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Archive for December, 2017

New Yr.’s Eve ’17 Quick News & Notes

-NEITHER “WHEEL” or “Price” had a winner of at least six figures this yr. The previous yr. it happened for “WHEEL” was ’04.
-GSN will be returning to the documentary business on 1/14 at 7PM.
-Starting this season, there’s NO background for the Most Expen$ive logo.
-There was only ONE check on the Check Game board during Dream Car Wk. this season, so Drew & Amber inadvertently ripped up the voided check to shreds.
-As of this season’s Veterans’ Day ep. a button has been added to the back of the missing number slot of Pick-a-Number.
-Jeannie Mai was supposed to have introduced Snoop Dogg on “The Joker’s Wild” at the top of each ep., but that NEVER happened.

“Millionaire” Double-Run Ep. 9/29/17

Adrienne Sowers (who runs “burlesque trivia nights” in BKN)

$500: The state of AK says that when building a birdhouse you should NOT add which feature because it may give predators better access to eggs?

A: Perch
B: Wicker patio furniture
C: Vinyl siding
D: Hot tub


$1K: Factoring in dinner & flowers WalletHub.com estimates that those who celebrate it spend on avg. of $146.84 on what romantic holiday?

A: Halloween
B: 4th of July
C: Valentine’s Day
D: Tax Day

Valentine’s Day$

$2K: Acc. to one of cartoonist Bob Manhoff’s more famous New Yorker cartoons who lived in a duplex w/ apartments “2B” & “Not 2B”?

A: Dr. Frankenstein
B: Hamlet
C: Little Red Riding Hood
D: Sir Lancelot


$3K: Experts of the classic overall, what WI fashion label started out as makers of adult workwear before transitioning to kids’ wear exclusively?

A: Lee
B: Jordache
C: Levi’s
D: OshKosh B’Gosh

OshKosh B’Gosh$

$5K: Acc. to the rules an entrant can only compete in which of these events once in his or her lifetime?

A: Tour de France
B: World Series of Poker
C: Wimbledon
D: Kentucky Derby


A: 2%
B: 21%
C: 4%
D: 73%

Kentucky Derby$

$7K: Legend has it that the lung capacity of the avg. glass blower is partly the basis for today’s wine bottles having a standard volume of what?

A: Two liters
B: 48 ounces
C: 750ml
D: Three pints

+1 (Rosie)
48oz WORTHLESS (A: 750ml)

Eddie Quintaro (social studies teacher in Rosemead, CA)

$500: Someone working in which of the following occupations typically has a tip jar?

A: Mall security guard
B: Jackhammer operator
C: Barista
D: Judge


$1K: One of the highest honors a Garden State native can receive, ALL BUT which of these are names of rest stops on the NJ Turnpike?

A: Thomas Edison Service Area
B: Woodrow Wilson Service Area
C: Walt Whitman Service Area
D: Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi Service Area

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi Service Area$

$2K: Only discovered in 1961 & thought to be possessed by fewer than 100 people on Earth, Rh-null was an extremely rare what?

A: British sportscar
B: Van Gogh painting
C: Aerosmith album
D: Blood disorder

Blood disorder$

$3K: In QANTAS what does the Q stand for?

A: Queensland
B: Quebec
C: Qatar
D: Quemoy


$5K: W/ Cameron seemingly losing herself in Seurat’s pointilism, what ’80s movie did Smithsonian say “perfectly illustrates the power of art museums”?

A: “Rage”
B: “Sixteen Candles”
C: “Say Anything”
D: “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”

“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”$

$7K: Of what relation to you is your mother’s sister’s daughter’s daughter’s sister’s mother?

A: First cousin
B: Niece
C: Aunt
D: Second cousin once removed

First cousin$

$10K: After creating her award-winning web series “The Adventures of Awkward Black Girl”, Issa Rae went on to star on what acclaimed HBO series?

A: “Divorce”
B: “The Leftovers”
C: “Insecure”


$20K: Since it takes the Earth just over 365 days to orbit the Sun which calendar makes up for it by periodically adding a “leap month” called “Adar Alef”?

A: Hindu
B: Hebrew
C: Inuit
D: Islamic


A: 14%
B: 62%
C: 6%
D: 18%


QotD: Which part of the body’s composed of thyroid cartilage?
A: Outer ear
B: Chin
C: Elbow
D: Adam’s apple

$30K: Acc. to the U.S. Dept. of Justice approx. what percentage of police officers in the U.S. are female?

A: 31%
B: 20%
C: 12%
D: 4%

OUT OF HELPLINES (Jonathan)- 20% & 12%
FA: 20%

“Millionaire” Double-Run Ep. 9/28/17

$30K: Acc. to USDA estimates, while an adult often needs over 2K calories per day, a normal one-month-old baby boy only needs about how many?

A: 50
B: 210
C: 475
D: 1150

FA: 210 (A: 475)

Justin Grace (BKN)

$500: While ALL of ’em are adorable images which of the following’s also the name of a common party appetizer?

A: Kittens on a Duvet
B: Pigs in a Blanket
C: Dachshunds Under a Quilt
D: Hamsters in a Hammock

Pigs in a Blanket$

$1K: As it’s critical for his job, Keith Richards reportedly insured which of his body parts w/ Lloyd’s of London for $1.6M?

A: Middle finger of his left hand
B: Nose
C: Back hair
D: Spleen

Middle finger$

$2K: Often inscribed on gravestones & sundials what does the Latin phrase “tempus fugit” mean?

A: “Time flies”
B: “Tempers flared”
C: “Tranquility forever”
D: “Tickle fight”

“Time flies”$

$3K: On the fitting date of Apr. 20, 2017 what’s believed to be the nation’s first drive-thru what opened in CO?

A: Barbershop
B: Jewelry store
C: Marijuana dispensary
D: Voting booth

Marijuana dispensary$

$5K: Before she became “Wonder Woman” which actress spent two yrs. serving in the Israeli Defense Forces?

A: Famke Janssen
B: Alicia Vikander
C: Mila Kunis
D: Gal Gadot


$7K: Much like how “Ubering” & “Googling” have become verbs some people now say “Venmo me” when they want you to use the popular app to do what?

A: Play a game w/ ’em
B: Meet up for a date
C: Send ’em money
D: Give ’em directions

Send ’em $$

$10K: Scientifically speaking which of these’s a true statement about animals?

A: Spiders are insects
B: A whale shark’s NOT a shark
C: The koala’s a bear
D: Apes are NOT monkeys


A: 28%
B: 23%
C: 17%
D: 32%

Apes are NOT monkeys$

$20K: After calculating Mt. Everest’s elevation to be a round number, it’s said that early surveyors tried to make it sound more believable by adding 2ft for a total of what?

A: 25,002
B: 29,002
C: 33,002
D: 40,002

OTHER LLs (old comedy partner Mike)- 25,002 & 29,002

QotD: In 1879 Margaret E. Knight became one of the first women to receive a patent, creating a machine that makes what everyday items?
A: Brown paper bags
B: Wire coat hangers
C: Bobby pins
D: Drinking straws

Thousandaire: Diamond Thornton
Giving a Halloween twist to a classic cocktail, which of these contains cream of coconut, rum, orange juice & red-colored corn syrup to simulate blood?
A: Fright Russian
B: Pina Ghoulada
C: Mint Boolep
D: Ghost of Tom Collins

FA: Pina Ghoulada

“Millionaire” Double-Run Ep. 9/25/17

$7K: A 2017 Deutsche Bank report found that despite NOT being the most populous one which U.S. city has the highest avg. monthly rent for a mid-range, 2-BR apartment?

A: New York
B: Chicago
C: Boston
D: San Francisco

S.F. $

$10K: Based on the name of Greek mythology’s Queen of the Amazons, what’s the name of Wonder Woman’s mother?

A: Medusa
B: Ariadne
C: Hippolyta
D: Hera

50:50 & +1 (mom Patrice)- ARIADNE & HIPPOLYTA
AriadneNO HELP

Derrick Houck (teacher in PHI)

$500: Because Kim Fields was shorter than her co-stars on “The Facts of Life” producers had her character Tootie routinely wear what on her feet to make her taller?

A: Roller skates
B: Toenails
C: Ankle bracelets
D: Mismatched socks

Roller skates$

$1K: Which of these ISN’T the name of one of the 14K-ft. mountains that make up Colorado’s famed Collegiate Peaks?

A: Mt. Yale
B: Mt. Harvard
C: Mt. Princeton
D: Mt. University of Phoenix

Mt. University of Phoenix$

$2K: Reportedly caused by citric acid mixing w/ UV rays, a painful burning commonly called “margarita dermatitis” can result when handling what in sunlight?

A: Limes
B: Ice
C: Salt
D: Drink umbrellas


$3K: What billion-dollar social networking site was orig. inspired by its CEO’s childhood hobby of bug collecting?

A: Pinstagram
B: LinkedPin
C: Pinterest
D: Pinder


$5K: President Trump’s Defense Secretary, retired Marine General James Mattis, is known by what nickname?

A: Grumpy Cat
B: Angry Bird
C: Mad Dog
D: Mad Cow

Mad Dog$

$7K: Though you might expect her to sell jars of Lady Marmalade marmalade what legendary R&B singer actually has her own line of sweet potato pies?

A: Aretha Franklin
B: Patti LaBelle
C: Chaka Khan
D: Donna Summer


$10K: One of the magazine’s most recognized images, the photo of a young refugee w/ striking green eyes feat. on a 1985 National Geographic cover was titled what?

A: “Russian Girl”
B: “Brazilian Girl”
C: “Afghan Girl”
D: “Irish Girl”

“Afghan Girl”$

$20K: Dubbed “the worst real estate deal in Hollywood history”, L.A. Century City was born when 20th Century FOX sold its backlot for less than $50M to fund what ’63 film?

A: “Lawrence of Arabia”
B: “Ben Hur”
C: “Cleopatra”
D: “The Ten Commandments”

AtA & +1 (Chris)

A: 14%
B: 34%
C & D: 26% EACH

“Ben Hur”AUDIENCED OUT (A: “Cleopatra”)

QotD: Used commonly in southern cooking fatback is what type of meat?
A: Veal
B: Pork
C: Turkey
D: Beef

Thousandaire: Michelle Williams (freelance performer in Columbus, GA)
If Randy Newman changed the lyrics of “I Love L.A.” to “I Love D.C.”, he could love ALL BUT which of the following places?
A: Vietnam Veterans Memorial
B: Library of Congress
C: Liberty Bell
D: National Archives Museum

FA: Liberty Bell

“Millionaire” Double-Run Ep. 9/22/17

$50K: Signed into law in 1968 what was the last federal holiday to be established before MLK Day was created in ’83?

A: Labor Day
B: Thanksgiving
C: Veterans Day
D: Columbus Day

AtA & 50:50

A: 30% (LEFT)
B: 7%
C: 42%
D: 21% (LEFT)

Columbus Day$

$100K: Over David Letterman’s 33 yrs. in late night TV which of these people appeared the most times as a guest on his shows?

A: Tom Brokaw
B: Marv Albert
C: Regis Philbin
D: Jack Hanna

LCLS (Brian)

$250K: Causing the audience to erupt into a standing ovation Apple’s Macintosh “spoke” during its ’84 debut saying “Hello, I’m Macintosh” followed by what?

A: “So this is what the future looks like.”
B: “Let me start by complimenting your tie.”
C: “It sure is great to get out of that box.”
D: “Let’s make your dreams come true.”

FA: BLANKED (A: “It sure is great to get out of that box.”)

Kevin Slattery (self-proclaimed mad scientist in Florissant, MO)

$500: From which WikiHow article can you learn techniques such as pulling on an invisible rope, climbing an invisible ladder & leaning on an invisible pole?

A: How to Impress Your Girlfriend’s Parents
B: How to Nail a Job Interview
C: How to Get Out of Jury Duty
D: How to Mime

How to Mime$

$1K: Finally allowing your waiter to sing it while bringing your cake, in 2015 a federal judge ruled that what song was in the public domain?

A: “My Heart Will Go On”
B: The theme song from “FRIENDS”
C: “Hips Don’t Lie”
D: “Happy Birthday”

“Happy Birthday”$

$2K: What pro football team was founded in ’59 by Barron Hilton, a businessman who had fittingly started a credit card co. just a few yrs. earlier?

A: Tennessee Titans
B: Oakland Raiders
C: New Orleans Saints
D: San Diego Chargers


QotD: The term “gamete” refers to what type of cell in the human body?
A: Brain cell
B: Reproductive cell
C: Blood cell
D: Skin cell

$3K: One of the many phases of a criminal trial, an arraignment hearing’s where one would be most likely to hear which of the following phrases?

A: “Has the jury reached a verdict?”
B: “How does your client plead?”
C: “The defense rests.”
D: “I hearby sentence you to life in prison.”

“How does your client plead?”$

$5K: Known for “30 Minute Meals” & a verbal shorthand like “sammies” (for sandwich) and “delish”, what TV chef also has a line of pet food called Nutrish?

A: Bobby Flay
B: Rachael Ray
C: Paula Deen
D: Emeril Lagasse


“Millionaire” Double-Run Ep. 9/21/17

$100K: While the first verse of “America the Beautiful” begins “O beautiful for spacious skies…”, the next three verses begin “O beautiful for…” ALL BUT which of these?

A: Heroes proved
B: Pilgrims’ feet
C: Workers’ toil
D: Patriot dream

Workers’ toil$

$250K: In 1969 what word became the first ever attempted to be transmitted over an early version of the Internet- though only the first two letters made it through?

A: Host
B: User
C: Login
D: Access

FA: User

Patrick Friel (HS math teacher at Windward School in L.A.)

$500: Which of these DOESN’T appear on the website Natural.News’ list of “Top 10 Milks That Are Healthier Than Cow’s Milk”?

A: Almond milk
B: Goat milk
C: Coconut milk
D: Rat milk


$1K: Acc. to 19th C. French author Honore de Balzac “…a woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows…” what?

A: The open sea
B: Every episode of “POPEYE”
C: The lyrics to “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl)”
D: Which tattoo parlors take GROUPONS

“…the open sea”$

$2K: In preparation for her role in the movie “SPEED” Sandra Bullock took lessons to learn how to drive a what?

A: Bus
B: Clown car
C: Tricycle
D: Wagon train


$3K: Known professionally by a version of his first name & his last initial, Kenneth Bruce Gorelick’s famous for playing what instrument?

A: Saxophone
B: Piano
C: Cello
D: Guitar


$5K: Created by Alfred Kinsey & ranging from zero to six, the Kinsey scale’s designed to gauge a person’s what?

A: Pain threshold
B: Sexual orientation
C: Emotional state
D: Extrasensory perception

Sexual orientation$

$7K: While NYC has over 8M residents The New York Times Magazine estimates that less than 100 of ’em live where?

A: In a home w/ two bathrooms
B: In a home less than 15yrs old
C: Above sea level
D: Above 800ft in altitude

Above 800ft in altitude$

$10K: When he won the ’17 French Open what  “King of Clay” became the first men’s tennis player to win the same Grand Slam tournament 10 times?

A: Roger Federer
B: Rafael Nadal
C: Andy Murray
D: Novak Djokovic


$20K: To bring itself more in line w/ the rest of the world, in 2008 which country voted to officially add the letters K, W & Y to its country’s alphabet?

A: France
B: Germany
C: Portugal
D: Norway


QotD: Although they sound like automobile names, “Infinity”, “Escape” & “Frontiers” were ALL albums by what ’80s band?
A: Foreigner
B: Journey
C: Styx
D: Def Leppard

$30K: Considered a delicacy in parts of Asia, what unusual scaly burrowing creature has been called the most pouched & trafficked animal in the world?

A: Fennec
B: Springbok
C: Pangolin
D: Dugong


“Millionaire” Double-Run Ep. 9/20/17

$30K: Seen at the Summer Olympics, Yamashita, Tsukahara, Luconi & Omelianchik are ALL styles of what?

A: Gymnastics vaults
B: Archery arrows
C: Table tennis grips
D: Wrestling holds

Table tennis gripsO&D

Gregg Luchs (cantor in Scottsdale)

$500: Albert Einstein was said to have displayed photos of ALL BUT which of these people above his desk?

A: Scientist Michael Faraday
B: Renaissance man Isaac Newton
C: Mathematical physicist James Clerk Maxwell
D: Zac Efron

Zac Efron$

$1K: Breatharians believe that a person can give up food & water altogether & survive solely off prana, which they call “living on” what?

A: Air
B: Ramen noodles
C: Mars
D: Their parents’ couch


$2K: Sure, her smile gets all the attention, but what color does “The Mona Lisa” have?

A: Brown
B: Gray
C: Blonde w/ purple highlights
D: A rainbow-colored Mohawk


$3K: Inspiring one of his early hits, what recording artist once spent months performing at an L.A. piano bar under the pseudonym Bill Martin?

A: Billy Idol
B: Billy Ray Cyrus
C: Billy Joel
D: Billie Joe Armstrong

Billy Joel$

$5K: Which of these’s NEITHER a northwestern Native American tribe NOR a type of eyeglasses NOR a certain toy co.’s customer rewards program?

A: Pince-nez
B: Nez Perce
C: NERF Perks
D: Pont Neuf

Pont Neuf$

$7K: The name of what co. that filed for bankruptcy in 2014 was inspired by the belief that using the least-used letters would make it more memorable?

A: Volkswagen
B: Quiznos
D: Verizon


$10K: What line from AFI’s list of the 100 Greatest Movie Quotes was uttered in a ’48 classic by character actor Alfonso Bedoya?

A: “Shane, come back!”
B: “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.”
C: “Round up the usual suspects.”
D: “Badges? We ain’t got no badges…”

“Badges? We ain’t got no badges…”$

$20K: Acc. to the Small Arms Survey what nation whose capital’s Sana’a is 2nd only to the U.S.’ estimated 89 guns per 100 residents w/ 55?

A: Burundi
B: Latvia
C: Laos
D: Yemen


A & B: 14% EACH
C: 21%
D: 51%


$30K: In ’15 Jessica Mendoza broke up the broadcast booth boys club when she became the first woman to appear on ESPn as an analyst for which sport?

A: Basketball
B: Baseball
C: Football
D: Hockey


QotD: What Founding Father invented a type of wood-burning stove that’s now named for him?
A: Thomas Jefferson
B: Benjamin Franklin
C: John Hancock
D: George Washington

$50K: Which of these does the American Stroke Association use to warn people of the signs of a stroke w/ the first three letters representing specific symptoms?


+1 (son Ryan)




“Millionaire” Double-Run Ep. 9/19/17

$10K: Renewed for a 19th season in ’17, what TV series would become America’s longest-running non-animated scripted show of all-time if it makes it to S21?

A: “Criminal Minds”
B: “Grey’s Anatomy”
C: “Law & Order: SVU”

“Law & Order: SVU”$

$20K: Which one of these events DIDN’T occur in the same yr. as the other three?

A: Bill Clinton was elected President
B: The Berlin Wall fell
C: Daniel Radcliffe was born
D: Exxon-Valdez oil  spill


Daniel Bruton

$500: Designed to help rebuild Europe after WWII, which of these was a tenet of the Marshall Plan & NOT the Slim-Fast diet plan of the ’80s?

A: A shake for breakfast
B: A shake for lunch
C: Prevent the spread of Communism
D: A sensible dinner

Prevent spread of Communism$

$1K: As part of its #StrengthHasNoGender campaign in ’17 what brand briefly replaced the flannel-shirted man on its packaging w/ a woman?

A: Chef Boyardee
B: Captain Morgan
C: Pillsbury
D: Brawny


$2K: Fittingly, luciferase is the name of the enzyme that causes what to do what?

A: Crickets to chirp
B: Fireflies to glow
C: Spiders to spin webs
D: Bees to make honey

+1 (Tiffany)
Fireflies to glow$

$3K: In homeownership if the balance of your mortgage loan’s higher than the fair market value of your property you’re commonly said to be what?

A: Underwater
B: Over the hill
C: Up in space
D: Out in the field


$5K: The name of the Orlando-based hot dog joint Fat One’s was inspired by the last name of its owner, a former member of what boy band?

A: Boyz II Men
C: New Edition
D: 98 Degrees


$7K: ALL BUT which of these works were written by an author known by two initials, w/ the first initial being “J”?

A: Peter Pan
B: The Catcher in the Rye
C: Charlotte’s Web
D: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Charlotte’s Web$

$10K: Separated by 13yrs., which of the following pairs of Christmas movies were released the furthest apart from each other?

A: “The Santa Clause” & “The Santa Clause 2”
C: “Bad Santa” & “Bad Santa 2”
D: “Home Alone” & “Home Alone 2”

“Bad Santa” & “Bad Santa 2”$

QotD: Which popular food chain refers to its three portion sizes as “Like It”, “Love It” or “Gotta Have It”?
A: Domino’s
B: Cold Stone Creamery
D: Panda Express

$20K: Zip lines as long as 800ft crisscross Costa Rica’s remote, scenic Rio Perdido, whose name means what in Spanish?

A: Fear River
B: Lost River
C: Forbidden River
D: Danger River


A: 9%
B: 49%
C: 25%
D: 17%

Lost River$

“Millionaire” 9/25/15

$20K: Besides Gerald Ford, since WWII how many Presidents have run for a second term in office & lost- one, two, three or four?

$30K: A TX resident was recently BANNED from owning which of these seemingly harmless license plates because it spells a curse word when turned upside down?

C: HV100W
D: 370H55V


$50K: The word “infant” derives from the Latin word “infans” meaning what?

A: Restful slumbers
B: Unable to speak
C: Hairless beast
D: Always hungry

+1 (spouse Keith)
Unable to speak$

$100K: Minutes after Neil Armstrong’s famous “one small step” line, which of these things did Buzz Aldrin say just before stepping onto the Moon itself?

A: “Beautiful view.”
B: “I’m stepping down now.”
C: “Oh my goodness.”
D: “Scientia potentia est.”

“Beautiful view.”$

$250K: Which of the following was one of the six different toys that came w/ the first McDonald’s Happy Meals in ’79?

A: McDoodler stencil
B: McPaper airplane kit
C: McRace car
D: McBouncy ball

FA: WALKED (A: McDoodler)

Thousandaire: Lori Manello
To raise awareness of unusual medical disorders the first Rare Disease Day was celebrated on what fitting date in 2008?
A: Jan. 1
B: Feb. 29
C: Aug. 8
D: Dec. 25

FA: 2/29

“Millionaire” 9/24/15

$10K: Called the “first-ever black Jewish rap star”, who has a Bar Mitzvah where the song on the night was the Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way”?

A: Tyler, The Creator
B: Chris Brown
C: Drake
D: Usher

Drake $

$20K: Once cited in a TX Supreme Court case, the adage “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” was famously spoken by whom?

A: Julius Caesar
B: Mr. Spock from “STAR TREK”
C: Ludwig von Beethoven
D: Queen Victoria

Mr. Spock$

$30K: While today believed by many to have been guilty of the crimes, who of the following did a jury acquit of ALL charges after deliberating for only 90min?

A: Phil Spector
B: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
C: Patty Hearst
D: Lizzie Borden

LLs GONE (Tony Wescott)

A: 15%
B: 14%
C: 40%
D: 31%


$50K: Acc. to the website’s official guidelines which of the following items is the only one that you’re allowed to sell on ebay?

A: British lottery tickets
B: U.S. Postal Service uniform
C: Nicotine patches
D: First edition of Mein Kampf

FA: WALKED (A: Nicotine patches)

Albert Stumm (news editor in PHI)

$500: Factoring in the cost of a dress, shoes & the bachelorette party, a 2015 study done by American Express estimates it costs $701 to be a what?

A: Girl Scout
B: Bridesmaid
C: Dental hygienist
D: Nun


$1K: Introduced in 1912 w/ the tagline “For that Stormy Breath”, what brand of mints was partly inspired by the sinking of the Titanic?

B: tic-tacs


$2K: Making the three-toed sloth look like a cheetah, acc. to The World Almanac what slow-moving creature has a top speed of 0.03mph?

A: Otter
B: Rattlesnake
C: Garden snail
D: Cockroach

Garden snail$

$3K: Later donating the item to a science museum, in 1954 American Ann Hidges became the only known person to be hit by a falling what?

A: Coconut
B: Meteorite
C: Hailstone
D: Piano


$5K: Run by one of TV’s most powerful women, “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Scandal” & “How to Get Away With Murder” are ALL the work of what production co.?

A: Latifahville
B: Shondaland
C: Whoopiberg
D: Halle-wood


A: 4%
B: 69%
C: 14%
D: 13%


$7K: A Turkish favorite for centuries, what dessert’s layers of dough are often said to be rolled so thin that you can read a newspaper through ’em?

A: Zeppole
B: Croissant
C: Baklava
D: Churro


QotD: Which of these giants in the hospitality industry got their start as a Washington, D.C. root beer stand in 1927?
A: Sheraton
B: Ramada
C: Hilton
D: Marriott

$10K: Besides cover versions, you WON’T find “The Thunder Rolls” on iTunes since what country star remains one of the music industry’s most stubborn holdouts?

A: Garth Brooks
B: Shania Twain
C: Tim McGraw
D: Carrie Underwood
