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“Millionaire” 10/17/16

1st Up on Celebrity Wk.: Giada (Alex’s Lemonade Stand)
+1: Julie

$500: Celebrating his 35th birthday in 2015, McGruff the Crime Dog has long urged people to do which of the following?

A: “Take a Bite Out of Crime”
B: “Sink Your Teeth Into Slander”
C: “Bark at Bank Robbery”
D: “Slobber on the Face of Forgery”

“Take a Bite Out of Crime”$

$1K: Thanks to the national binge-watching craze, over 1/3 of all North American web traffic during peak evening hrs. stems from what site?

B: ebay
C: Wikipedia


$2K: For those who really do just want to read the articles, which of the following magazines recently stopped published nude photos altogether?

A: Martha Stewart Living
B: The Economist
D: Cat Fancy


$3K: In a race where a jockey knows his horse will win, he often approaches the finish line having lowered the reins, giving us which phrase?

A: Throwing in the towel
B: Hands down
C: Dropping the ball
D: Under par


A: 3%
B: 94%
C: 3%

Hands down$

$5K: Worn by generals who saved entire armies, the Roman Republic’s highest military honor was the corona graminea- a what?

A: Shield made of straw
B: Crown made of grass
C: Saddle made of twigs
D: Sword made of oak leaves

Crown made of grass$

$7K: Your personality may determine your choice of “log”, “letus”, “freefall” or “starfish”, according to a Men’s Health article titled “The Best…” what?

A: Dance moves
B: Sleep positions
C: “Pokemon” characters
D: Workout equipment

“…Sleep Positions”$

$10K: Which successful Swede founded IKEA in 1943?

A: Ingvar Kamprad
B: Ingmar Bergman
C: Stieg Larsson
D: Alexander Skarsgard


QotD (1st read by Giada from a restaurant): Traditionally made w/ red pepper flakes, Arrabbiata sauce gets its name from the Italian word for what?

A: Angry
B: Sexy
C: Scared
D: Loud

$20K: Though later embraced by the city, who BOMBED in his first 1956 Las Vegas show, w/ Newsweek calling him “a jug of corn liquor at a champagne party”?

A: Tom Jones
B: Liberace
C: Frank Sinatra
D: Elvis Presley


To Return: The avg. U.S. Supreme Court Justice retires at 78.7 yrs. of age, which is higher than the life expectancy of ALL BUT which of these countries?

A: Greece
B: Poland
C: China
D: India


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