Raccoons- SORRY (Should’ve said: Mold- 6)

#1: How many inches above the waist does grandpa wear his pants?
#2: A rm in your home where you have a flashlight.
#3: A vehicle w/ a flashing red light you pull over for.
#4: A zoo animal that might win a prize for biggest booty.
#5: Something a marathon runner wears.

Melissa: 6 (8), garage (17), police car (38) & horse
Jennifer: 3 (28- 4 tied for #1), kitchen (27), ambulance (43), elephant (48) & shoes/sneakers- GAVE ALL #1s

“Family Feud” 5/14/24

G1: Fraziers v. Gaughans

R1 (married men): When you 1st met your wife she had a much better what?
#1: Body (48)(Allison)

Gaughans: Bank acct, car (#4- 5), taste in men, personality/’tude (#2- 29), life
Nicole Steal: Sex drive- #3 (15)(BA: Face/smile- 3)

R2: What do people do around the campfire that you’d be surprised to see firemen doing at a housefire?
#3: Stoke/fuel it (8)(Jimmy)
X- Fireworks (Grady)

Gaughans: Sing (#2- 11), cook/eat s’mores (TA- 60), drink brewskis (T6- 3), sleep, talk/ghost stories (#4- 6), kiss somebody, sports
Nicole Steal #2: NOTHING- OR STARE FOR #5 (4)(T6: Pee on it/Sole BA: Smoke pot)

Double: Name an animal that would never be the name of a sportscar:
#4: Elephant (6)(Kyle)

Gaughans: Pig, turtle/tortoise (#2- 13), cow, whale
Nicole Steal #3: Sloth- #1 (17)(#3: Snail- 7/T5: Mouse/rat & dog/BAs: Skunk & opossum- 4 each)

TRIPLE: Name something specific a man might get down on 1 knee to do:
#1: Propose (75)(Shannyn)

Gaughans: Tie shoes (#2- 11), change tire (#3- 5), pick up dropped item, pray & rest
Nicole Steal on Only BA for Shutout: Beg forgiveness- NAIL IT (3)

#1: You’re looking after the neighbors’ goldfish while they’re on vacation. It dies- tell us what you’d do next.
#2: A word starting w/ S describing how you feel after a few drinks.
#3: Something good kindergarten teachers have a lot of.
#4: You might wish everyday was what day?
#5: A kind of tree that’s a popular street name.

Grady: Bury it (3), sexy (12), students (5), Christmas (16) & elm (43)
Richa: Replace it (48), special, crayons (16), Friday (20) & maple (14)  
Unsaid #1s: Silly, patience & Saturday

G2: Curtises v. Tramontozzis (Melrose, MA)(Tina, Anastasia, Laura, Maria & John)

(Challenger notes: Tina’s the oldest sister, Anastasia & Laura are also sisters, Maria’s their youngest sister & John’s their father.)

R1: If all of your toilets broke where would you go to the bathroom?
#1: Outside/woods (43)(Kevin)

Curtises: Neighbor’s (#3- 15), tub (#4- 11), bucket (#5- 7), public restroom (#2- 16), garbage can, on yourself & litterbox
Tina Steal on Solo BA: Bottle- X (Missed: Sink- 5)

R2: Name someone you’d be shocked to hear say to you “Let’s get naked”:
#3: Parents (13)(Anastasia)
#4: Clergy (11)(Kenny)

Tramontozzis: Friend (#2- 14), ex, boss (#1- 23), grandparents, neighbor (#6- 7), teacher (#7- 5), siblings
Kevin Steal: Kids- X (#5: Celeb/George Clooney- 8/BA by itself: In-law- 4)

Double: Name something some people do w/ their eyes open others would do w/ their eyes closed:
#3: Sleep (14)(Dayleen)
X- Walk (Laura)

Curtises: Sing (#5- 4), swim/dive (#4- 12), amusement ride, speech, kiss (TOPPER- 45), pray
Tina Steal #2: Sex- T2 (Unnecessary BAs: Sneeze, think & put on makeup- 2 apiece)

TRIPLE: Name something a wife turns on just to annoy her husband:
#4: Lights (4)(Kyon)
X- Oven (Maria- too soon)

Curtises: Radio/ABBA (#2- 23), blow dryer, another man, vacuum (#3- 13) & TV/Steve (50)

#1: Acc. to married ladies what’s the min. per hour you’d hire your husband out for?
#2: A part of the chicken you’d hate to have to eat.
#3: Hot &…
#4: An article of clothing you wear over & over again w/o washing it.
#5: Hail…

Kevin: $20 (19), bone (2), cold (27), shirt (7) & to the queen (4)
Kenny: $50, feet (23), spicy (7), socks & Mary (44) 
Unsaid #1s: $10 & coat/jacket

“Family Feud” 5/13/24

30 Grand Game: Dermarkars v. Fullers

R1: Name someone you visit who you hope doesn’t answer the door naked:
#3: Neighbor (17)(Monica)
#6: In-law (4)(Amanda)

Dermarkars: Parents (TA- 37), BFF (#4- 8), grandparents (#2- 21), sibling (#7- 3), preacher/clergy (#5- 6), boss, aunt/uncle & kids (SOLE BA)- CS

R2: Name something it gets harder to do at the ripe old age of 40:
#1: Move/exercise/lift (56)(Mike)

Fullers: Lose weight (#2- 18), see (BA- 2), hear, date, sex
Monica Steal: Stay up- #4 (4)(#3: Sleep- 5/T5: Make friends & pee/poop)

Double: Name a question you ask a 1st date that’s a good conversation starter:
#1: Job? (24)(Della)

Fullers: Hobbies (for fun)? (#2- 15), believer?. where from? (#3- 10), where’d you go to school?, kids?
Monica Steal #2: Fave food?- #4 (6)(Didn’t need: Fave music/singer?- 4)

TRIPLE: Name a bowl you’d never eat out of:
#2: Dog (28)(Patrick)
#3: Super (8)(Stacey)

Dermarkars: Cat, fancy China, plant
Amanda Steal to Stay Alive: Toilet- ON TOP (48)(Didn’t need: Fish- 6)

SD: Something specific a mom still cleans for a momma’s boy.
Paul: Clothes/shoes- JACKPOT (70)

#1: Something you only need 1 of as long as it’s a really good 1.
#2: An animal most 5-yr-olds don’t know how to spell.
#3: Lip…
#4: How many miles would you walk for $1K?
#5: Something a handyman might be embarrassed to admit he didn’t know how to use.

Monica: Spouse/mate (27), giraffe (15), balm (9), 20 (7) & screwdriver (9)
Fady: Suit, hippopotamus (17), stick (34), 30 (3) & hammer (46) = $72,240
Unsaid #1s: Elephant & 10

G2: Curtises v. Thomases

R1 (men): It would be weird if a woman said “She wanted to do” what to you “like a baby”?
#4: Pat my booty (5)(Chris)
#5: Change diaper (3)(Kevin)

Thomases: Hold/rock (#2- 29), burp, (breast)feed (TA- 36), clothe/swaddle (#3- 24), kiss & play
Kevin Steal on the Only BA: Talk- X (Left: Powder)

R2 (guys): Your best buddy confesses he had a sexy dream about your mate- what do you do?
#3: Deck him (17)(Kenny)
X- Lie (Leah)

Curtises: End friendship/mad (#1- 30), kill him, tell bud’s wife (#4- 13), get sad, threaten
Chris Steal: NOTHING- #6 (6)(T2: Laugh/joke/#5: Ask details- 10/BA: Turned on/wife swap- 3)

Double (ladies): If a man has 1 of what he’s too old for you?
#6: Set of dentures (6)(Kyon)
X- Wrinkles (Drew), old car (Dayleen) & spouse/mate (Angela)

Curtises: Beer, toupee, grandchild (#1- 18), hearing aid (T4- 10), cane/walker (#2- 15), great-grandchild
Chris Steal #2: Wheelchair- X (#3: Gray hair- 12/T4: Oxygen tank- it was considered but not taken)

TRIPLE (girls): You love a man in uniform- particularly which 1?
#1: Military/sailor (42)(Kyon)

Curtises: Police (#3- 14), fireman (#2- 32), construction, mailman & stripper
Chris Steal to Retain or Not: Pilot- OUT (Didn’t get: Doctor scrubs- 6)

#1: Something a football player better not forget to put on before a game.
#2: Pretend you’re rich- how many cars do you own?
#3: A word rhyming w/ “slung”.
#4: Someone who you hope loves you no matter what.
#5: Something you put in both coffee & tea.

Kevin: Cup (37), 5 (8), hung (33), mom (47) & sugar (59)
Kenny: Shoulder pads (14), 6 (3), sung, kids & milk
Unsaid #1: Helmet & 2 

“Family Feud” 5/10/24

G1: Dermarkars v. Petersons

Starting w/ this yr.’s tapings, they’re no longer offering an automobile for winning a 5th game; it’s been replaced by a $30K bonus.

R1 (men): You’d give up what before drinking a beer?
#2: Sports/exercise (11)(Sharri)
#7: Sex (6)(Monica)

Petersons: Friends, working (#1- 35), car(s), water (T5- 9), kids
Monica Steal: Eating- T5 (T2: Soda/#4: Cigs/cigars/Other BA: Spouse/mate)

R2: Name something adults see kids do that makes ’em not want to have kids:
#1: Tantrum/disobey (65)(Fady)

Dermarkars: Full diaper (1 OF BAs- 5), eat boogers/snot (T3- 6), want to be driven, wake up early, spend $
Sharri Steal: Fight- X (#2: Play/in mud- 7/T3: Puke/BA nobody gave: Destroy things)

Double: Name a musical instrument you’d be surprised to see a cowboy play around the campfire:
#4: Piano (9)(Derricka)
#5: Cello (8)(Michelle)

Petersons: Drum set, xylophone, violin
Monica Steal #2: Flute/piccolo- #1 (27)(#2: Harp- 15/#3: Sax- 11)

TRIPLE: Name a place dogs would drive to a lot if they could drive:
#1: Park (74)(Dorian)

Petersons: Pet store (#2- 13), block, home
Monica Steal on Either BA to Qualify for $50K Day the Next Time: Beach- W (4)(Other: Restaurant)

#1: A part of your daily routine you’d hate having to rush through when you’re busy.
#2: Something you’d see in a church.
#3: An age at which people think they know it all.
#4: A sport where players bring more than 1 ball to the game.
#5: A word rhyming w/ “brain”.

Patrick: Drinking coffee (4), priest (26), 30 (3), tennis (28) & crane (4)
Paul: Showering (20), cross (28), 18 (12), baseball (29) & tame
Unsaid #1s: Eating, 15, golf & train

(Final notes: By this time, the blue wall in the audience area has been removed & Myeshia Mizuno’s an EP on both versions.)

G2: Baldwins (CIN- played in an unaired game in ’20 during the pandemic, I think)(Tiffany, Ming-Toy, Tamarah, Emmanuel & Swan) v. Thomases (MEM)(Chris, Leah, Drew, Angela & Greg)

(Notes: Leah’s a daughter, Drew’s a nephew, Angela’s a mom & Chris’ ex, Greg’s a cousin, Ming-Toy & Tamarah are sisters, Emmanuel’s married to Tamarrah & Swan’s a cousin.)

R1: Tell us something Steve’s aunt Agnes probably keeps in her bra:
#4: Gun/weapon (4)(Tiffany)
X- Weed (Chris)

Baldwins: $$$/wallet (TA- 67), cigar(ette)s, cosmetics, booze
Chris Steal: Phone- #5 (3)(#2: Tissue/hanky- 10/T3: Food/peanuts/BAs: Keys & epic boobage)

R2 (ladies): Name a way you can tell a guy’s nervous around you:
#1: Sweats buckets (31)(Leah)
#3: Stutters (21)(Ming-Toy)

Thomases: Red in the face, he’s a koala, shakes/fidgets (#4- 6), quiet/shy
Tiffany Steal: Yaps/bad jokes- #2 (25)(#5: No eye contact- 7/BA: Giggles- 5)

Double: Name a place that always has a long bathroom line:
#1: Sports venue (28)(Drew)
#6: Restaurant (5)(Tamarah)

Thomases: Concert (#2- 27), play, movie (#4- 8), school, church
Tiffany Steal #2: Theme park/fair- #5 (6)(#3: Bar/club- 15/BA: Every ladies’ rm- 4)

TRIPLE: Name an animal weighing over 500lbs:
#1: Elephant (60)(Emmanuel)

Baldwins: Rhino, whale (BA- 8), bear (BAs CLEARED), gorilla/monkey & lion
Chris Steal to Continue: Hippo- Y (11)

SD (girls): A body part you splash a little perfume on for a night of romance.
Swan: Chest- L (A: Neck- 66)

#1: Something a person might be referring to when they say “Great catch”.
#2: How many shots of tequila are too many?
#3: A word rhyming w/ “master”.
#4: 1 of Mickey Mouse’s best friends.
#5: Bumper…

Drew: Basketball/sports (23), 3 (29), faster (36), Goofy (27) & plates
Chris: Woman (30), 2 (9), Donald Duck (18) & boat (4)
Unsaid #1s: Fish, Minnie Mouse & car

“Family Feud” 5/9/24

G1: Dermarkars v. Chiurazzis

R1: Name something you’d put in a funny pack a nudist might pack in their fanny:
#1: Sunscreen (lotion)(31)(Monica)

Dermarkars: Thong, Chapstick/gloss (#3- 12), sex toy, $/AMEX (#2- 29), phone (#4- 9), sunglasses
Al Steal: Hat (#5: Tissue- 6/#6: Snacks- 4/BA: Keys- 3)

R2: Name something Pinocchio has nightmares about someone doing to him:
#1: Chop’g (his nose)(50)(Rita)

Chiurazzis: Drop’g him, misplacing him, getting fresh (1 OF BAs- 2), cut’g string(s)
Monica Steal: Burn’g him- #2 (21)(#3: Making him lie- 7/#4: Pinch/pull’g nose- 4/#5: Punch’g nose/Unsaid BA: Sanding him)

Double: Name the greatest rock & roll band of all-time:
#1: Beatles (23)(Nando)

Chiurazzis: Guns ‘N Roses, AC/DC (#3- 10), Rolling Stones (#2- 11), KISS (T5- 6), Pink Floyd, Aerosmith (T5), Led Zeppelin (#4- 8), Beach Boys
Monica Steal #2: Queen- T5 (BA left alone: Metallica- 5)

TRIPLE: Name a creature living in a swamp:
#3: Frog (11)(Patrick)

Dermarkars: Snake (#2- 14), gator/croc (TA- 69), bug, fish & birds
Al Steal for SD: Monster/swamp thing- Y (3)

SD: Taco…
Paul: Bell (70)

#1: Besides the bologna something you put on a bologna sandwich.
#2: A word rhyming w/ “bone”.
#3: Top of the…
#4: How many ft long is the avg casket?
#5: A rm in the home w/ the most chairs.

Monica: Mayo (25), alone, mountain (10), 8 (27) & living (8)
Paul: Cheese (34), stone (14), morning (34), 6 (19) & dining (62)
Unsaid #1s: Phone & 7

CG: Bridgeses (Fayetteville, GA)(Agnes, Larry, Justin, Zuleymy & Jada) v. Harvises

(Challenger notes: Agnes’ married to Larry for nearly 39yrs, Justin’s a son, Zuleymy’s their daughter-in-law & Jada’s a daughter.)

R1: At a funeral name something inappropriate a person might do at their lover’s casket:
#3: Lie in/on it (15)(Raven)

Harvises: Close it, XX, French ’em (#1- 30), dance
Agnes Steal: Hit him- X (#2: Fondle/hug ’em- 16/#4: Yell/cuss out- 12/#5: Laugh- 6/#6: Steal jewelry/hair- 5/BA: Selfie- 3)

R2 (married men): “Between us I’m getting really tired of my wife’s…”
#1: Nagging/voice (32)(Antione)
#5: Family (5)(Larry)

Harvises: Spending (#4- 13), cooking (T2- 17), ‘tude (T2), driving, snoring (T5), dressing & friend(s)
Agnes Steal #2 on BA: No-sex policy- NAILED IT (4)

Double: Name a complaint a woman might have about her man’s tighty-whities:
#1: Dirty (60)(Justin)

Bridgeses: Ugly, holey (#2- 17), too tight/small (#3- 16), old-fashioned & too feminine
Raven Steal: Too big- X (BAs: White & juvenile- 2 a pop)

TRIPLE: Name something that might be full of hot air:
#1: Balloon (75)(Katrina)

Harvises: Tire, person/politician (#2- 19), sauna (BA- 2), closed-up room & oven (OTHER BA)

#1: Acc. to married guys if you tell your wife you’re going out for the evening give a question she asks you.
#2: How many minutes does a rollercoaster ride last?
#3: The last person who gave you good news.
#4: A rm in the home you wish you had more of.
#5: Oh yummy- I just had what fondue?

Katrina: “Who you going with?” (16), 11, dad, bed (30) & fondue
Kerry: “What time coming back?” (25), 5 (23), spouse/mate (30), mancave (bath tied for #1) & shrimp
Unsaid #1s: “Where?”, 3 & chocolate 

“Family Feud” 5/8/24

G1: Dermarkars v. Woodalls (Queens)(Dy, Ellen, Danielle, Denise & Aisha)

(Challenger notes: Ellen’s a mom, Danielle’s a sister & doctor, Denise’s a twin sister & doctor & Aisha’s a niece.)

R1: What might a wife ask a delivery person to deliver to her cheating spouse?
#1: Divorce papers (49)(Fady)
X- (Water)melon (Monica) & condom(s)(Dy)

Dermarkars: Male stripper, pic(s)(of him cheating)(#5- 4), wedding ring (BA- 3), gun, bills
Dy Steal: His stuff- #2 (14)(#3: Poisoned food- 12/#4: Box o’ poo- 7/BA not gotten: Dead roses)

R2: Name something you’d have to get used to if you were a bee:
#4: (Makin’) honey (12)(Fady)
#5: (1K roomies in) hive (12)(Ellen)

Dermarkars: Pollinating (#3- 15), being swatted, flying (#1- 31), skin, buzzing (#6- 10), bug spray
Dy Steal #2: (Dying after) sting- #2 (16)(Sole BA: Outdoors- 2)

Double: Name something you do your mom wouldn’t approve of if she knew you did it:
#1: Smoke (38)(Danielle)

Woodalls: Sex (REAR- 5), stealing, weed (#2- 11), drink (T3- 7), going to strip joint, skipping school
Monica Steal: Gambling- X (T3: Swear/Also on bottom: Lie & eat junk)

TRIPLE: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas unless who finds out?
#1: Spouse/boo (64)(Patrick)

Dermarkars: Parents (T2- 11), boss, cops (T2), grandparents & doctor
Dy Steal for Shutout: Children- X (Missed: Media/news- 5)

SD: What’s the opposite of right?
Aisha: Wrong- OUT (left was said by 76)

#1: A body part some people find sexy & others don’t.
#2: What’s the cost of a wedding gown?
#3: Something you eat that gets stuck in your teeth.
#4: Something men borrow from each other.
#5: A quiet pet.

Monica: Butt (17), $20K, corn (35), clothes (6) & dog (3)
Paul: Feet (32), $10K (2), apple (3- vegetables tied for #1), $$$ (29) & guineapig 
Unsaid #1s: $1K, tools & cat

G2: O’Mearas (Marietta)(Shannon, Ed, Colleen, Tricia & Kathy) v. Harvises

(Challenger notes: Shannon’s a special needs preschool teacher for 17yrs, Ed’s a dad & the rest of the family are sisters.)

R1: Name somewhere you’ve accidentally caught someone w/ their pants down:
#1: Bathroom (63)(Raven)

Harvises: Dressing rm (#2- 7), living rm, bedroom (#3- 5), gym/lockers (T4- 4), school, pool
Shannon Steal: (Boss’) office/work- SOLE BA (3)(Leftover: Woods/bushes)

R2: Name something grandpa wants to know about a woman before he dates him:
#2: Stack of crispies? (11)(Ed)
X- She’s a virgin (Antione)

O’Mearas: Does she have a good family?, has she been in jail/prison?, sex life? (#7- 5), single? (T4- 6), big home?
Raven Steal: Teeth/eat solids?- T4 (TA stumper: Age/under 30?- 40/#3: Cook?- 9/T4: Is she hot?/Solo BA: Grandkids?- 3)

Double: Name an animal in Alaska a wife might train to attack her cheating husband:
#1: Bear (73)(Cleven)

Harvises: Bird/eagle (T4- 4), fox, moose (#2- 12), seal, shark
Shannon Steal #2: Wolf- T4 (#3: Dog/husky- 5/BA: Wolverine- 2)

TRIPLE (women): You might put your drunk friend’s what in your purse for safekeeping?
#1: Keys (69)(Katrina)

Harvises: Wallet/$ (#3- 6), phone (#2- 22), (wedding) ring, XX & glasses
Shannon Steal to Shut Down Car Game Hopes the Next Time: Makeup- OUT (Should’ve answered: Weed/pipe- 2)

#1: How many hrs of sleep do you need so you don’t feel like a zombie?
#2: Chicken
#3: Something you might put in a safe at a hotel.
#4: What report card grade did you get the most of in school?
#5: A special day a little kid can’t wait for.

Katrina: 8 (24), & rice, jewelry (42), B (47) & Christmas (53)
Kerry: 7 (32), coop (3), $$$, C & birthday
Unsaid #1: Little

“Family Feud” 5/7/24

G1: Dermarkars (TAM)(Monica, Paul, Michelle, Patrick & Paul) v. Gillams

(Challenger notes: Monica’s married to Fady, Michelle’s a sister, Patrick’s a child & Paul’s a cousin.)

R1 (divorced women): Which animal enclosure at the zoo would you like to put your ex-husband in?
#1: Gorilla/monkey (35)(Tara)

Gillams: Lion (#2- 16), alligator, shark, spider
Monica Steal: Elephant- X (#3: Tiger- 14/#4: Snake- 13/#5: Cheetah- 8/#6: Bear- 6/BA: Wolf- 4)

R2: A mom knows it’s time to stop breastfeeding when a child does what?
#1: Bites (63)(Tiffany)
#7: Walks (3)(Fady)

Gillams: Whines, talks (#3- 7), stops/pulls away (#4- 6), eats, crawls
Monica Steal #2: Spits- X (#2: Uses cup- 8/#5: Starts school- 5/BAs: Unbuttons her top & walks- 3 each)

Double: Name something that’s better to do slow than fast:
#1: Make love (27)(Michelle)

Dermarkars: Think, cook, drive (#3- 8), eat/chew (#2- 26), take test
Tara Steal: Age- X (#4: Make out- 6/BA: Cut stuff/surgery- 5)

TRIPLE: Name a place you might be when someone tells you to stay in your lane:
#2: Workplace (26)(Tonya)
X- Hospital (Patrick)

Gillams: X, car/highway (ON TOP- 45), home
Monica Steal to Decide This Feud: Store/checkout- AT BOTTOM (7)(Didn’t need: Bowling alley- 12)

#1: A fruit a new vampire might practice his bite on.
#2: How many cups of coffee do you have Mon. morning?
#3: A doctor might scold you for not getting enough what?
#4: A slow creature that takes forever to go from here to there.
#5: A state w/ the most year-round nudist camps.

Monica: Apple (33), 3 (18), sun, snail/slug (38) & Florida (33)
Paul: Banana, 2 (41), sleep (35), tortoise (32) & California (45)
Unsaid #1: Exercise

G2: Nelons v. Harvises

R1: The Big Bad Wolf was surprised to discover Little Red Riding Hood had a really big what? 
#4: Mouth/teeth (12)(Raven)

Harvises: Basket (#5- 10), weapon/gun (#1- 26), heart, home, grandma
Kelly Steal: Chest- X (#2: Patootie- 14/#3: Nose- 13/#6: Head/ego- 8/BA: “Man part”- 5)

R2: Name something your cheap friend does to try to avoid paying their share of the restaurant check:
#3: “Forgets” wallet (25)(Amber)
#7: “I’m broke” (2)(Antoine)

Nelons: Leaves early (#2- 33), lies, hides in loo (#1- 34), go outside for a smoke, only eat appetizers
Raven Steal on 1 of the Remaining 2 BAs: Complains about food- UP THERE (Leftover: Just gets water)

Double: Name something a wife might fantasize about hitting her husband w/:
#2: Baseball bat (26)(Jason)
#3: Her fist/hand (5)(Cleven)

Nelons: Hammer, plate, pan/pot (#1- 32), rolling pin (T4- 4), divorce papers
Kelly Steal #2: Shoe- X (T4: Food/dead fish/BA all alone: Pillow- 3)

TRIPLE: No matter how many _________ a woman has it’ll never be enough:
#1: Shoes/outfits (76)(Katrina)

Harvises: Purses (BA- 3), diamonds/jewelry (#2- 7), men, wigs & vehicles
Kelly Steal to Be Redeemed Or Not: Kids- OUT FOR GOOD (Didn’t say: Dollars- 4)

#1: When ordering a sandwich something you might ask ’em to leave off.
#2: Someone you never want to go to a strip club w/.
#3: How many glasses of wine can get you drunk?
#4: Something ending w/ “cane”.
#5: In what place should you know where the emergency exits are?

Katrina: Tomato(es)(8), dad (20), 3 (32), Raising Cane & hospital (4)
Raven: Pickle(s)(18), mom (32), 2 (18), sugarcane (28) & ballgames
Unsaid #1s: Mayonnaise, candy cane & airplane

“Family Feud” 5/6/24

CG: Merrellses v. Gillams (Belleville, IL)(Tara, Lyndsey, Billie, Tonya & Josh)

(Challenger notes: Lyndsey’s a niece, Billie’s their mom, Tonya’s a sister & Josh’s a son.)

R1 (married men): Name something you might find in bed that would make you think your wife was sleeping w/ an Elvis impersonator:
#1: Wig/sideburns (33)(Tara)
X- Glasses (Dana)

Gillams: Jumpsuit/outfit (#3- 11), guitar (pick)(#4- 10), microphone, picture(s), (pink) Cadillac
Dana Steal: Autograph(s)(#2: Sequins/bling- 27/#5: Blue suede shoes-  9/#6: Pomade stains- 6/BA: PB & banana- 2)

R2: Name an S word grandpa might use to describe grandma’s bottom:
#2: Sexy (20)(Thelma)
X- Slouchy (Jesse James) & shenanigans (Lyndsey)

Merrellses: Smooth, soft (T4- 7), soggy, sweet (#3- 18), super
Tara Steal: Squishy- T4 (#1 stumper: Saggy- 25/#6: Sassy- 3/BAs: Slippery & sugar)

Double: After a divorce a wife replaces a picture of her ex in her wallet w/ a picture of what?
#2: Her new meat (20)(Billie)
#3: Dog/pet (19)(Thelma)

Gillams: Kids (#1- 34), $, her new home, herself (#4- 13), her mom
Dana Steal #2: Her car- X (#5: Celeb/Harry Styles- 6/BA: Bestie- 3)

TRIPLE: Where do parents tell children babies came from?
#1: Stork (70)(Tonya)
#2: Mom/parents (10)(Reggae)

Gillams: Adoption, Santa, God/heaven (BA- 6) & “When you get older, I’ll tell you”
Dana Steal to Stay Alive: Hospital- SHUTOUT (Missed: Cabbage patch- 8)

#1: Acc. to guys tell us how long a lovemaking session might last before it’s too long.
#2: Something a woman has she loves to brag about.
#3: A type of bagel.
#4: Something you lie about on a job interview.
#5: Besides peanut butter what are peanuts used to make?

Tara: 20min, shoes (18), everything (17) & qualifications (34)
Josh: 5min (8), hair (14), wheat (6)- G.O. (Final answers: Name & butter)
Unsaid #1s: Hr, (grand)kids, onion, work experience & candy/brittle

G2: Parvens v. Harvises

R1: Name something a wife might do if her husband named his new boat after his ex-wife:
#2: Divorce (33)(Raven)
X- Have affair (Andy)

Harvises: Cut off nookie, congratulate him, sink/destroy it (TA- 39), rename/paint over (T4- 5), beat him up (#3- 6), change lock(s)
Andy Steal: Sell it- X (T4: Kill him/#6: Scream/#7: Pout/BA: Name car after her ex)

R2: If People (which recently turned 50) had a sexiest bald man alive issue who would be on the cover?
#2: Steve Harvey (28)(Antoine)

Harvises: “The Rock” (TOPPER- 39), Michael Jordan, Denzel Washington, Mr. Clean
Andy Steal #2: Pitbull- X (#3: Bruce Willis- 8/Both on bottom: Patrick Stewart & Stanley Tucci- 3 each)

Double: Name a food a sword swallower could shove right down their throat:
#1: 1ft wiener/sausage (23)(Jane)

Parvens: Steak, burger, pizza
Raven Steal: Banana- #2 (21)(#3: Cucumber/pickle- 11/#4: Bread/loaf- 6/#5: Fish/Left on rear: Shish kebab & chicken- 4 a pop)

TRIPLE: Name a profession where the men generally dress well:
#1: Attorney (61)(Katrina)

Harvises: Mortician, model, banker
Andy Steal to Play SD: GS/TV host- SHUTOUT (T2: Sales & exec/CEO- 7 apiece/Solo BA: Politician- 6)

#1: Acc. to single girls after how many dates do you start to wear sweats?
#2: A word rhyming w/ “butter”.
#3: Silly…
#4: If it’s the weekend a dept store that’s having a sale.
#5: A decoration people put outside their homes for Christmas.

Kerry: 5 (13), cutter (8), kid (2), Dillard’s & wreath (18)
Raven: 3 (24), nutter, goose (21), JCPenney (17) & tree (5) 
Unsaid #1s: 10, mutter, putty, macy’s & lights