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“Family Feud” 9/30/15

CG: Coxes v. Siolidises (Jen, Chrissa, Ilio, Gloria & Niko)

R1: Name a food a little kid might stick in his bellybutton for later:

#1: Candy/gum (68)(Bryan)
#3: Raisins (7)(Chrissa)
X- Bread (Jen) & French fry (Beth)

Coxes: Peas (T4- 3), toy, carrot, chicken
Jen Steal: Cereal/Cheerios- T2 (T4: Peanut butter/All unsaid BAs: Cheetos, cheese/cottage cheese & hot dog)

R2: Name someone who calls you at work that you’d be EMBARRASSED to put on speakerphone:

#1: (Overbearing) parents (53)(Bryan)
X- Lawyer (Chrissa)

Coxes: Grandparents, spouse/horny mate (#2- 19), in-laws, doctor/VD clinic (T4- 3), mistress/lover (ONE OF TWO BAs- 3), (parole) officer
Jen Steal #2: Teacher- X (#3: Brat kids- 8/#4: Collector/IRS- 5/T4: Friend/BA left over: Stripper I met last Fri.)

Double: Name something you need to have if you want to open a disco:

#2: Disco ball (35)(Ilio)
X- Clothing (Crystal)

Siolidises: Groovy tunes/DJ (OTHER TA), $ (#3- 11), dance floor (#4- 7), property/building, personnel, funky lights (BA- 3) & drinks
Beth Steal: Customers (Left on board: Licenses/permits- 4)

TRIPLE: Name a college known for really smart people:

#4: Princeton (4)(Suzanne)
X- Notre Dame (Gloria)

Coxes: Harvard (TA- 60), Yale (#3- 12), Stanford, MIT (13)

#1: Tell me how many nights per wk. you stay up past midnight.
#2: Something that might RUIN a person’s garden.
#3: A liquid people drink when they’re sick.
#4: Something people are doing at a later age these days.
#5: Something a car has only one of.

Bryan: One (8), spiders/bugs (21), Gatorade (3), partying & gas tank
Beth: Three (5), rabbits (12), water (8), drinking & steering wheel (52)
Unsaid #1s: Seven, cough syrup, working/retiring

G2: Washburns (Youlanda, Shamara, Satin, Brookelyn & Becky) v. Hickses

R1 (ladies): Name something you fantasize your handyman will do:

#2: Clean up (21)(Jody)
X- Clean pipes (Youlanda)

Hickses: Do you/”tool time” (BA- 3), massages, fix things/paint (TA- 41), teach hubby how to do something, yard work
Youlanda Steal: Fill up pool (#3: Be NUDE/shirtless- 17/#4: Cook for you- 11/#5: Work for free- 6)

R2 (married girls): Name something you might do & then say to yourself “My husband’s gonna kill me”:

#1: Spend $/shop (60)(Kenyala)

Hickses: Mess up home, wreck car (#2- 21), break appliances, smash dishes
Youlanda Steal #2: Lose wedding ring- X (#3: Throw out something- 8/#4: CHEAT/nightly- 4/Both unprovided BAs: Cut my hair & stay out late- 3 each)

Double: Name an animal whose females are just as big as the males:

#1: Elephant (23)(Satin)

Washburns: Horse (T2- 9), giraffe (ONE OF THREE BAs- 5), ape/monkey (T2), lion, panda, rhino
Jody Steal: Hippo- X (T2: Dog/BAs not given: Bird/chicken & whale)

TRIPLE: Name a place it would be WRONG to sneak in some beer:

#1: Church (68)(Brookelyn)

Washburns: School (#3- 6), parents’ home, work (#2- 22), funeral & hospital/Dr.’s office
Jody Steal to Stay or Leave for Good: Concert- L (Unsaid: Nursery/daycare- 2)

#1: When a man decides to get a DIVORCE, who’s the first to know?
#2: Name the last part of your body to get wrinkles on it.
#3: A reason a man whistles.
#4: Something a magician might make appear out of thin air.
#5: If men gave birth, how many kids would most families have?

Youlanda: Mom (5), legs (11), happy (30), rabbit (31) & one (45)
Becky: Dad, elbows (7), at women (30), handkerchief (3) & two (5)
Unsaid #1s: Best friend/lawyer (tied), feet/butt (tied) & bird

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 9/30/15" (3)

  1. GO COXES!!!

  2. Matthew Yothers said:

    In the Washburns’s Fast Money, we have a new record getting three ties for the #1 answer in a row.

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