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G1: Bishops (Josh, Laura, Caleb, Sarah & Justin) v. Holidays (Frank, Maria, Glorina, LaWanna & Gloria)

R1: You should NEVER tell a woman she looks what?:

#1: Big-boned/fleshy (57)(Josh)
#4: Pregnant (3)(Frank)

Bishops: Old (#2- 6), facially challenged (BA), tired (#3- 4), like a hooker, sick & too thin

R2: Name something a bald guy might rub on his head:

#2: (Baby) oil (18)(Laura)
X- Hat (Maria)

Bishops: Lotion/sunscreen (TA- 51), shaving cream, baby powder, handkerchief
Frank Steal #2: Cologne- X

#3: Wax/polish (6)
T4: Rogaine/hair med, his hand & pet. jelly/ointment (5 a pop)
#7: Shampoo/soap (3)
Only BA of board: Chick’s boobs

Double: In her will, name a place a woman might request to have her ashes scattered to make sure her husband visits:

#1: Bathroom/home (21)(Glorina)

Holidays: Restaurant, church, local bar (#2- 20), ballpark/stadium (#5- 10), mistress’ home
Josh Steal: Golf course- T3 (13)

T3: Beach/ocean
#6: Fishing hole/lake (8)
BA: Strip joint (4)

TRIPLE: Name something a magician might tap w/ their wand:

#1: Hat (87)(LaWanna)

Holidays: Bunny (BA- 2), magic box (#2- 6), dove, person/girl’s butt (OTHER BA)

#1: According to married ladies, what size thong would you buy for your husband- small, medium, large, extra large or extra extra large?
#2: Name the age when you start feeling your age.
#3: A rm. in the home that’s hard to keep clean.
#4: Something an elf has that’s pointed.
#5: If you could learn a language in just 24 hrs., which one would you choose?

Frank: Large (39), 31, bathroom (34), hat (11) & Spanish (40)
Glorina: XL (28), 12, kitchen (31), shoes (32) & French
Unsaid #1s: 50 & ears

CG IN G2: Fowlkeses (Nichelle, Ervin, Rollin, Noureyah & Takesha) v. Rices (Whitney, Reagan, Lauren, Chrissy & Shelley)

R1: If a baby could talk, he might say “Hey, you’re doing…” what “…all wrong!”?:

#1: my diaper, dude (42)(Nichelle)

Fowlkeses: feeding me (#2- 17), dressing/onesies suck (BA- 3), bathing, picking up/holding (#4- 9), stupid baby talk (BA), taking my temperature, calming me down
Whitney Steal: Burping me- #3 (11)

#5: delivering me/WAAH! (5)
Unsaid answer on bottom: dang bright light

R2 (married ladies): Name something your hubby might ask you to put on him:

#1: Lotion/sunscreen (40)(Reagan)

Rices: Tie (#2- 22), watch, you, toupee/wig
Nichell Steal: Cufflinks

#3: Socks (18)
#4: Glasses (7)
#5: Massage oil (5)
BAs: Blanket & whipped cream (2 apiece)

Double: Other than a woman, name something a man likes so much he should put a ring on it:

#1: Car (34)(Rollin)
#2: Remote/TV/sports (19)(Lauren)

Fowlkeses: High school, $, “Magic Johnson” (T3- 8), dog (#5- 7), job
Whitney Steal #2: Friends- X (T3: Beer/BA: Food- 4)

TRIPLE (men): Name something that makes a woman look hot:

#1: Pretty face/lips (45)(Takesha)
X- Lingerie (Noureyah) & car (Chrissy)

Fowlkeses: Bod/”Her buns, son” (#2- 40), shoes, motorcycle, makeup
Whitney Steal for Just the W: Personality/’tude- L

#3: Being romantic (9)
BA: The temperature (2)

#1: Something that makes you feel safe at night when you’re home alone.
#2: On the scale, how kissable are your lips?
#3: Something you’re asked to do at the doctor’s office.
#4: Something in your home that’s big & square.
#5: A word rhyming w/ ugs.

Takesha: Security system (11), 10 (25), get undressed (32), doors & hugs (23)
Nichell: Locked doors (26), 9 (14), cough (11), tables (34) & mugs (4)
Unsaid #1s: 8 & bugs

Comments on: "“Family Feud”- 16TH S.P. DAY" (2)

  1. Keep the 🚗 wins coming. Go Fowlkes family!

    • Matthew Yothers said:

      This season, the Fowlkes family wins the Ford Fusion right away! But darn, another close loss for $20,000 for them, but hey, $22,440 is very respectable despite losing one game the previous season.

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