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“Family Feud”- 21ST S.P.

G1: Contes (South PHI)(Christopher, Cindy, Megan, Anthony & Chrissy) v. Kyleses

R1: A woman DOESN’T need to be a magician to make a man disappear- she just needs to tell him she wants what?

#3: (All of his) cash (14)(Christopher)
X- Sex (James)

(Challenger notes: Christopher’s a gastrologist, Cindy’s a cousin, Megan’s a sister who was engaged recently and will be married on 10/6, Anthony’s a cousin who owns two businesses & Chrissy’s a cousin who cooks on Sun.)

Contes: Commitment/ring (TA- 44), his baby (#2- 23), parents, travel, bigger home
James Steal: “To talk”- ALL THE WAY ON THE BOTTOM (2)(#4: Divorce/breakup- 5/BAs not needed: Him to get vasectomy & new car)

R2: Name something Ms. Claus helps Santa do but she gets NO credit:

#1: Wrap & load gifts (45)(Cindy)
#3: Dress/laundry (10)(Kittreall)

Contes: Make toys (T5- 5), bake/stay fat (#2- 15), manage/FIRE elves (SOLE BA- 3), make naughty list (T5), payroll, feed reindeer (8)- CS

Double: Name something you lie about to your annoying in-laws so they DON’T stay at your home:

#1: NO room at inn (33)(Megan)

Contes: DON’T like in-laws, sick/plague (#2- 24), out of town, renovations
James Steal #2: Work/too busy- #3 (15)(#4: Critters/bedbugs- 6/#5: NO heat/power/On bottom: Filthy/stinks- 4)

TRIPLE: Name something the hospital nurses eat everyday to keep the married doctors away:

#1: Garlic (77)(Anthony)

Contes: Onions (#2- 9), fish, (pastrami) sandwiches, “an apple a day” (#3- 5) & their words
James Steal to Retain or Not: Sauerkraut (Left: Donuts/pastries- 4)

#1: Something that bad grandpa might hide in grandma’s purse if the cops pull him over.
#2: On the scale how informed of a voter are you?
#3: A word rhyming w/ “tushy”.
#4: Something you might see on a teacher’s desk.
#5: Who might a grown woman speak to in a baby voice?

Cindy: Weed/drugs (39), 7 (12), cushy (18), pencil holder & baby (55)
Christopher: Guns (21), 6 (7), sushi, apple (39) & spouse/mate (11)
Unsaid #1s: 8 & pushy

G2: Moraleses v. Simses (Shawn, Carynn, Christol, Cashawn & Carolyn)

R1: Just about everyone has had their bottom _________ at least once: 

#1: Spanked/patted (80)(Miggy)

Moraleses: Wiped (AMONG BAs- 2), grabbed/touched (T2- 3), pinched (T2), bleached, tanned, wet/washed (T2), massaged
Shawn Steal: In a diaper (T2: Ogled/examined/Remaining BAs: Kicked & exposed)

R2: Ms. Claus just posed for PLAYBOY wearing what?

#1: Santa hat (31)(Linda)

Moraleses: NOTHING/smile (#2- 21), red suit (BA- 3), scarf, elf outfit, Santa’s beard (ALSO A BA), stockings
Shawn Steal #2: Bow- X (#3: Lingerie/bloomers- 13/#4: Velvet bikini- 6/#5: Jingle bells- 4/Unsaid BA: Apron)

Double: Name a way a wife might make the case that her husband’s like an apple:

#1: Round/plump (23)(Lori)
#2: Sweet (14)(Cashawn)
X- Apple pie (Christol) & sour (Melissa)

Moraleses: Shiny, red, healthy/good 4 me (#5- 5), damaged
Shawn Steal #3: Bald (#3: Rotten to core- 10/#4: Crisp/firm- 6/All of the BAs that weren’t said: Juicy, delicious & fun to bite him- 4 per answer)

TRIPLE: Name something grownups carry as a security blanket:

#4: Gun (4)(Cashawn)
X- Pics of children (Lori)

Simses: Jewelry, hat, purse/wallet (#2- 30)
Miggy Steal to End It Here: Religious item (Unsaid #1 this rd.: Phone- 42/#3: Keys- 5)

SD: Something that might be referred to as potbelly.
Miguel: Stomach (A: Pig- 75)

#1: Acc. to women on the scale how happy were you w/ your wedding day?
#2: Something you can NEVER have enough of.
#3: An occupation where it would be hard NOT to have a big ego.
#4: A country where they eat a lot of noodles.
#5: Something people bring w/ ’em to their high school reunion.

Carynn: 8 (23), sweets (22), rapper (5), China (45) & pics/yearbook (44)
Shawn: 6 (7), $ (32), Dr. (9), Tokyo & spouse/mate
Unsaid #1s: 10 & politician/President

Comments on: "“Family Feud”- 21ST S.P." (4)

  1. Matthew Yothers said:

    For the second game, spouse/mate was worth 42 for the high school reunion question, so another season started off with two $20,000 wins.

  2. Great start to the season! But the Sudden Death round in game 2 shocked me. When I hear “potbelly”, I think of someone’s stomach, not pigs.

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