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G1: Martins v. Latimores (Hadiya, Amber, Craig, Allison & Kennan)

R1 (married women): Name something you do if you saw your hubby wearing thong underwear:

#1: Laugh (40)(Hadiya)
X- Ask if he’s crazy (Bryan)

Latimores: Divorce/run! (#3- 12), take ’em back, make him take ’em off, call psychiatrist
Bryan Steal: Puke

#2: Take his picture (30)
#4: Get mad/hit him (11)
BA: Throw it away (2)

R2: Before a flight, I’d like to make sure my pilot is what?:

#2: Sober (30)(Amber)

Latimores: Awake/alert (#3- 23), mature/experienced (BA- 2), happy, smart, knowledgeable in where they’re going
Bryan Steal #2: Healthy

#1: There/present (32)
#4: Alive (6)
#5: Ready for takeoff (4)
Unsaid BA: A man

Double: Ham______:

#1: burger (57)(Terry)

Martins: string (BA- 4), ster (#3- 9), mer (#2- 18), drum, and cheese & hock
Hadiya Steal: bone (Not given: let- 6)

TRIPLE (women): Name something a man should NEVER talk about on a first date:

#1: Ex (60)(Rollie)
X- Age (Shelly) & marriage (Allison)

Martins: Sex (life)(#2- 23), kids (BA- 5), how rich he is, sports & junk
Hadiya Steal for W or L: Who’s paying (Left: His mom- 8)

#1: Name the car co. that makes the most trustworthy cars.
#2: Name the age when you can say you’ve lived a full life.
#3: Tell me something people sell door-to-door.
#4: A kind of ball that’s NOT filled w/ air.
#5: A part of their bodies that people complain’s too big.

Rollie: Ford (27), 50 (7), vacuums (17), base (28) & tummy (16)
Bryan: Chevy (10), 35, bibles (6), tennis (6) & bottom (42)
Unsaid #1s: 80, magazines/newspapers & golf

G2: Myerses (Alnisa, Malcolm, Lauren, Brandon & Rashad) v. Newkirks (Dee Ann, Kristy, June, Darrel & Rob)

R1: Name a place a NUDIST might keep their cellphone:

#8: Room/drawer (4)(Alnisa)
X- Under bed (Dee Ann)

Myerses: Car (BA), fanny pack (#2- 10), hands (#1- 29), on table, ironing board, shoes/socks (BA), holder/case
Dee Ann Steal: Removed clothing (Unsaid: Armpits, around neck & butt crack- 7 each)

R2: Name something women wear to bed to remind men that the honeymoon’s OVER:

#4: Granny panties (5)(Malcolm)
#6: Socks (5)(Kristy)

Myerses: Sweats (#2- 8), curlers (#3- 7), (flannel) gown/PJs (#1- 59), scarf, cold cream/mask (FINAL BA)- CS

Double: Name something a group of female workers might do when a sexy guy walks past ’em:

#1: Stare at him (36)(June)
#2: Whisper/talk (18)(Lauren)

Newkirks: Smile at him (BA- 3), whistle (#4- 7), bump him, flip hair & meet him
Alnisa Steal: Wave- X (Leftover: Laugh- 12)

TRIPLE: Name something a woman DOESN’T want to see in a man’s mustache:

#1: Food/milk (75)(Brandon)

Myerses: Spit/saliva, dirt, lipstick (#3- 4), shaving cream
Dee Ann Steal for Game or No Game: Snot/boogers- #2 (14)(BA: Gray hair- 2)

#1: How old were you when your parents started treating you like an adult?
#2: Something you buy a set of for the kitchen.
#3: Something EMBARRASSING that students get caught doing in class.
#4: Something dogs do when they’re lonely.
#5: Something insects DON’T LIKE to see you holding.

Dee Ann: 16 (27), silverware (30), spitballs (2), bark (45) & spray can (52)
Kristy: 18 (20), towels, talking (2), sleep (27) & swatter
Unsaid #1s: Dishes/china & cheating

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 11/12/12" (2)

  1. Ah, the start of the Newkirks’ adventure.

  2. jpgenius said:

    The 2 people who said they want their pilot to be a man were probably women. No disrespect.

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