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“Family Feud” 4/22/24

G1: Abeds v. Gilberts

R1 (women): You’d be hopping mad if your man posted a photo online of you wearing what?
#1: Lingerie (33)(Kourtne)

Gilberts: Big t-shirt, NADA (#2- 26), no makeup, sweats (#5- 5), towel (BA- 2), costume
Aladdin Steal: (Frumpy) PJs/robe- #3 (23)(#4: Bikini- 7/Other BA: Handcuffs)

R2 (guys): I consider myself 1 of the top 5 what in the country?
#2: Lovers/studs (23)(Kristian)

Gilberts: Models, sportsmen (#3- 14), comedians, dads (#5- 8), drivers
Aladdin Steal #2: Husbands- X (#1 stumper: Boozers- 26/#4: At my job- 10/#6: Talkers- 7/Sole BA: Brainiacs- 5)

Double: Name something people lose on a roller coaster you might find on the ground below:
#2: Phone (21)(Kyle)
X- Jewelry (Rana)

Gilberts: $/wallet (#1- 27), shoe(s)(#7- 3), glasses (#3- 19), keys (#5- 5), hat (#4- 15), mind, wig, AirPods
Aladdin Steal #3: “Their lunch”- #6 (4)(BA by itself: Teeth)

TRIPLE: Name something a kid gets in trouble for molding out of Play-doh:
#1: Body part (75)(Brittney)
#2: Weapon (19)(Omar)

Gilberts: Cuss word, turd (#3- 3), $$$ & ugly face
Aladdin Steal on the Only BA to Retain or Be Out for Good: Bad symbol (A: Ashtray)

#1: Someone you might have to answer to for your behavior.
#2: On the scale how good are you at your job?
#3: Something known as a bloodsucker.
#4: “Miami” what?
#5: What do most people prefer to do in the dark?

Kourtne: Mom (18), 9 (26), leech (21), blue & sex (31)
Larissa: Boss (17), 10 (32), mosquito (28), “VICE” (46) & sleep (63)
Unsaid #1s: Spouse/mate & vampire

G2: Webbs v. Sabours

R1: Name 1 thing a mortician might do if a body’s too big for the coffin:
#1: Slice & dice ’em (39)(Rachel)

Webbs: Bury him w/o coffin, break bones (#4- 7), cremate ’em (#5- 5), new coffin (#2- 23), fold/cram legs (#3- 20), swap body out, NOTHING
Shakyb Steal: Quit- X (BAs: Remove lining & turn on their side- 2 each)

R2: Name something a husband lives in fear his wife will ask him for:
#1: $$$ (31)(Angie)
X- What he did last night (Samantha)

Webbs: Phone (#5- 5), bigger home, divorce (#2- 26), diamond (1 OF 3 BAs- 3), more kids (#3- 10), vacation, car
Shakyb Steal #2: Let her ma move in- ANOTHER BA (#3: Help w/ to-do list- 6/Final BA: Boyfriend/a 3rd)

Double: Mrs. Peanut traded up- she dumped Mr. Peanut & she started dating Mr. what kind of nut?
#4: Almond (11)(Sophia)

Sabours: Pistachio (#5- 10), Macadamia (BA- 2), Walnut (#3- 13), Cashew (#1- 35), X, Pecan (#7- 3), Crazy
Rachel Steal: Hazelnut- #6 (5)(Left: Brazil Nut- 18)

TRIPLE: What’s the 1st thing you want to do after getting a cast removed?
#3: Stretch/move (10)(Anna)
X- Play sport (Natasha)

Webbs: Write something, scratch (#2- 38), shower/bathe (TA- 41), invite spouse/mate to bed & shave
Shakyb Steal to W or L: Get massage- OUT, PERIOD (Should’ve said: Selfie- 3)

#1: Something you can do to cut down on your chance of catching a cold.
#2: When you get to work, something that’s often not working.
#3: A food served w/ melted butter on it.
#4: If men got pregnant how long would paid maternity leave be?
#5: Something made for people to put their fingers into.

Angie: Wear mask, computer (16), baked potato (27), 2yrs (11) & nose (2)
Lee: Wash hands (26), light(s)(2), popcorn (19), 6 months (14) & jelly (13)
Unsaid #1s: Copy machine, yr & gloves

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 4/22/24" (2)

    1. A rematch?! Welp, the Gilberts redeemed themselves in style! 👏🏾
    2. Welcome back, Webbs! Although they zigged when they should’ve zagged in FM, they cracked me up. 😁

    • Hmm… where’s the numbered list? The first comment is for the first game, and vice versa for the second.

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