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G1: Rondinellas (Laura, Rebecca, Tom, Sharon & Julia) v. Chamberses

R1: Men suck in their gut- name a part of the body a woman wishes they could suck in:

#1: Butt (46)(Laura)
#2: Gut/midsection (35)(Safiya)

Rondinellas: Thighs (#3- 8), cheeks/mouth, chin, arms (BA- 3), epic boobage (ONE BA LEFT) & calves
Safiya Steal: Back (Unsaid BA: Hips)

R2 (women): Even though he’d give you gifts, name a reason you WOULDN’T want to date Santa:

#1: Too plump (38)(Rebecca)

Rondinellas: NO real job, North Pole (BA- 6), NO Spring chicken (T2- 11), unimpressive hair, married (T4- 8), reindeer
Safiya Steal #2: NO time for me- T2 (T4: Too much beard/#6: Comes once a yr.)

Double: If your significant other’s UNAVAILABLE, name something you’d be happy to snuggle w/:

#1: Pet/kitty (44)(Tom)
#2: Pillows (26)(Rashida)

Rondinellas: Teddy bear (#3- 12), other person/lover (BA- 2), (grand)kids (#5- 5), blanket/Snuggie (#4- 7), NOTHING, booze
Safiya Steal #3: Couch (BA not said: My 12-in. toy)

TRIPLE: Name a creature that hides in a shell:

#3: Crab (6)(Sharon)
X- Oyster (Malaika)

Rondinellas: Turtle (#1- 52), snail (#2- 35), fish, clam (4)

#1: Something that’s considered BAD manners at the dinner table.
#2: Name the age when a man’s too old to date a 21-yr.-old.
#3: Tell me an Irish last name starting w/ O.
#4: A food kids fix for themselves.
#5: A type of snake.

Julia: Burping (21), 35 (6), O’Reilly (21), PB&J (34) & rattle (34)
Laura: Passing gas (3), 50 (16), O’Sullivan (3), cereal (38) & garden
Unsaid #1s: Elbows on table, 40 & O’Malley

CG: Browns v. Smiths (Carolyn, Melissa, Cornelius, LaShunda & Thaddeus)

R1: If a man wants to save $, he should DUMP his girlfriend before what day?:

#1: Valentine’s Day (41)(Kevin)
#3: Wedding day (11)(Carolyn)

Browns: Christmas (#2- 29), her birthday (#5- 4), anniv., New Yr.’s Eve, day of 2nd date (BA- 2) & Mother’s Day
Carolyn Steal: Payday- Y (7)

R2: Name something someone might hand you at a WILD party:

#1: Boozer/keg hose (51)(Melissa)

Smiths: Hors d’ouevres, Papa Stoppas/condoms (#3- 4), undies/bra (BA- 2), drugs/a doob (#2- 34), tattoos, porn
Kevin Steal: Keys- BA (BA that remained: Vibrator/toy)

Double: When your dog’s sleeping, name something it might dream about biting:

#1: Mailman (44)(Justin)

Browns: Neighbor (#2- 12), UPS/delivery, another dog (#5- 7), cat (T3- 9), me (T3), bunny & kid
Carolyn Steal #2: Groomer (Unsaid: Neighbor- 12)

TRIPLE: Name a body part a woman sticks out to get attention:

#1: Knockers/nipples (72)(LaShunda)

Smiths: That fine behind (#2- 15), legs (BA- 3), (lower) lip(s)(15)

#1: Tell me the name people use to describe a man who dates a lot of women.
#2: At what age did you start caring about your personal hygiene?
#3: A color of m&ms most people would say was their favorite.
#4: A celebration you attend w/ friends.
#5: Something in your home that creaks.

Carolyn: Player (29), 14 (6), yellow (11), birthday party (43) & bugs
Cornelius: Whore, 13 (17), red (38), graduation (6) & doors (25)
Unsaid #1s: 12 & floors

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 9/20/13" (3)

  1. jpgenius said:

    MAN. That Ford Fusion would have fit the Browns to a T.

  2. jpgenius said:

    Really? The 12-inch item?! 😳🤦🏾‍♂️

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