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“Family Feud” 4/23/24

G1: Ryans (Lincoln, RI)(Mary, Mark, Heather, Scott & Victoria) v. Gilberts

(Challenger notes: Mark’s a brother, Heather’s her sister-in-law married to Mark, Scott’s her brother-in-law & Victoria’s a niece.)

R1: The magician’s rabbit said “I don’t mind when he pulls me out of his hat but I hate when he pulls me out of his…”:
#2: Butt/dump trumpet (35)(Kourtne)
X- Trash (Mary)

Gilberts: Mouth (T4- 4), bed, ear canal(s)(BA- 2), (stinky) shoe (T4), nose, casket
Mary Steal: Pants/fly- ONLY ON TOP (36)(#3: Sleeve- 9/#6: Trunk/basket/Other BA: Suit coat)

R2: Name something that happens to Santa when he ends up on Mrs. Claus’ naughty list:
#2: Sleep w/ deer/sofa (29)(Kristian)
X- Fired (Mark)

Gilberts: No booty (#4- 8), no cookies (#1- 33), yelled at, spanking (#3- 15), no gifts/Christmas (ON BOTTOM- 5), in doghouse & divorce
Mary Steal #2: Reindeer taken away- X (Missed: Lump of coal- 7)

Double: Give a U.S. state w/ a Y in it:
#1: Wyoming (43)(Heather)

Ryans: Kentucky (#2- 24), Kansas, New York (#3- 22), New Jersey (#4- 6), XX, Florida
Kourtne Steal: Maryland- AT REAR (2)(Didn’t need: Pennsylvania- 3)

TRIPLE: If you’ve been working from home for a long time name something you might miss about going into the office:
#1: People/gossip (80)(Scott)
X- Napping (Brittney)

Ryans: Free eats/coffee (#2- 8), computer, parties, driving
Kourtne Steal to Qualify for Automobile Game Tomorrow: NOTHING- DONE FOR GOOD (#3: Peace/no kids- 7/BA: Dressing up- 3)

#1: Acc. to men at what age did you realize you weren’t young anymore?
#2: Something a man buys his wife would make him return.
#3: “Hickory” what?
#4: Someone you don’t like hearing bad news from.
#5: A pet that tends to have the shortest lifespan.

Scott: 50 (27), suit/clothes (21), “Dickory Dock” (18), boss (5) & fish (53)
Mary: 35 (7), motorcycle (5- automobile tied for #1), syrup, mom (18) & dog (3)
Unsaid #1s: Smoked & doctor

G2: Webbs v. Blagmons (Angelia, Kanika, Dorothy, Cynthia & Gretchen)

(Challenger notes: Dorothy’s their mom & Gretchen’s their big sister.)

R1: When a cheating husband’s cremated what might his wife throw in to burn w/ him?
#2: Wedding ring (18)(Angelia)
#6: Marriage license (6)(Rachel)

Blagmons: Herself (#1- 34), his birth certificate, phone/black book (T4- 7), his car, hotel receipt(s)
Rachel Steal: Pictures- #3 (14)(T4: His clothes/BA: Gasoline- 3)

R2: When cows get together name something they probably complain about:
#1: Milked (36)(Kanika)
X- Way they’re treated (Angie)

Blagmons: Food/crabgrass (#2- 32), grooming, (crowded) fences (#5- 4), mates
Rachel Steal #2: Other animals- X (T3: People kill/eat & weather- 7 each/#6: Flies/BAs: Sleep standing & their weight)

Double: Name an L word you hope no one ever uses to describe you:
#3: Liar (4)(Lee)
X- Evil (Dorothy)

Webbs: Loser (TA- 52), loose (T3), lazy (#2- 16), limp, little, leaver
Angelia Steal: Lame- 1 OF BAs (3)(Leftover: Loopy)

TRIPLE: Name an object considered to be good luck:
#1: (4-leaf) clover (31)(Cynthia)

Blagmons: Rabbit’s foot (#2- 30), elephant, lucky charm, cross
Rachel Steal to Continue: Coin- OUT FOR GOOD AS WELL (#3: Horseshoe- 19/BA: Dandelion/flower- 7)

#1: Tell us what you think the avg temperature is at the North Pole.
#2: A fruit scent added to shampoo.
#3: A kind of dog too big for a smart apartment.
#4: Oh great- a bird just pooped on my what?
#5: Something specific people put in their mouths when they’re sick.

Kanika: -20° (6), strawberry (36), pit bull (2), car (38) & aspirin (47) 
Angelia: 32° (6), mango, rottweiler, head (53) & tea
Unsaid #1s: 0°, Great Dane & thermometer

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 4/23/24" (1)

    1. Kansas and Florida (and “birth certificate”) had me in stitches. 😂
    2. I’m shocked some of Angelia’s FM answers got zero. 😳

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