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“Family Feud” 10/12/16

G1: Dunns (K.C., MO)(Krissy, Darrick, Rebecca, Amber & Brandon) v. Jacksons ($40,805)

(Challenger notes: Krissy’s a dir. of clinical operations for a local research organization married to Darrick for 17 yrs.; Rebecca & Amber are cousins, w/ the latter being married to Brandon. Rebecca’s a scientist & Amber’s a nurse.)

R1: Name something you enjoy doing at parties that you would like for people to do at your funeral:

#4: (Line) dancing (12)(Krissy)
#6: Eat (by my corpse)(7)(Sarah)

Dunns: Drink/beer pong (#2- 24), tunes/karaoke (#1- 26), relax/chill out, laugh/smile (#3- 15), love on each other (VB) & talk/stories (11)- SWEEP

R2: You know it’s NOT working when you’re on a date wishing you were where?:

#1: Home/bed w/ dog (71)(Darrick)
#2: Work/nuclear plant (14)(Jodi)

Dunns: Anywhere else (#3- 6), alone, stores/mall, party
Sarah Steal: Dr.’s/dentist’s office- #4 (4)(BA: Slammer- 2)

Double: “If I’m trapped in the elevator w/ one other person, I hope they DON’T…” what?:

#1: Fart/stink (65)(Meaghan)

Jacksons: Die (BA- 2), attack me/shoot (OTHER BA), pee/blow poonado (#3- 8), pass out, hit on me, eat
Krissy Steal: Barf (on me)- #2 (11)(Left: Panic/scream/freak- 7)

TRIPLE: Real or fictional- name a famous Sanders:

#4: Barry (2)(Amber)
X- Adam (Jami)

Dunns: Colonel (#1- 52), Deion, Jonathan, Sanders from “The Simpsons”
Sarah Steal to Stay Alive: Bernie- #2 (44)(VB)(Unsaid Answer on Bottom: Larry)

SD: Name a specific part of the body that starts to wear out when you get old.
Pam: Brain
Brandon: Knees (60)


#1: Something Santa Claus might have to get rid of due to budget cuts.
#2: Safe______
#3: An animal you’ve been told you act like.
#4: What’s the longest amt. of time you’ve taken for lunch at work?
#5: A fruit you need a ladder to pick.

Krissy: Elves (32), house (20), lion (4), hr. (31) & apple (53)
Rebecca: Reindeer (33), word (12), monkey (17), two hrs. & banana
Unsaid #1: Cat/kitten

G2: Saretskys (PHX)(Vade, Randi, Erika, Marilyn & Robert) v. Trimbles

R1: Name something the pool boy brings w/ him when he cleans a hot housewife’s pool:

#2: Swimsuit/speedo (24)(Vade)
#4: Pool supplies/net (13)(Kai)

Saretskys (Robert’s a retired obstetrician who specializes in FEMALE GROINS- you heard me right; Vade’s a patient care tech at John C. Lincoln Hospital & was prev. in the military for 11 yrs.): Shades, (nice) music, “Pippi Dongstocking” (#1- 31)(VB), lotion/oil (#3- 14)(VB) & binoculars
Kai Steal: Something to drink- X (Last one: Towels- 4)

R2 (women): Name a superhero costume your man’s too out-of-shape to wear:

#1: Superman (66)(Theartrice)

Trimbles: Batman (#3- 13), Spider-Man (#2- 15), Cpt. America (#3- 3), Robin, Popeye (VB) & IRON MAN
Vade Steal: Wolverine- X (Only BA of Rd.: Thor)

Double: Name something people do at a buffet line that should be against the law:

#1: Use their hands (23)(Erika)

Saretskys: Use utensils, take food away & put it back, take too much (#5- 10), sneeze (#4- 14), workers don’t use gloves
Kai Steal #2: Steal food- X (VB)

#2: Shove/cut line (22)
#3: Sample/lick spoon (17)
#6: Pick nose (4)
BA: Scratch (butt)(3)

TRIPLE (ladies): Name something you might tell your best friend to get rid of for her own good:

#1: Mate/booty call (77)(Marilyn)

Saretskys: Girlfriends, weight/100 lbs. (#2- 9), job, hairstyle
Kai Steal to W or L: Bad clothing- #3 (4)(Other: Cigarettes- 2)


#1: After you get to work, name something you’d hate to realize you forgot to put on.
#2: A happy event a family celebrates together.
#3: Something you buy for a pet cat.
#4: What time do you start thinking about lunch?
#5: Tell me something you really miss when it has to be repaired.

Kai: Shirt (2), birth (15), litter (10), 11AM (32) & watch
Laurence: Undies (25), birthday (33), scratching board (7), 10AM (7) & car (56)
Unsaid #1: Catnip

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 10/12/16" (1)

  1. Dalton Higbee said:

    Jeopardy! recap should be coming in a few minutes.

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