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G1: Hartings v. Olivareses (Chandler)(Julian, Marcela, Victor, Debbie & Rogelio)

(Challenger notes: Julian’s an air traffic controller for about 15 yrs., incl. time w/ the Air Force. Marcela & Debbie are cousins, while Victor’s a brother. Finally, this clan’s of Mexican heritage.)

R1 (married women): Name something you do if your chubby hubby started exercising & became hot:

#1: Join in/get fit (48)(Bethany)
#2: Ride that stud (23)(Julian)

Hartings: Cook better food, clean up for him, worry he’ll cheat (BA- 3), schedule (sexy) vacation
Julian Steal: Be happy/”Attaboy!”- #3 (20)(Left: Hug/kiss more- 4)

R2: Name something a magician might pull out of their pants that’s a foot long:

#4: Rabbit (11)(Marcela)
X- Hat (Tyler)

Olivareses: Hot dog (#1- 18), snake (#5- 8), balloon (#3- 17), scarf/hanky (OTHER #1), carrot, sword, baton
Bethany Steal: Wand- X (#6: Ruler/#7: His hairy Houdini- 6/BA: Sub sandwich- 4)

Double: ______ your fingers:

#3: Snap (17)(Victor)
X- Jam (Landon)

Olivareses: Clean, Cross (#1- 22), Tap, Break
Bethany Steal #2: Wiggle- #4 (8)

#2: Lick (20)
Sole BA of this rd.: Count (on)(7)

TRIPLE: Name something that has a hole in the middle:

#1: Doughnut (79)(Debbie)

Olivareses: Tire (BA- 3), steering wheel, bowling ball, hula hoop
Bethany Steal to Go for Jeep Renegade Trailhawk Tomorrow: Life preserver (#2: LIFESAVER/candy- 7/#3: Bagel- 5)

#1: Acc. to women on the scale, how hairy do you like your men?
#2: Under my _____
#3: Name an occupation whose people have big egos.
#4: Something people want to do before they turn 30.
#5: A bad habit that can RUIN a woman’s looks.

Debbie: 5 (27), pillow (2), electrical engineer, travel (17) & smoking (41)
Victor: 3 (15), blouse, doctors (10), party (2) & big nose
Unsaid #1s: thumb, lawyer/judge & marry

G2: Garcias v. Danielses (DET)(Angie, Ivy, Reta, Greg & Jazz)

(Challenger notes: Ivy’s a daughter & the rest of the team are cousins.)

R1: There was an accident at the bakery & now the baker’s buns are all what?:

#1: Burnt/black (51)(Ianna)

Garcias: Doughy, wet/soggy (#4- 5), holey, undercooked
Angie Steal: All over/on ceiling- AT THE BOTTOM (2)

#2: Squished/flat (17)
#3: Sticky (8)
#5: Hard/tough (3)
Other BA: Eaten/gone

R2 (women): “If a man’s looking for a woman w/ a big _________, then I’m the one for him”:

#2: Cabbage blaster (15)(Ivy)
#3: Rack (12)(Bubba)

Danielses: Mouth, bank account, personality/humor (#4- 11), heart (TA- 48), smile/laugh (BA- 4) & appetite
Ianna Steal: Brain/mind- RIGHT SHE WAS (5)

Double: Name a creature that God might have created just to ANNOY us:

#1: Bugs/flies (76)(Reta)

Danielses: Snakes (BA- 2), mice/rats (#4- 3), people/Kanye (#2- 11)(VB), frogs, birds & flowers
Ianna Steal #2: Skunks- X (Wasn’t said: Cats- 4)

TRIPLE: Name something a person takes off:

#1: Clothes/(hooker) heels (89)(Greg)

Danielses: Work (ONE OF TWO BAs- 2), wig, jewelry, teeth
Ianna Steal to Retain or Bow Out: Makeup- SORRY (#2: Glasses- 4/BA leftover: Pounds/weight)

#1: Acc. to the men, name the month of the yr. you watch the most sports on TV.
#2: A candy bar that’s been around as long as you have.
#3: Something that runs on a schedule.
#4: Name the piece of the chicken people grab for 1st.
#5: Tell me the most expensive thing you own.

Greg: Mar. (6), SNICKERS (22), people, wing (10) & ring/jewelry (8)
Jazz: Jan. (18), Baby Ruth (17), work (6), breast (40) & car (22)
Unsaid #1s: Dec., HERSHEY’S, train, leg/drumstick & home

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 5/18/17" (1)

  1. jpgenius said:

    I’m a little surprised the Daniels got 149 without getting any top answers.

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