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“Family Feud” 4/30/24

G1: Merrellses (Monroe, LA)(Dana, Jesse James, Thelma, Reggae & Jazz) v. Mandels (Kalispell, MT)(Joshua, Emily, Stephanie, Bradley & Aaron)

(Notes: Emily’s a wife, Stephanie’s a sister-in-law, Bradley’s a brother-in-law, Aaron’s an older brother, Jesse James is a brother, Thelma’s a mom, Reggae’s a son & Jazz’s a son & an IT specialist.)

R1 (men): Name something you share w/ your best friend:
#2: Story/thoughts (20)(Dana)
#8: Wife/mate (4)(Joshua)

Merrellses: Beer/drink (#1- 28), tools (#4- 10), shoes/clothes, automobile (#6- 5), mower, (video) games
Joshua Steal: Home- X (#3: Food- 11/#5: Good laugh/jokes- 7/Other BA: Cigs)

R2: Name something an elf might get teased about that hurts his feelings:
#1: Wee bod (59)(Jesse James)
#2: (Big) ears (33)(Emily)

Merrellses: Ugly, (nerdy) clothes (T3- 3), (pointy) nose (T3) & worst toymaker- 100PT SWEEP

Double: What would you hate your lover to say your bottom feels like when they squeeze it?
#1: JELL-O (20)(Stephanie)
X- Too big (Thelma)

Mandels: Mushy, firm, baby’s bottom
Dana Steal: Bread loaf (#2: Cottage cheese- 13/#3: Marshmallows- 7/#4: Sponge- 6/All BAs missed this rd: Jelly, pillows, rocks & dough/Play-doh- 4 each)

TRIPLE (guys): If you left your laptop open what do you hope isn’t on your screen when your mom walks by?
#1: Dirty pix (of me)(65)(Reggae)

Merrellses: Bank info/finances (#2- 28), TV/movie, Instagram, letter
Joshua Steal for W or L: Message(s) from home (#3: Video game- 4/BA: Dating site- 2)

#1: A gift a woman receives from her boss her husband wouldn’t approve of.
#2: How many people do you usually invite to a dinner party?
#3: A word rhyming w/ “slide”.
#4: What might a kid do if they can’t find their way out of a corn maze?
#5: A month where you see people wearing mittens.

Jesse James: Perfume (12), 5 (3), hide (23), cry (41) & Dec. (28)
Dana: Lingerie/nightgown (37), 3, ride (26), scream (for help)(42) & Nov. (5)
Unsaid #1s: 6, glide & Jan.

G2: Hams v. Nelons (Roopville, GA)(Kelly, Amber, Jason, Autumn & Todd)

(Challenger notes: They’re singers, Amber’s a daughter, Kelly’s married to Jason, Autumn’s a daughter & Todd’s a brother/uncle who’s a minister of music & was voted a Mr. Derriere on a Christian cruise ship.)

R1: As painful as it sounds Bob the nude athlete uses his package to play what sport?
#2: Tennis (19)(Kelly)
X- Football (Molly)

Nelons: Golf (#3- 17), baseball (#1- 28), ping-pong (#4- 9), hockey (1 OF BAs- 3), billiards (#5- 8), lacrosse, cricket, basketball
Molly Steal: Croquet- X (#6: Volleyball- 4/Unsaid BA: Pole vaulting)

R2: Name a famous mouse an exterminator would hate to discover they just terminated:
#1: Mickey (85)(Amber)

Nelons: Mighty (#3- 3), Minnie (PART OF BAs), Jerry (#2- 6), Bubble, CHUCK E. CHEESE & “Ratatouille”
Molly Steal #2 on Other BA: Speedy Gonzales- GOT IT

Double: Name a creature at a seafood restaurant Aquaman might try to rescue:
#1: Lobster (63)(Katie)
#4: Octopus (8)(Jason)

Hams: Crab (BAs CLEARED ALREADY) & eel/fish (12)- NO-STRIKE CS

TRIPLE: Name something that might get rained out:
#1: Sporting event (82)(Julie)

Hams: Concert (T2- 4), wedding, parade (BA BY ITSELF- 3) & picnic/BBQ

#1: How many times a day does a mom change a newborn’s diaper?
#2: “Momma…”
#3: A place where you’d hate to be next to a person w/ B.O.
#4: Where do you see ice cubes?
#5: Which meal of the day do you skip most often?

Katie: 5 (11), bear (38), airplane (22), freezer (54) & breakfast (64)
Molly: 6 (21- tied for #1 w/ 10), “MIA!”, bus, water, dinner

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 4/30/24" (2)

  1. Jake Ranaudo said:

    Bubbles is a mouse from the British cartoon Tube Mice.

  2. jpgenius said:

    Both FM wins were music to my ears. 🎶

    1. Have we ever had a family from Montana on the Feud before? And it’s neat that Dana’s sons are named after musical genres. 😉
    2. Wow, the Nelons can harmonize! They are a hoot. And GO, KATIE! 👏🏾

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