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“JEOPARDY!” 6/11/24

Scott McCann (Germantown, TN): Math teacher
Sarah Hartzell (orig. from Howell, NJ): Audiovisual archivist


$400 AKA:

It’s sometimes known as the “Land of the Inca”.

Adriana: “What is Peru?”

$600 AKA:

Kegling is just another name for this sport.

TS: Bowling

$800 AKA:

It might ring a bell she used the pen name Currer Bell.

Adriana: “Who is Charlotte Bronte?” ($1200)

$1K AKA:

Baking soda, which creates carbon dioxide when mixed w/ an acid, is also known as this 2-word chemical compound.

Scott: “What is sodium bicarbonate?”

$800 “Go”:

Just west of Denver it had the “metal” to be a territorial capital in the 1860s.

Adriana: “What is Durango?” ($400)

TS #2: Golden, CO

$600 From the Ad:

A women wore pink pants & did a TikTok-ish dance pantomiming bodily pain.

Scott: “What is Pepto-Bismol?” ($1600)

$600 Cleanup Men:

Johnny Bench, George Foster & Tony Perez all cleaned up for this ’76 team.

Sarah: “Who are the Cincinnati Reds?”

$600 Opera:

Answer: DD.

In Wagner’s opera about the Valkyries there were 9 of ’em led by this daughter of Wotan.

“Who is Frigga?”…nope- who was Brunhild? That drops her to $400 on the bad side.

$600 New to the OED:

In the sense “to sleep briefly” this verb was already in; 2024 saw it given a new meaning, literally to abduct a pet.

Scott: “What is catnap?” ($2200)

$800 From the Ad:

“Where are you? You’re on a boat with the man your man could smell like.”

Scott: “What is Old Spice?” ($3K)

$1K New to the OED:

This Japanese word means strips of meat or vegetables coated w/ flour, egg & breadcrumbs & deep-fried.

Sarah: “What is tempura?” (-$1400)

TS #3: Katsu

$400 Opera:

“Waltz King” Johann Strauss II also composed the comic opera “Die Fledermaus” which translated as this flying animal.

Adriana: “What is the bat?” ($800)

$600 “Go”:

Near South Bend, IN is this city sharing a name w/ the “land” Joseph told his brothers to settle in.

Scott: “What is…New Canaan?” ($2400)
Adriana: “What is Goshen?” ($1400)

$1K “Go”:

Sweden’s chief seaport it’s also the headquarters of VOLVO.

Adriana: “What is Gothenburg?” (aka Goteborg)($2400)

$400 “Go”:

Formerly a city dump this park in Moscow was named for comrade Maxim in 1932.

Adriana: “What is Gorky?” ($2800)

$1K From the Ad:

From the ’90s:
Woman: “So what’s the paper say about tomorrow?”
Man: “Another scorcher!”
Woman: “Cool”

TS #4: SEARS air conditioning

$200 “Go”:

The tiny population of this huge desert’s mostly made up of Mongols & Han Chinese.

Sarah: “What is the Gobi?” (-$1200)

$800 Cleanup Men:

Good thing the Ilitch family sells lots of pizza- from ’11-’18 they paid Victor Martinez $118M to hit for this A.L. team.

Adriana: “Who are the Tigers?” ($3600)

$1K Opera:

Composer Franco Alfano finished this Asia-set opera after Puccini died.

Adriana: “What is ‘Madama Butterfly’?” ($2600)

TS #5: “Turandot”

$800 Opera:

When Charles Gounod’s “Faust” was sung in the original French this evil fiend had accents on all 3 E’s in his name.

Adriana: “Who is Mephistopheles?” ($3400)

$200 Opera:

In Rossini’s take on this tale, Alex Trebek’s favorite opera, not a fairy but the prince’s tutor got the heroine to the ball.

Adriana: “What is ‘Cinderella’?” ($3600)

$200 AKA:

This famous painting was also known as “La Gioconda”.

Sarah: “What is the ‘Mona Lisa’?” (-$1K)

$400 Cleanup Men:

He earned a nickname in an Oct. ’77 World Series game blasting 3 homers on 3 consec. pitches.

Scott: “Who is Reggie Jackson?” ($2800)

$1K Cleanup Men:

Willie Stargell, who ruled this Pittsburgh stadium as a cleanup hitter in the ’70s, was at the Pirates’ last game there in ’00.

Scott: “What is Three Rivers?” ($3800)

$800 New to the OED:

This unintended silence during a radio or TV broadcast isn’t quite as fatal as it sounds.

Scott: “What is dead air?” ($4600)

$400 From the Ad:

“For a streak-free shine that lets in more light.”

Sarah: “What is Windex?” (-$600)

$200 From the Ad:

“Eatin’ good in the neighborhood.”

Adriana: “What is Applebees?” ($3800)

$400 New to the OED:

Seems like this 2-word cardiac-related term for great anguish would’ve been in sooner than 2024.

Adriana: “What is heartbreak?” ($3400)

TS #6: Broken heart

$200 New to the OED:

This 2-word term can mean a place you might keep your wallet or figuratively someone under your control.

Scott: “What is back pocket?” ($4800)

$200 Cleanup Men:

The luckiest cleanup hitter on the face of the Earth, Lou Gehrig got to hit 4th just behind this #3.

Scott: “Who is Babe Ruth?” ($5K)

TOTAL LT: $4800

Adriana: $3400/Sarah: -$600/Scott: $5K

A “K-A”

$1200 Title’s An Adjective:

Gnarls Barkley ruled the Summer of ’06 w/ this song about examining your own mental state.

Adriana: “What is ‘Crazy’?” ($4600)

$1600 Title’s An Adjective:

“A Human Female” & “Ritual-licious” were eps of this NETFLIX show about a young man on the autism spectrum.

Sarah: “What is ‘Atypical’?” ($1K)

$2K Title’s An Adjective:

This song about “a do-or-die situation” is the title of a musical of Pat Benatar songs.

TS: “Invincible”

$1600 Ceramics:

Ceramics that are fired but not yet glazed are called this like a soup.

TS: Bisque

$1200 Observatories:

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory operates the VLA, short for this system of radio telescopes.

TS: Very Large Array

$1600 Historic Descendants:

In her film “Heir to an Execution” Ivy Meeropol explored the lives & deaths of her grandparents- this couple executed in 1953.

Adriana: “Who are the Rosenbergs?” ($6200)

$2K Historic Descendants:

A descendant of Martin Luther this 19th century German mathematician & astronomer gave his name to the object seen here.

Sarah: “What is a Mobius strip?” ($3K)

$1200 Historic Descendants:

After a Daily Triple occurred on the prev. clue DD #1 is behind this answer.

In 1812 a schooner called Patriot disappeared along w/ passengers incl. this V-P’s daughter Theodosia.

“Who is Aaron Burr?”…correct for 2 more grand & 5 right now.

$800 Historic Descendants:

Growing up w/o her mother Mary Wollstonecraft this author spent considerable time visiting her at her grave.

Adriana: “Who is Mary Shelley?” ($7K)

$800 Authors Before Authoring:

An ambulance driver during WWI in high school he was a member of the swim team & the rifle club.

Adriana: “Who is Hemingway?” ($7800)

$1200 Authors Before Authoring:

This Alabamian was working for an airline when she got a 1956 Xmas gift: “One year off from your job to write whatever you please.”

Adriana: “Who is Harper Lee?” ($9K)

$1600 Authors Before Authoring:

The answer there’s DD #2– she’s betting a third.

During WWII he flew 60 combat missions as a U.S. Air Force bombardier…isn’t that crazy? Or maybe not.

She doesn’t have him- who was Joseph Heller?

$2K Authors Before Authoring:

After quitting medical school at Johns Hopkins she moved w/ her brother Leo to Paris where she met Alice B. Toklas.

Adriana: “Who is Gertrude Stein?” ($8K)

$400 Authors Before Authoring:

She taught French & was on public assistance in the 1990s but money was no longer an issue in 2023- she was worth $1B.

Scott: “Who is Rowling?” ($5400)

$1200 “KA”:

This 10-letter adjective’s used to mean frightening or confusing like situations in works by The Trial author.

Scott: “What is Kafkaesque?” ($6600)

$800 Title’s An Adjective:

In ’88 Tom Hanks wanted to be this.

Adriana: “What is ‘BIG’?” ($8800)

$1600 “KA”:

The K in K2 stands for this great mountain system.

TS: Karakoram Range

$400 Title’s An Adjective:

This song from the “Despicable Me 2” soundtrack became a global joy-inspiring phenomenon.

Adriana: “What is ‘Happy’?” ($9200)

$400 Historic Descendants:

Actress Jordana Brewster was a direct descendant of William Brewster, a leader & church elder of this colony.

Adriana: “What is Plymouth Colony?” ($9600)

$800 “KA”:

Not to be confused w/ a prayer over wine this is the Jewish prayer for the dead which basically praises God.

Scott: “What is the kaddish?” ($7400)

$2K “KA”:

During his Munich period this Russian painter cofounded Der Blaue Reiter (“The Blue Rider”) art movement.

Adriana: “Who is (Wassily) Kandinsky?” ($11,600)

$400 “KA”:

Forced to abdicate in 1918 Wilhelm II was the last German emperor of this title.

Adriana: “What is kaiser?” ($12K)

SOLE ATTEMPTED TS: $800 (Observatories)
TOTAL DJ! LT: $9200

Pre-Final S:
Adriana: $14,400/Sarah: $5400/Scott: $10,200

Adriana: $17,400/Sarah: $5600


Of the 10 states w/ 2-word names this 1 stretches the farthest south.


Final wagers:
SARAH: $3K = $8400
SCOTT: $8001 = $18,201
ADRIANA: $6600 = $22K $225,700

FF: Darrell Bean, Megan Newman, Troyce & Lorelee
IUFB #1: 56″ driftwood game table + 2 foosballs (both at SS)

DARRELL: 850/MEGAN: 950/TROYCE: 1050/LORELEE: 1051

Total ARP: $9…30- for the last time this season somebody like Darrell will attempt a triple play.

#1: Versa (D)
PA: $14,583 & $17,187
G: $17,187
#2: Toyota Corolla Sdn
PA: $21,852, $23,796 & $25,504
M.O. (#3: Chevy Trax 2RS)

5. L”Oreal
IUFB #2: Cycleboard + helmet (D in front of CR)

L”OREAL: 1050/Megan: 850/Troyce: 700/Lorelee: 701

Full value: $2,639 & L’Oreal of Chicago will PaN for a 5n trip to the Dreamcatcher Tipi Hotel (incl. rental car & priv. Yellowstone wolf-watching & wildlife tour)(#5).

B: $7_44
NA: 2, 5 & 9
M.O. (Total price: $7244)

6. Kyle
IUFB #3: Canon 20mp camcorder (D)

KYLE: 650/Megan: 1200/Troyce: 1300/Loralee: 725

Megan just barely makes it to PL!NKO.

USB microphone (34): 4- $38
7pc chessboard set (80): 0 ($50)
Wine aerator (68): 8- $61
Neck fan (26): 2- $46

#1: 10K
#2: 0 (L)

SCSD #1:
Darrell: 30 + 40 = .7
L”Oreal: .7
Megan ($11,299): 60 + 85

Darrell: .75
L”Oreal: .9

7. Myrle
IUFB #4: Nothing New sneakers (Alexis at RS) 

Kyle: 1100/MYRLE: 723/Troyce: 850/Lorelee: 1350

Overall value: $1,…123- Kyle from Covina gets the MYM order for a baking kit, a 55″ 4K HDTV + rotating leather remote holder & a Furn. of America bedroom incl. a Sunday Citizen pkg.

N: 758265480

8. Tracy
IUFB #5: Danby stainless dual-door fridge & countertop microwave (D at #5)

TRACY: 1 (SG)/Myrle: 400 (SG)/Troyce: 475 (SG)/Lorelee: 476

Lorelee shall LeR for the Hyundai Kona AWD.
I: Little Trees air fresheners, Pico Pica extra hot sauce (7oz)($2.99) & Jumex- MISSES EVERYTHING

$1K (2 500s)

IUFB #6: AeroPilates reformer + 2 self-cleaning water bottles (D at GPT)

Tracy: 1300/Myrle: 500/Troyce: 700/THOMAS: 1350

It totals $1,…336- Tracy courtesy of double prices can win a 8n getaway to the Fusion Suites Saigon in Ho Chi Minh (incl. daily dinner & priv. market tour).

DP: $8188 & $11,398
G: $11,398- OWNED

SCSD #2:
Kyle: .8
Tracy: DIME X5
Lorelee ($1,560): 45 + 55 = $1K (BS: DIME)

L of #3- 88-key dig. piano (A)
#3- Laura Furniture office incl. hp 8GB/256GB desktop, wireless keyboard, mouse & 10 books (D)
In front of CR- Vacation to astarte Suites in Santorini
#4- Vacay to Hotel RIU Plaza London Victoria (incl. Shakespeare tour)


L of #2- 5n at Dagny Boston (incl. $125 food/beverage credit & Red Sox game tickets but no meals)(D)
#1- Springbar camping equip. (A)
#2- Bayliner element M15


P: Kelly, Judy & Kristi


Economics: KRISTI (world’s 10 most expensive cities acc. to the Worldwide Cost of Living Index for 2022)
#1: New York & Tokyo- NEW YORK
#2: Brussels & Singapore- SINGAPORE
#3: Dublin & San Francisco- SAN FRANCISCO
#4: Geneva & Rome- GENEVA
#5: Hong Kong & Sydney- HONG KONG
#6: Toronto & Zurich- ZURICH
#7: London & Paris- PARIS

Movies: KELLY (movies inspired by TV shows)
#3: “21 Jump Street” & “Hill Street Blues”- “21 JUMP STREET”
#4: “BAYWATCH” & “Point Break”- “BAYWATCH” 
#5: “Ride Along” & “CHiPs”- “CHIPS”
#7: “Wild Wild West” & “Stagecoach”- “WILD WILD WEST”
#8: “Inherent Vice” & “MIAMI VICE”- “MIAMI VICE”

R2: Books (Mr. Men & Little Miss characters)
#1: Mr. Bump & Mr. MisadventureMR. MISADVENTURE
#2: Little Miss Frazzle & Little Miss ScatterbrainLITTLE MISS SCATTERBRAIN
#3: Little Miss Raincloud, Little Miss Thunderstorm & Little Miss SunshineLITTLE MISS SUNSHINE
#4: Little Miss Telephone & Little Miss ChatterboxLITTLE MISS CHATTERBOX
#5: Mr. Hot, Mr. Lazy & Mr. SimpleMR. LAZY 
#6: Little Miss Christmas & Little Miss EasterLITTLE MISS CHRISTMAS
#7: Mr. Maybe, Mr. Clean & Mr. MessyMR. MESSY
#8: Little Miss Fabulous & Little Miss ShopaholicLITTLE MISS FABULOUS (CT: $5900)

R3: Music (Stevie Wonder top 10 hits)- KRISTI
#1: “I Just Called to Say I Love You”, “I Just Wanted You to Know” & “I Just Want to Make Love to You”- “I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU”
#2: “Please Mr. Postman”, “Return to Sender”, “Signed, Sealed, Delivered”- “SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED”
#3: “Superstition”, “Supersymmetry” & “Super Trouper”- “SUPERSTITION”
#4: “Higher Ground”, “Higher Love” & “The High Road”- “HIGHER GROUND”
#5: “All My Life”, “For Once in My Life” & “Love of My Life”- “FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE”
#6: “Part-Time Lover”, “Time After Time” & “Time to Say Goodbye”- “PART-TIME LOVER”
#7: “Get Up and Dance”, “Straight Up” & “Uptight (Everything’s Alright)”- “UPTIGHT” (CT: $10K- they’ll have a chance at the $15K maximum)

1st: Kristi
Civic carmaker: Honda, BMW & TESLA- HONDA
Fruit w/ fuzzy skin: Durian, kiwi & passionfruit- KIWI
Oldest “SNL” host: Betty White, Charlton Heston & Ruth Gordon- BETTY
Place mentioned in Beach Boys’ “Kokomo”: Havana, Barbados & Bermuda- BERMUDA
Italian sculptor of “David”: Leonardo, Michelangelo & Raphael- MICHELANGELO
Civilization that gifted the Trojan Horse: Spaniards, Greeks & Persians- GREEKS
Founder of R.E.M. Beauty: Jessica Alba, Gabrielle Union & Ariana Grande- GABRIELLE (A: Ariana)
2nd: Kelly
Johnson Space Center city: Jacksonville, Houston & Phoenix- HOUSTON
Wore jersey number 99: Derek Jeter, Michael Jordan & Wayne Gretzky- WAYNE
Gift requested in “Santa Baby”: Limousine, private jet & yacht- PRIVATE JET (A: Yacht)
Nobel Prize category: French, drama & chemistry- CHEMISTRY
More expensive gemstone: Blue diamond, emerald & ruby- BLUE DIAMOND

Set: Celebrating 30

$1K Tossup: WAYD?

I N T _ O D _ C I _ G
_ _ _ E L _

While I was just INTRODUCING MYSELF Caroline solved:

Caroline Franklin (Ocoee, FL): Medical biller & pet sitter who had a labrador retriever & liked to rollerblade & boat
Dusty McKeelan (Weaverville, NC): Rainbow Mountain Children’s School worker & actor married to Lindsay
Tasha Trujillo (Bermuda Dunes, CA): Bank assistant mgr who liked concerts

$2K Tossup: Things

P S _ C _ I C
P _ _ D I C T _ O _ S

Caroline’s PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS on winning were coming true so far as she had $3K.

FP: $5K courtesy of Yowza!!
GT: JustDeals.com

Pet Rx JR: Song/Artist

_ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _
_ _ / _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Caroline: 2 N’s ($400), LaT
Dusty: 2 B’s (Yowza!!), 3 E’s, I, U, A, 3 R’s ($500), T ($800), 3 S’s ($800), O, BANKRUPTED NEAR $2.5K
Tasha: 2 G’s ($400), P ($900), L ($450), 3 Y’s (WC)

G L O R Y / _ A Y S
B Y / B R U _ E

SOLE LaT: Caroline

Caroline: $3K/Tasha: $3650 WC

MR: Same Letter

_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _

Dusty: 3 S’s ($500), 3 E’s, 2 A’s, O
Tasha: D (½ CAR next to $900), I, 2 L’s (MW adjacent to LaT…$$$), K (½ CAR), U, W ($700), N ($600)
Caroline: 2 M’s (FP)

S U M M E _

She went to a SUMMER SIDEWALK SALE to regain the early lead.
DUDS: O (Dusty) & N (Tasha)

Caroline: $4K/Tasha: $3650 WC

PP Rd: F&D

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tasha: T ($350), 2 E’s (FP), 4 A’s, S ($450), 2 O’s, N ($500)
Caroline: L ($400), LaT
Dusty: 2 R’s ($450), I
Tasha: 3 M’s ($300)

_ _ A _ A M O L E
M A _ E / _ R O M
S _ R A T _ _

She tasted some GUACAMOLE MADE FROM SCRATCH for another $1200 & a Guatemala/Honduras tour.
DUDS: N (Tasha) & I (Dusty)
SOLE LaT: Caroline

Caroline: $4K/Tasha: $10,850 in $ & tour WC

$3K Tossup: OtM

B _ R / H A R B O R
_ A I N _

Dusty wasn’t sure it was BAR HARBOR, MAINE but it was.

S-U: The ’80s
FS: $1300

_ _ _ / _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _

L: 2 T’s, S, N, 2 H’s, I, G, R, 2 L’s, M

_ L L / T H _
R I G H T / M _ _ _ S

The ’83 sports drama film “ALL THE RIGHT MOVES” was right to get Caroline an extra $2600; she went home w/ $6600.
INSTA-DUD: N (Caroline)


BR (Tasha brought a cousin & 2 friends):
C: Thing

_ _ _ _ L E T E 
_ _ E R _ _ _ L


C O M _ L E T E 
O _ E R H _ _ L

She didn’t need no WC; all she needed for a COMPLETE OVERHAUL was $100K! Her GT in $ & tour was $110,850.

Mitch Luxenberg (Fairfax, VA): Finance director
Karen Meyers (Toledo, OH): College admin.


$200 U.S. Rivers:

This river’s widest point, 3½ miles, is just north of Clinton, IA.

Karen: “What is the Mississippi?”

$200 President:

“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery” said this Pres. “I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally”.

Mitch: “Who is Lincoln?”

$400 President:

11yrs after writing a famous declaration he penned to Madison “a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing”.

Susan: “Who is Thomas Jefferson?”

$600 President:

In 1759 he wrote “Discipline is the soul of an army. It…procures success to the weak, and esteem to all”.

Karen: “Who is Washington?” ($800)

$800 President:

He wrote “I am as strong as a bull moose and you can use me to the limit”.

Karen: “Who is Teddy Roosevelt?” ($1600)

$1K President:

He proclaimed “The new frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises– it is a series of challenges”.

Susan: “Who is Wilson?” (-$600)
Karen: “Who is Kennedy?” ($2600)

$200 Build a Flower:

Any automobile + any country

Karen: “What is a carnation?” ($2800)

$400 Build a Flower:

Word preceding “and proper” + “Charmed” actress McGowan

Mitch: “What is a primrose?” ($600)

$400 U.S. Rivers:

The many dams on this river in Washington & Oregon incl. Chief Joseph, Rock Island & Bonneville.

Karen: “What is the Columbia?” ($3200)

$600 Build a Flower:

An English fop + the king of beasts

Karen: “What is a dandelion?” ($3800)

$800 Build a Flower:

A numeric pair + a part of the mouth

Karen: “What is a tulip?” ($4600)

$1K Build a Flower:

The last answer for that category was the DD.

A fib + French for “lake”

“What is a lilac?” was right for $2K & $6600 altogether.

$200 Little Girl:

A revolving tray: Lazy ____

Susan: “What is Susan?” (-$400)

$600 U.S. Rivers:

It’s New York’s longest river.

Karen: “What is the Hudson?” ($7200)

$800 U.S. Rivers:

Most of the rivers in Texas flow into this body of water.

Susan: “What is the Gulf of Mexico?” ($400)

$1K U.S. Rivers:

Major tributaries of this “state”ly river incl. the Kentucky, Wabash & Cumberland Rivers.

Susan: “What is the Ohio?” ($1400)

$200 Map (Cheryl):

“On this map a star inside a circle represents these.”

Karen: “What are (national) capitals?” ($7400)

$400 Little Girl:

A cheap run-down car: Tin ____

Susan: “What is Lizzie?” ($1800)

$400 Map:

To have a map of the entire Earth that has the least distortion you have to buy 1 of these objects.

Susan: “What is a globe?” ($2200)

$600 Map (Sarah):

“On this map of northwest Wyoming dashed-line enclosures are used to designate national parks & these set-aside lands.”

Susan: “What are protected areas?” ($1600)
Mitch: “What is national forest?” 

TS: Indian reservations

$800 Map:

Malta was upset when it was left off the 1st maps appearing on these bank notes in 2002.

Susan: “What are euros?” ($2400)

$1K Map (Cheryl):

“Because areas far from the equator are enlarged Greenland is bigger than South America in the 16th century system of projection named for this man.”

Karen: “Who is (Gerardus) Mercator?” ($8400)

$600 Little Girl:

A large long-range cannon: Big _____

Susan: “What is Bertha?” ($3K)

$800 Little Girl:

An 18th century machine: Spinning ____

Karen: “What is Jenny?” ($9200)

$1K Little Girl:

A dessert: Apple Brown ____

Mitch: “What is Betty?”

$200 Living Lyrics:

Ricky Martin sang “She’s into superstitions, black cats and voodoo dolls” & no doubt she was livin’ this.

Mitch: “What is ‘La Vida Loca’?” ($1200)

$400 Living Lyrics:

In this ’87 Bon Jovi song “Tommy used to work on the docks” & “Gina dreams of running away”- now they were…

Susan: “What is ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’?” ($3400)

$600 Living Lyrics:

James Brown was living here “Superhighways, coast to coast”.

TS #2

$800 Living Lyrics:

It was where Luka lived acc. to Suzanne Vega.

Karen: “What is Croatia?” ($8400)

TS #3: “(Upstairs from you) on the second floor”

$1K Living Lyrics:

“Underground like a wild potato”- the B-52s were living here.

TS #4: “(In my own) Private Idaho”

UNATTEMPTED LT: $1600 (3rd & 5th Living Lyrics)

Susan: $3400/Karen: $8400/Mitch: $1200


$400 “Ing”:

A person who doesn’t appreciate kindness or generosity

Mitch: “What is an ingrate?” ($1600)

$800 “Ing”:

In a play or film the role of a young innocent unworldly woman

Karen: “What is an ingenue?” ($9200)

$1200 “Ing”:

Adjective meaning firmly fixed or deep-rooted

Susan: “What is ingrained?” ($4600)

$400 German History:

In 1521 he told the Diet of Worms “Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen”.

Karen: “Who is Martin Luther?” ($9600)

$1600 “Ing”:

This term for a recess beside a large fireplace for a seat or bench was also once a popular U.S. wine brand.

Karen: “What is inglenook?” ($11,200)

$2K “Ing”:

He was the Frenchman whose work was seen here.

Susan: “Who is (Jean Auguste Dominique) Ingres?” ($6600)

$800 German History:

When East & West Germany unified in 1990 this West German continued to serve as chancellor of the entire country.

Mitch: “Who is Brandt?” ($800)
Susan: “Who is Schmidt?” ($5800)

TS: Helmut Kohl

$1200 German History:

In 1805 Napoleon made this duchy a kingdom; today it’s Germany’s largest & southernmost state.

Mitch: “What is Bavaria?” ($2K)

$400 Leftovers:

“Bateson’s Belfry”, a bell connected to a cord in a coffin, capitalized on Victorian-era terror of this.

Karen: “What is being buried alive?” ($11,600)

$800 Leftovers:

The annual Reception Day for new cadets at West Point yields about 25lbs of this.

Susan: “What is hair?” ($6600)

$1600 German History:

On Jan. 18, 1871 Germany was unified w/ Wilhelm I as its 1st kaiser & this man as its chancellor.

Karen: “Who is Bismarck?” ($13,200)

$2K German History:

The final clue in that column was a DD.

In Feb. 1919 the National Assembly met to write a constitution in this city which gave its name to the new republic.

“What is Weimar?”…right for $2200 more.

$400 Ancient Greek Writers:

He dedicated his Parallel Lives to Sosius Senecio, a friend of the emperor.

Susan: “Who is Plutarch?” ($7K)

$400 Victors:

We have a “hunch” you’ll know this French author of the 1827 play “Cromwell”.

Mitch: “Who is Hugo?” ($2400)

$800 Victors:

This pianist was called “The Clown Prince of Denmark”.

Karen: “Who is Victor Borge?” ($16,200)

$1200 Victors:

Of 3 kings who ruled under this name 2 were born in Turin, 1 in Naples.

Susan: “Who is Victor Emmanuel?” ($8200)

$1600 Victors:

His 1st operetta was 1894’s “Prince Ananias”; dozens more would follow incl. “Babes in Toyland”.

Karen: “Who is Romberg?” ($14,600)
Mitch: “Who is Herbert?” ($4K)

$2K Victors:

That answer was a TDD.

V., this politician’s middle initial, was for “Victor”, not “Victory”; he ran 5 losing presidential campaigns.

“Who was Rockwell?”- I don’t think so; who was Eugene V. Debs (& Karen knew it)?

$400 Michigan Football:

On Dec. 13, 1997 CB Charles Woodson became the 1st primarily defensive player to win this award.

Susan: “What is the Heisman Trophy?” ($8600)

$1200 Leftovers:

In 1963 economist Mollie Orshansky created this “line” by multiplying the cost of an adequate diet by 3.

TS #2: Poverty line

$1600 Leftovers:

Cyrano nose that Pecharmant & other red wines of this region go well w/ lamb.

Susan: “What is Bergerac?” ($10,200)

$2K Leftovers:

Referring to the way English’s spoken on a certain continent “Strine” is an alteration of this word.

Mitch: “What is Australian?”

$800 Michigan Football:

He played center for Michigan’s national championship teams of ’32 & ’33; he dabbled in politics too.

Mitch: “Who is Gerald Ford?” ($2800)

$1200 Michigan Football:

This Bo knew football too- he went 194-48-5 as U-M’s coach from ’69-’89.

Karen: “Who is Schembechler?” ($15,800)

$800 Ancient Greek Writers:

Aristophanes’ style was called “old” this; Menander’s, less high-spirited, was “new” this.

Susan: “What is comedy?” ($11K)

$1200 Ancient Greek Writers:

He wrote more than 120 plays but only 7 complete ones survive incl. “Oedipus Rex” & “Oedipus at Colonus”.

Mitch: “Who is Aristophanes?” ($1600)
Susan: “Who is Sophocles?” ($12,200)

$1600 Ancient Greek Writers:

Only 1 complete poem, 28 lines in length, remains from the poetry of this lyric poet from Lesbos.

Karen: “Who is Sappho?” ($17,400)

$2K Ancient Greek Writers:

The U.S. Post Office can thank this “father of history” for writing “neither snow nor rain”, etc.

Mitch: “Who is Herodotus?” ($3600)

$1600 Michigan Football:

Last name of QB Brian who led Michigan to the ’97 natl. championship; dad Bob QBed for the 17-0 Dolphins of ’72.

Mitch: “What is Griese?” ($5200)

$2K Michigan Football:

A 6th-rd draft pick in ’00 this Michigan man found a bit of success as a QB for the Patriots (& later the Buccaneers).

Mitch: “Who is Brady?” ($7200)

SOLE ATTEMPTED TS: $800 (German History)
SOLE UNATTEMPTED TS: $1200 (Leftovers)

Pre-Final S:
Susan: $12,200/Karen: $17,400/Mitch: $7200

Karen: $16,200/Mitch: $11,200


Political background states are usually called this secondary color.

MITCH: “What is purple?” ($3201) = $10,401
SUSAN: SAME RESPONSE ($5201) = $17,401
KAREN: “What is orange?” = $10,399 $67,100

FF: Shannon Kaliher, Kurt Hinrichsen, Margaret Yaghmoarian & Carrera Titus
IUFB #1: Jura Impressa C5 (Gwen at SS)


EMT Shannon got the $999 device & played OA (Gwen) for a Ford Fiesta HB (M).
BB: 26437

FAILED (G: $17,326 & $17,526)

5. Larry Williams
IUFB #2: Canon 18mp DSLR camera (A)

Carrera: 800/Margaret: 850/Kurt: 851/LARRY: 515

Kurt bid enough for the $1,360 camera; more prizes awaited him at OWP.

SONY 40″ wall-mounted HDTV (Gwen): $1K- L
Honda CRF-100F (A): $1949
9pc COACH purses & wallets: $3502

6. Viviana Snyder
IUFB #3: ESP guitar + eMusic CDs (Bashan Ashwani)

Carrera: 1510/Margaret: 1511/VIVIANA: 1.5K/Larry: 1100

Total ARP: $1,…239- only underbidder Larry tried to beat the Grand Game ($5).
I: Schiff Digestive Advantage, SKIPPY Creamy (16.3oz), Snuggle blue sparkle (64 fl oz), Maxwell House International Cafe original cappuccino (5.29oz), Morton & Bassett cinnamon sticks & Super Chill Ice (7lbs)

G: Peanut butter ($2.99), ice ($1.99), cinnamon sticks

SCSD #1:
Shannon: 20 + 30 = H-D
Larry ($1,339): .6
Kurt: 45 + 30 = T.Q.

7. Mackenzie Curtis
IUFB #4: BOSCH stainless dishwasher (Gwen)

Carrera: 550/Margaret: 600/Viviana: 650/MACKENZIE: 745

Price: $6…99- Viviana wasn’t playing Pushover for more appliances but an Ashley Martini Suite D.R. + Noritake dinner/glassware & Omaha Steaks pkg (M at #2).

N: 932054901
G: 9320 (Total price: $5490)

8. Margaret Lackey
IUFB #5: 7pc Kendra Scott jewelry (Kendra)

Carrera: 650/Margaret Y.: 651/MARGARET L.: 1K/Mackenzie: 3.5K

Value: just $923- the 1st Margaret tried to make 3-in-a-row on SX for the SCiOn xB (A).
F: T-L 

SPs (M):
Hibachi ($29 or $40): $40– B-R
Waring blender ($85 or $100): $85

IUFB #6: Escalade air hockey (G’s)

Carrera: 875/THOMAS: 850/Margaret: 1200/Mackenzie: 800

The other Margaret wanted to win $1K & a 4n trip to the Morning Star Beach Club in St. Thomas (Gwen at #3) playing the Clock Game.

#1: 6pc CalPak luggage (A)
B: $600, $800, $900, $950, 1-downed to $945, $930, 5-downed to $910, $908, 1-downed to $901, $850, $800, $850, $825, $815 & $810
TL– :03
#2: 16GB 3rd-gen iPad + smart cover (M)
B: $600, $500, $550 & $530- X (Overall price: $538)

SCSD #2:
Viviana: 55 + QUARTER = .8
Margaret Y. ($963): .95
Margaret L. ($2,280): 30 X4

R of #2- 3prs Tory Burch shoes (ladies)
#2- Avanti CG6 (M)
#4- 5n at The Donatello in S.F. (incl. 1 dinner)(G in front of CR)
#3- Bayliner 160 (A)


#1- Inflatable outdoor theater + SONY PS3 pkg (M)
R of #1- 5n at LOEWS Santa Monica Beach Hotel (incl. $250 hotel restaurant credit, 2 50:00 spa treatments & gold passes to LA Film Fest)(A)
#2- Accord LX-S ($23,880)


This ep. was orig. scheduled for 2/21.

GFaS: Eli (college counselor who used to work in undergraduate admissions at USC)
C: White Nissan Sentra SV

Concert & sporting event: SPORTING EVENT X
Pancakes & cheesecake: PANCAKESX
Time machine & magic wand: MAGIC WAND$

Z REMOVED: #10 $300

Diana’s Rd (rock painter): “Things get rocky inside the Mini-Curtain! Details inside!”- Trip to Gaylord Rockies ($4,624)

Alissa (behavioral therapist & dancer): Check #3- $800.00 (SB: Horse shoes)
Kathleen (lunch lady at the Journey Academy): CURTAIN #3- Almost Heaven sauna + compact lounge chairs ($8,333)(#8: $1200.00)
Other checks: $4.5K.00, $1K.00, $950.00, $3800.00, $850.00, $950.00 & $4200.00

Janae (children’s social worker): Track #2– ’90s Rap (communicate fast)
CURTAIN #2- Z phone booth (#2: $2300)
Tom (retired Disney worker in Orange Co.): Track #3– Funk Rock (something for people who don’t like books)
BB77″ HDTV + media console, coffee table & speaker system ($8,821)(#3: $600)

GBoGH: Debbie (travel nurse & YouTuber who plays slot machines)
C: Chevrolet Trax 1RS

WIPEOUT W/ DOUBLE 4’s = $250

3 Options: Thomas (auto parts guru) & Brandie (recruitment coordination worker for government agency)
Given up 1st: #2 (it can get light & dark)- 5n at Sensira ($7,864)

Brandie: Giant E. (picture this)- Zippo photo
Thomas: GB (it goes in your home)- Pasta making pkg ($3,565)

WCF: Susan
“La La Land” & “Coco”: “LA LA LAND”- ’16 (“Coco”: ’17)
“MIAMI VICE” & “Cheers”: “CHEERS”- ’82 (“MIAMI VICE”: ’84)
“Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson & “Lucky” by Britney Spears”: “LUCKY”- ’00 (“Breakaway”: ’04)

BB Apple suite ($4,295)
PD #2

BD (Tom):
SD (#2): 2 DISRUPT surfboards & VONAX e-bike ($3,493)
MD (#3): Furn. Town Plus bedroom w/ Cariloha pkg ($6,401)
BD (#1): 5n at Dana Villas & Suites Santorini ($21.5K)- W

Aaron: Thought Debbie won $15K 1 time playing slots ($300)- $
Michael: Use each letter in Waldo to form an acceptable sentence (J)($500)- X
Palatisa: Sunglasses (T)($400)- $
Angelica: Use each letter in “the” to make an acceptable sentence (J)($300)- $
Natasha: Picture of pyramid (T)($400)- X
Jeffrey: Thought they did the Z phone booth w/ a ’90s rap ($300)- $

-The 5/14 ep. of “@fter midnight” saved a Hashtag War until the elim. round. I think they did that at least once on “@midnight”. The most offered prize on “@fter midnight” to date is a doll.
-After this wk the remainder of the season for “Price” will be third-ep. tapings, incl. the 7/4 show.
-Rob George’s the director of “Beat the Bridge” & there’s no studio audience or audience machine.
-The GSN YouTube channel has started posting eps of the final season of “America Says”.
-Ricochet’s out of WWE as of last night; not sure if Samantha Ervin will follow.
-The opening announcer on “The 1% Club” is Dave Braxton.

90%: Which fictional character, if the letters in their name are written only once, would have the name LITERDNGHO- Little Red Riding Hood, Little Mermaid or Lil Wayne?
A: Little Red Riding Hood- 4 WRONG ($4K- Vanessa thought Lil Wayne; fashion designer Matt was correct)
80%: How would this stack of hats look if viewed from above (3 possibilities)?
A: A- 6 WRONG ($10K- Isaac was wrong w/ C; Jeanette was among those who were correct)
70%: Which sign when reversed may be interpreted by a customer to mean the restaurant’s closed- LO MEIN, WON TON or DIM SUM?
A: WON TON- 5 WRONG ($15K- Branda was among those wrong; Edwin’s a poet who was right)
60%: What state can be turned into another state by adding 2 letters to the beginning- Utah, Kansas, Alaska or Virginia?
A: Kansas- 13 WRONG ($28K- Monece was elim. w/ Virginia)
50%: Which 2 of these 6 words can you put together to form a common word- PASS, NASTY, WITH, SAND, PICK &/or ION?
A: PASSION- 12 WRONG ($42K- barista Chris was out)
45%: Every time I travel somewhere new I drop a postcard on top of the prev. 1. What was the 3rd place I visited- Great Wall of China, Golden Gate Bridge or Mt. Kilimanjaro?
A: Great Wall of China- 8 WRONG ($59K- Jacob B. was among those still in the game)
40%: In this puzzle which of these’s the same as writing eleven plus two- twelve plus one, ten plus three or eight plus five?
A: Twelve plus one- 9 WRONG ($77K- Wes from Hercules, CA was right)
35%: If you turn the red X’s 45° to the left & turn the white X’s 90° to the right which configuration will you get (4 possibilities)?
A: A- 9 WRONG ($87K- Lance went home here & his older sister Lynette was elim. as well)


30%: Which 1 of the options below would be able to fill in the blanks to make _L_E_N_T_N_ complete- F_O_R_A_I_S, A_T_R_A_I_G or S_E_P_W_I_G?
A: ALTERNATING- 7 WRONG ($91K- neuroscientist Michael W. of Columbus, OH was wrong)
25%: If sequined hats are $5 each & neon-colored socks are $4 a pair how much does it cost to buy 4 hats & 12 socks- $24, $44, $68 or $72?
A: $44- 4 WRONG ($92K- Orion was sent packing)
20%: Who’s not not hungry- Skip (“I’m full”), Maggie (“I feel fine”) or Chip (“I’m starving!”)?
A: Chip (video game developer Nealon was right & his family’s from South Africa; everybody was correct)
15%: If only 1 letter changes at each step of this word ladder (SLOW/SLOT/?/SOON/SOWN) what’s the missing word?
10%: Look inside the round numbers to crack the code for the value of 1898. If 1990 = 3, 2123 = 0, 1788 = 4 & 2020 = 2, what does 1898 equal?
A: 5- 5 WRONG ($94K- Santa Thor went home while Davis from Chapin, SC stayed in the running)
5%: Logically what letter comes next in this sequence- LWLCNIT?
A: S- 1 WRONG ($96K)

Since Jeanette & Nealon didn’t use their pass they were guaranteed $1K each.

1%: I wanted to spell w/ my spoonful of alphabet soup. What’s the longest word I could create using the letters in the spoon as many times as I want- IEDCVNO?
Brian D.: DEVICE
Orion & Jeanette: INCONVENIENCED (Jeanette finished w/ $49K)

Emilio (nerd & small construction co. owner)
Nate (paleontologist)
Brooke (educator of 26yrs)

#1: Finish these phrases starting w/ “Don’t”.
Emilio (2): “Don’t count your chickens until they hatch” (acceptable for “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch”)
Nate (1): “Don’t judge a book by its cover”
Brooke (3): “Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill”
#2: What type of tool comes in this variety?
Emilio (1): Reciprocating saw
Nate (3): Ball-peen hammer
Brooke (2): Long nose saw (A: Pliers)
#3: Pick a film & tell us its lead actor/actress who has a color on their name.
Emilio (1): “Black Widow” Scarlett Johansson
Nate (2): “School of Rock” Jack Black
Brooke (3): “Sister Act” Whoopi Goldberg
#4: Acc. to the National Park Service if you surprise a bear is this a good idea or bad idea?
Emilio (1): Make eye contact bad
Nate (3): Climb tree bad
Brooke (2): Run good
#5: Answer w/ words starting w/ PUR.
Emilio (2): Mashed-up food puree
Nate (1): To pucker your lips purse
Brooke (3): Determination pursuit (A: Purpose)
#6: Name these Beyonce facts.
Emilio (1): Husband Jay-Z
Nate (2): Former girl group Destiny’s Child
Brooke (3): Alter ego Sasha Fierce
#7: Are these brands owned by Coke or Pepsi?
Emilio (1): Dasani Coke
Nate (3): smartwater Pepsi
Brooke (2): Aquafina Coke
#8: Answer these about the names of major planets in our solar system.
Emilio (3): Planet ending in 3 consonants Jupiter (A: Earth)
Nate (1): Vowel not used in a planet name I (A: O)
Brooke (2): Planet that has only 1 vowel Mars

Emilio: 325/Nate: 225/Brooke: 175

#1: What work of fiction gave us this expression?
Emilio (3): “Tilting at windmills” The Jungle Book (A: Don Quixote)
Nate (1): “Big brother is watching you” 1984
Brooke (2): “Down the rabbit hole” Watership Down (A: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)
#2: This person was widely credited w/ popularizing what dance move?
Emilio (3): Backpack Kid Flossing
Nate (2): Cam Newton Jaguar (A: Dab)
Brooke (1): Alfonso Ribeiro Running Man
#3: Is this a real shade of eyeshadow from urban decay or something made up?
Emilio (2): Mucus made up
Nate (3): Mildew real
Brooke (1): Roach real
#4: What does the 1st letter of this sleep-related abbrev. stand for?
Emilio (3): CPAP computer (A: Continuous)
Nate (2): SWS single (A: Slow)
Brooke (1): REM rapid
#5: Give the titles of these Broadway musicals Elton John wrote music for.
Emilio (1): Based on Disney movie about Simba “The Lion King”
Nate (2): Didn’t get the 1 based on a movie about a ballet-dancing boy (A: “Billy Elliot”)
Brooke (3): Missed the 1 based on a Verdi opera set in Egypt (A: “Aida”)
#6: How is the egg traditionally prepared in these dishes?
Emilio (3): Eggs Benedict poached
Nate (1): Shoyu ramen hard-boiled (A: Soft-boiled)
Brooke (2): Huevos rancheros sunny side-up (acceptable for fried)
#7: Are these facts about the harmonica true or false?
Emilio (3): 1 of its nicknames is “tin sandwich” true
Nate (2): 1 of the 1st instruments played in space true
Brooke (1): Used to strengthen COPD patients’ lungs true
#8: This religion began in what modern-day country?
Emilio (2): Shinto Japan
Nate (3): Islam Saudi Arabia
Brooke (1): Taoism Japan (A: China)

Scores After R2:
Emilio: 1025/Nate: 625/Brooke: 575

#1: Which animals completed these children’s book titles- Mr. Popper’s, Make Way for & Julie of the?
Brooke: Mr. Popper’s Penguins (by Florence & Richard Atwater), Make Way for Ducklings (by Robert McCloskey) & Julie of the Queens (6)
Nate: Julie of the Bees
Emilio: Julie of the Tigers (A: Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George)
#2: They paired a band or artist w/ the opposite of 1 of their hit songs. Give the 1-word title for each- “Reality” (Mariah Carey), “Several” (Metallica) & “Melted” (Madonna).
Nate: “One” by Metallica (5)
Emilio: “Dreams” by Mariah
Brooke: “Fantasy” by Mariah & “Fire” by Madonna (A: “Frozen”)(5)
#3: What U.S. state has this nickname- Sunshine State, Green Mountain State & Peach State?
Brooke: Sunshine State Florida, Green Mountain State Virginia (4)
Nate: Green Mountain State West Virginia
Emilio: Green Mountain State North Carolina (Green Mountain State: Vermont)
#4: Something directly in front of you is said to be at your “12 o’clock”. What times do these refer to- to your left, to your right & behind you?
Emilio: Behind you 6 o’clock, to your right 3 o’clock & to your left 9 o’clock (1)
#5: Give the word rhyming w/ “book”- name of Smee’s captain, babbling creek & chess castle.
Emilio: Chess castle rook (Smee’s captain: Hook/Babbling creek: Brook)

#1: In what sport do you throw this- ringer & slider?
Slider baseball (Ringer: Horseshoes)
#2: What GS originated this- PL!NKO & Superdrop?
PL!NKO “The Price is Right”
#3: What animal’s part of this brand’s logo- Jagermeister & Bacardi?
Jagermeister deer (Bacardi: Bat)
#4: These islands are part of what country- Canary & Capri?
Capri Jamaica (Canary: Spain/Capri: Italy)
#5: What BATMAN character has this real name- Barbara Gordon & Edward Nygma?
Barbara Batgirl (Edward: Riddler)
#6: How many digits in this card number- Mastercard & American Express?
American Express 12 (Mastercard: 16/American Express: 15)
#7: Who wrote this novel- The Bell Jar & For Whom the Bell Tolls?
For Whom the Bell Tolls Shakespeare (The Bell Jar: Sylvia Plath/For Whom the Bell Tolls: Hemingway)
#8: What G word fits this clue- another word for salutation & a supporting beam?
Another word for salutation greeting (Supporting beam: Girder)
#9: Which rock band was he best known for- Steve Perry & Joe Perry?
Joe The Who (Steve: Journey/Joe: Aerosmith)
#10: Finish the art term- Avant & tertiary.
Avant-gardeOUT (Other: Tertiary colour)
FQ: Which chemical element has this symbol? (Na: Sodium/Cl: Chlorine)