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“Family Feud” 9/16/14

G1: Nowackis (Matthew, Paige, Mitchell, Mary & Bill) v. Holidays

R1: If they made a movie called “Bad Grandma”, what might you see grandma do?:

#4: Spank/cane people (11)(Matthew)
#6: Steal/rob bank (10)(Frank)

Nowackis: Drink/body shots (#1- 15), strip/vacuum nude (T2- 14), kiss/slut it up (#7- 7), being a prostitute, gambling, drugs/pot cookies (T5), kill somebody
Frank Steal: Curse/yell- T2 (Only on bottom: Fart/on grandkid- 5)

R2 (men): If you married Ms. Nude America, name a specific place you’d tell her she has to wear clothes:

#1: Mall/store (25)(Paige)

Nowackis: Beach, church (#2- 22), work/functions (BA- 2), restaurant/Chil-fil-A (#4- 14), plane, friends’ home
Frank Steal #2: At my parents’- #3 (21)(#5: Wedding- 12)

Double: Name something a woman wants a matching set of:

#1: Earrings/jewelry (35)(Glorina)

Holidays: Shoes (#5- 10), dishes (T2- 12), purses, undergarments (T2), silverware, nail polishes
Matthew Steal: Furniture- X

#4: Hooters (11)
BA: Towels (4)

TRIPLE: Name something a hardcore football fan wears to the stadium on gameday:

#1: Jersey/team color (63)(LaWanna)

Holidays: Face/body paint (#2- 24), hat/Cheesehead (#3- 10), foam hand/finger (2)

#1: Complete the following- “I’ll never forget my first __________”.
#2: Name a month of the baseball season.
#3: Something the office secretary turns on/off.
#4: How many hot dogs could you eat in a min.?
#5: Besides balls, name something a juggler might juggle.

Frank: kiss (36), Nov., lights (22), four (4) & pins/clubs (44)
Glorina: birthday, Jun. (25), phones (2), three (11) & shoes
Unsaid #1s: Computers & one

G2: Thomases (Kristin, Sarah, Terry, Bethany & Lindsey) v. Browns (Ty, Jimmie, T-Row, Rodrick & J-Rod)

R1: A 100-yr.-old man flirts w/ a 100-yr.-old woman by saying “I like the way you wear your…” what?:

#2: duds/support hose (25)(Kristin)
#3: hair/wig (23)(Ty)

Thomases: glasses (BA- 2), dentures (#1- 27), cane, hearing aid (#5- 7), walker, makeup
Ty Steal: jewelry

#4: oxygen mask/tube (9)
Unsaid BA: bib

R2: Women take forever to get dressed; what do men take forever to do?:

#1: Chores (31)(Sarah)
X- Whatever their wives ask them (Jimmie)

Thomases: Jobs, work out, diaper changes
Ty Steal #2: Pay bills- X

#2: Poop (17)
#3: Propose (7)
T4: Shave & make decisions (6 each)
#6: Ask directions (5)
BA: Shower (3)

Double: Name something you talk to that CAN’T talk back:

#1: Dog/animals (52)(T-Row)

Browns: Car (T3- 6), infant, TV/movie (#2- 11), spirits, yourself
Kristin Steal: Computer- BA (5)(T3: Plants/trees/BA not said: Mirror/reflection)

TRIPLE: What would you do if someone INSULTED you?:

#3: Fight/hit ’em (8)(Bethany)
X- Call authority/cops (Rodrick)

Thomases: Insult back/yell (#2- 28), walk away/ignore (#1- 52), cry, forgive/pray for (4)

#1: According to women, name a body part you wish you could trade in for a new one.
#2: At what age does a boy go from thinking girls are gross to great?
#3: Something you DON’T like to share even w/ your spouse.
#4: Name the most difficult sport.
#5: Name a state when you see a lot of trucks w/ gun racks on ’em.

Lindsey: Stomach (29), 14 (18), food/drink (27), hockey (23) & FL (2)
Bethany: Breasts (11), 16 (5), toothbrushes (14), soccer (6) & AL (14)
Unsaid #1s: 12, football & TX

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