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“Family Feud” 1/26/23

M-U: Walkers (Fayetteville, GA)(Pat, Ron, Cynthia, Mike & Sheila) v. Hoggses

(Challenger notes: Pat’s married to Ron for 37yrs, Cynthia’s a sister married to Mike for 30yrs & Sheila’s the baby child.)

R1: Name a reason you’d mistake your dog for your husband in the dark:
#1: Hairy/back hair (27)(Seantia)
X- Sleepwalking (Pat)

Hoggses: Reeks/farty (#2- 19), urine, licking me (#5- 8), snoring (#3- 14), growl/bark (#6- 6), toenails, trip over it
Pat Steal: Humping- X (#4: Warm cuddler- 10/#7: Heavy breathing- 4/BA: Both big/fat- 3)

R2: What amusement park ride would you compare your lovemaking to?
#1: Roller coaster (57)(Tyneshia)

Hoggses: Carousel (#4- 5), Ferris wheel (T2- 7), swing, water slide, Twister/Scrambler (T5- 4), bumper cars (AT REAR- 3), log flume
Pat Steal #2: Train ride (T2: Tilt-a-Whirl/T5: Tunnel of Love)

Double: Name something you might find in the world’s nicest jail cell:
#4: Food/kitchen (10)(Tizana)
X- Keys (Cynthia)

Hoggses: Jacuzzi, women, comfy bed/covers (#2- 20), TVs (#3- 18) & windows
Pat Steal #3 on #1 Answer: Computers (Missed: Bathroom/bidet- 23)

TRIPLE: Name something you hope to keep for your whole life:
#3: Hair (color)(10)(Big Sean)
X- Money (Mike)

Hoggses: Love/marriage (#2- 25), health/mind (TA- 37), home, family & career
Pat Steal to Force SD: Pet- SHUTOUT (Didn’t say: Humor/’tude- 7)

#1: Something a criminal might throw out of their car during a police chase.
#2: A word rhyming w/ “rat”.
#3: Out of 5 stars how many stars would a movie about your life get?
#4: A bird you see diving for fish in the ocean.
#5: Something you put between buns.

Seantia: Drugs (46), bat (12), 5 (17), swan & burger (53)
Tyneshia: Weapons/guns (48), mat, 4 (31), pelican (36) & hot dog (43)
Unsaid #1s: Fat & seagull

“Family Feud” 1/25/23

G1: Bruces v. Weavers (PHI)(Kevin, Lori, Kevin Jr., Jada & Jasmine)

R1: Name something Steve might do to disguise himself so he can go out in public:
#5: Dress down/hoodie (6)(Kevin)
#6: Shave off stache (4)(C.F.)

Weavers: (Strawberry blond) wig (#1- 35), don’t go outside, put on makeup, shades/specs (#3- 14), cross-dress
C.F. Steal: Cap/sombrero- #2 (32)(Left: Mask/costume- 7)

R2: Name a way a woman might say she likes her men & her cheese:
#7: Soft (3)(Susan)
X- Square (Lori)

Bruces: Tasty, aged (T3- 11), sharp (#2- 20), spicy/hot (#6- 8), adventurous, fresh
Kevin Steal: Imported- X (#1 stumper: Hard/firm- 23/T3: Strong/bold/#5: Stinky- 10/Sole BA: Spread)

Double: Never try to outrun what?
#1: Cheetah/animal (58)(Molly)

Bruces: Cops/the fuzz (#2- 11), angry wife (BA- 3), storm/tornado (ONE BA LEFT), parents, time, IRS
Kevin Steal #2: Car- T3 (5)(T3: Train/Also on bottom: Bullet)

TRIPLE: Name something your dentist hopes you didn’t eat right before your appointment:
#2: Candy/taffy (27)(David)
X- Spinach (Jada)

Bruces: Popcorn, ice cream, nuts
Kevin Steal #3: Onions- #3 (13)(TA stumper: Garlic- 48/BA: Fish- 3)

SD: Uh oh, Christmas has been cancelled- Santa’s what got repossessed?
Jasmine: Sleigh (90)

#1: Acc. to women “I want a man who’ll rub my…” what?
#2: How many pull-ups do you think the avg guy can do?
#3: A word rhyming w/ “pushy”.
#4: What’s the lowest letter grade you ever got on a HS report card?
#5: A type of board people stand up & ride on.

Kevin: Feet (46), 15 (2), cushy (17), D (38) & surf (51)
Kevin Jr.: Back (44), 30 (4), mushy (33), F (21) & boogie
Unsaid #1: 10

G2: Kinders v. Hoggses

R1: Name a part of Steve a woman might say she wants to kiss:
#1: Sexy lips (38)(Natasha)
#2: Shiny noggin (31)(Seantia)

Kinders: Dimples/cheek (#3- 22), six-pack, ears, juicy booty (#4- 3) & neck
Seantia Steal: Feet- X (Missed: NOTHING)

R2: Name a kind of ball they use in hell to play dodgeball:
#1: Fire (44)(Amy)
X- Basket (Tyneshia), volley (Teresa), soccer (Tizana) & snow (Big Sean)

Kinders: Cannon (#2- 10), base (#6- 5), tennis, racquet, golf (#4- 7), XXX
Seantia Steal #2: Bowling- #3 (9)(#5: Medicine/Both missed on bottom: Wrecking & spiked/morning star- 4 per response)

Double: Name something of yours you’d hate to hear someone say’s ugly:
#1: Me/my tic-tac teeth (62)(Tizana)

Hoggses: My kids (#3- 12), my boo (1 BA REMAINING- 2), home, outfit (#2- 22), parents & janky car- 200-PT CS

TRIPLE: Tell me a place Ronald McDonald’s wife won’t let him wear his clown costume:
#1: Bed/home (49)(Amy)

Kinders: Birthday party, church (#2- 27), in-laws’, grocery store
Seantia Steal to Determine Who Will Play Their 4th Game: Eatery/BURGER KING- 1 OF THE BAs (5)(Other 1: Funeral)

#1: Acc. to ladies you can never marry a man who didn’t share your taste in what?
#2: At what age does a mama’s boy leave home?
#3: Beach what?
#4: Something men can wear 2 days in a row.
#5: A person you try your hardest to avoid having an argument w/.

Seantia: Music (13), 30 (21), ball (12), socks (6) & spouse/mate (43)
Tyneshia: Clothing, 21 (11), bum (18), underwear (9) & dad
Unsaid #1s: Food, 25, blanket & pants

“Family Feud” 1/24/23

G1: Bruces v. Doughtys (Middlesex, NC)(Donna, Tonya, Amy, Gloria & Lisa)

(Challengers note: Her teammates are cousins.)

R1 (married men): What might you do if your boss hit on your wife at the office Christmas party?
#1: Punch him (31)(Donna)
#6: Tell off/”Stop!” (6)(C.F.)

Doughtys: Quit (#2- 16), call HR (#7- 4), X, tell him, talk w/ coworkers
C.F. Steal: Throw drink(s) on him- X (#3: Leave party- 14/#4: Demand raise- 10/#5: “Ok!”/ask to watch- 8/Sole BA: Hit on his wife- 3)

R2: Bob was offended when the cannibal said “I’d never eat you- you’re too…” what?
#1: Fatty (37)(Susan)

Bruces: Ugly (AT REAR- 2), dirty/smelly (T5- 4), hairy, old, bald
Donna Steal: Skinny/bony- #2 (31)(#3: Tough/stringy- 10/#4: Salty/spicy- 6/T5: Sour)

Double: When you’re down nothing hits the spot like a good what?
#1: Stiff drink (32)(Amy)
#2: Sundae/food (26)(Molly)

Doughtys: Fling/booty call (#4- 6), nap, back rub, joke/laugh (#3- 8), shower/bath
C.F. Steal #2: Vacation- X (BAs: Cry & hit of dank weed- 4 a pop)

TRIPLE: Name something a ghost looks for when picking the perfect home to haunt:
#1: People (42)(Devynne)
X- Spider webs (David) & it’s empty (Gloria)

Bruces: Dark/spooky lighting (#3- 12), something out faraway, (big) attic space (#2- 24), has history (5)- MUCH-NEEDED SWEEP

SD: Something you find at an amusement park.
Devynne: Rides (79)

#1: At what age’s a child too big to give ’em a piggyback ride?
#2: Something you assoc. w/ BATMAN.
#3: A kind of flooring.
#4: Something people wear that’s only sold in pairs.
#5: An ingredient you need to make bread.

C.F.: 7 (10), mask (26), carpet (12), socks (44) & yeast (39)
David: 10 (24), dice, wood (43), shoes (36) & flour (53)
Unsaid #1: Robin

G2: Logans v. Hoggses

R1: What noise do you not want to hear in a restaurant?
#1: Barfing (32)(Seantia)

Hoggses: Dish breaking (BA- 3), scream’g/crying (#2- 24), cellphones, fart attack (#3- 13), burping, scratching
Ariannah Steal: Complaining- X (#4: Critter/rat squeal- 8/#5: Fire/alarm- 7/Unsaid BA: Nose-blowing)

R2 (ladies): Dear VIAGRA company- now make a pill that makes men what?
#1: Clean home (42)(Kamille)
X- Stop wanting to have sex (Tyneshia) & have a bigger what down there (Jordyn)

Logans: Stop talking, tell the truth, cook (#3- 13), buy things
Seantia Steal: Grocery shop (#2: Listen- 16/#4: Sterile- 9/T5: Think & better at sex- 5 per answer/BA: Smarter- 2)

Double: Although you might be tempted name someone you should never give the finger to:
#2: My parents (22)(Tizana)
#4: Boss (9)(Kamille)

Hoggses: My kid(s)(BA- 2), spouse/mate (OTHER ANSWER ON BOTTOM), in-laws, neighbors, restaurant server
Ariannah Steal #2: Cop- TA (48)(Didn’t need: Clergy- 10)

TRIPLE: Name something people put their arms around:
#1: Each other (86)(Kelsey)

Logans: Pet/dog (#2- 4), car seat, pillow (BA- 3), toilet bowl & grocery cart
Seantia Steal for W or L on Other BA: Tree- W

#1: Acc. to guys if things got wild in the bedroom you might start growling like what animal?
#2: On the scale how charitable are you?
#3: A citrus flavor you find in soda.
#4: Crow’s what?
#5: Someone who’s spanked your bottom.

Seantia: Lion (23), 10 (5), lemon (41), feet (52) & dad (31)
Tyneshia: Bear (15), 9 (5), lime (26), nest (40) & grandma (3)
Unsaid #1s: 8 & mom

“Family Feud” 1/23/23

G1: Bruces (Richmond, VA)(C.F., Susan, Molly, David & Devynne) v. Crowders

(Challenger notes: Susan’s their mom, Molly’s a sister, David’s a brother & Devynne’s a sister & 1st grade teacher.)

R1 (women): If you had a wild night of passion w/ a pirate name something that might be laying on the floor the next morning:
#2: Eye patch (19)(C.F.)
#4: Hat/clothes (14)(Jarred)

Bruces: Peg leg (T2), parrot feathers (#6- 8), hook (BA- 7), sword (#5- 10), condom, jug of (special) juice & booty (21)- SWEEP

R2 (married guys): Name something your wife does just like a cat:
#2: Purrs (22)(Susan)
#5: Meows/cries (7)(Karen)

Bruces: Scratches (you)(T3- 12), eats, licks (self)(BA- 4), walks, cuddles/gets pet (T6- 5), sleeps/snores (#1- 29), hisses (T6) & pounces
Jarred Steal: Plays- X (Missed: Stretches)

Double: Name something or someone that gets hotter & hotter:
#1: Sun/climate (22)(Molly)
#2: Spouse/mate (13)(Katina)

Bruces: Oven/stove (#3- 10), iron, water, PLAYBOY issue
Jarred Steal #2: Devil- X (T4: George Clooney & fire/fireplace- 4 each/BA: Peppers- 3)

TRIPLE: Name someone men seem to do instinctively when they see a pretty woman:
#1: Stare/bae-watch (57)(David)
#3: Whistle (7)(Kevin)

Bruces: “Cat-calling” w/ some names, tell their buddies, turn around and follow ’em
Jarred Steal to Extend Game: Approach her (#2: Smile- 14/BA: Suck in gut- 5)

#1: On the scale how hard would it be for you to live w/o your cellphone?
#2: A kind of car you think most celebs own.
#3: A part of a dog a flea considers prime real estate.
#4: Failure to what?
#5: The most embarrassing thing to buy at the drugstore.

C.F.: 1 (14), Cadillac Escalade (3), butt (24), yield (15) & condoms (51)
David: 9 (8), Mercedes-Benz (20)- OUT (Final three answers: Fire hydrant, plan & tube)
Unsaid #1s: 10 & launch

G2: Logans (NY)(Ariannah, Jordyn, Kamille, Kelsey & Vinnie) v. Herberts

(Challenger notes: Ariannah & Jordyn are twin sisters, Kamille’s their mom, Kelsey’s their older sister & Vinnie’s their dad.)

R1 (married ladies): Name something you do if your husband said “Fetch me a beer, woman”:
#1: Yell/cuss out (28)(Ariannah)

Logans: Get him a beer (#5- 12), “Get it yourself” (T3- 14), throw stuff at him (#2- 23), say “Give me a minute”, bring him something else, say no
Shunise Steal: Ignore him- X (T3: Slap him/BAs: Get myself one & laugh- 4 each)

R2: If you visited someone’s home name something that might make you suspect they were a vampire:
#3: Dark/no window (16)(Asia)
X- You see a vampire (Jordyn)

Herberts: Coffin (ON TOP- 43), blood (in fridge)(#2- 21), garlic, teeth, he has cape/robe
Ariannah Steal: Bats- X (#4: No mirrors- 12/Both missed answers on bottom: No garlic & daytime sleeper- 2 apiece)

Double: Name something a woman might buy on her 40th birthday to feel young again:
#2: New face/surgery (23)(Kamille)
#4: Pink maZDa Miata (10)(Crystal)

Logans: Clothes/crop top (#1- 33), jewelry, young hung stud (#6- 5), hairdo/color (#3- 17), (glittery) makeup (#5- 7), new teeth & new phone
Shunise Steal #2: New home (Didn’t get: Vibrating buddy- 3)

TRIPLE (boys): My life would be perfect if I had a different what?
#1: Job/income (56)(Kelsey)
#3: Spouse/mate (10)(Diamond)

Logans: Family, body/height (#2- 20), car & hairstyle
Shunise Steal to Win or Be Out for Good: Wardrobe- L (Should’ve said: Attitude- 5)

#1: Something a man & his dog might do at the same time everyday.
#2: On the scale how much of a morning person are you?
#3: A job at a movie theater.
#4: A color of MONOPOLY money.
#5: A holiday a cheap person might wish to get rid of.

Jordyn: Pee (10), 5 (5), food cashier (25), green (36) & Christmas (58)
Kelsey: Nap (23), 4 (13), cleaner (4) & white (4)
Unsaid #1s: Walk/run, 1 & tickets

“Family Feud” 10/19/22

M-U: Cobbs v. Meyhubers

R1: You might be a prude if you’ve never done what in the nude?
#1: Swum (42)(Keyonte)

(Challenger notes: Keyonte’s a 6th grade English & language arts teacher by day & entrepreneur by night, Kai & Chate are sisters, Carlos is a brother & Carletta’s their baby sister who was pregnant at the time.)

Cobbs: Walked/run (BA- 5), danced (OTHER BA), slept (#2- 17), showered/bathed (#3- 11), drove, sang & shopping
Bob Steal: Suntanned- X (Missed: Boinked- 10)

R2: If a couple argues in the bathroom what might a wife spray on her husband?
#4: Air freshener (13)(Sue)
#5: Water (6)(Kai)

Meyhubers: Hairspray (TOPPER- 41), perfume (T3), deodorant (BA- 5), X, toilet paper, urine
Keyonte Steal: Cleaner/disinfectant- #2 (14)(Other BA: Shaving cream)

Double: Name an occupation in which you’re likely to get wet on the job:
#1: Lifeguard (32)(Chate)

Cobbs: Car wash (#2- 12), nurse, water park, sailor (AT REAR- 5), firefighter (#3- 10), construction
Bob Steal #2: Fisherman- #5 (7)(Remained: Diver/swimmer- 8)

TRIPLE: What’s the last thing you want to see outside your bedroom window at night?
#1: Person/thief (69)(Julie)

Meyhubers: Neighbor’s home on fire, storm/twister (BROUGHT UP REAR- 3), bear/animal (#3- 10), flood & garage door open
Keyonte Steal for W or L: Monster/ghost (14)

#1: An age that women stop dying their hair & just decide to let it go grey.
#2: Something that gets baked.
#3: A word rhyming w/ “punk”.
#4: Something that’s red & round.
#5: Shooting what?

Keyonte: 50 (8), cookie (21), monk (3), apple (12) & star (43)
Chate: 40, cake (20), funk (21), tomato (15) & moon
Unsaid #1s: 60, junk & ball

“Family Feud” 10/19/22 Nightcap

M-U: Phillipses v. Nobles

R1 (women): What would you do if your saw your husband’s car parked in front of a motel?
#1: Hunt him down! (29)(Toni)

Nobles: Call him (#2- 16), slash tires/damage (T3- 15), beat him up, park at lawyer’s! (T6- 4), call girlfriends, move his clothes on the lawn
Crystal Steal: Cry/lose it- #5 (6)(T3: Wait for him/T6: Drive it away/Sole BA: Go boink a stud- 3)

R2: Name something you hope doesn’t come out of you at church:
#1: The call of doody (53)(Sabrina)

Phillipses: Cussin’ (#2- 19), urine, tears, vomit (BA- 2), wrong notes
Toni Steal: Burp- #3 (11)(#4: Devil/demon- 4/#5: Laughter/Also on bottom: Snot/sneeze)

Double: Name a word starting w/ S that dogs seem to understand:
#3: Stop (3)(Mamie)
X- Spaghetti (Eva)

Phillipses: Shampoo, scream, stay (#2- 8), sit (TA- 78), sergeant
Toni Steal #2: Speak- X (BAs missed: Shake & snack- 2 each)

TRIPLE: During a game name something a baseball player grabs:
#1: Bat (31)(Brea)

Nobles: Water, cojones (T2- 27), helmet, ball (T2) & glove/mitt (7)

#1: Acc. to fathers on the scale how shocked would you be if your child got straight A’s on their report card?
#2: What’s the most stressful change in a person’s life?
#3: Skinny what (fill in blank w/ specific word)?
#4: Something in your home that’s big & square.
#5: Tell us the title of someone working at the White House.

Toni: 9 (9), marriage (17), dip (10), refrigerator (4) & President (64)
Kevin: 7 (7), going to jail, jeans (31), TV (19) & Vice-President (8)
Unsaid #1s: 10, job change/loss & table

“Family Feud” 11/23/22

G1: Edwardses (East St. Louis, IL) v. Crowders

R1 (men): When it comes to dating isn’t it about time women started paying for what?
#1: Dinner/dessert (70)(Jarred)

Crowders: Wedding, movies, drinks (#4- 6), hotel rm
Janeen Steal: Vacay- X (#2: Half of everything- 9/#3: Gas- 8/BAs: Sex & their Uber- 3 each)

R2: Name something RuPaul wears when he dresses up:
#1: Wig (28)(David)

Edwardses: Makeup (#3- 21), gown/skirt (#2- 25), heels/boots (T5- 4), pantyhose (ONLY BA- 2), jewelry (T5), nail polish, purse, faux eyelashes
Jarred Steal: Bra/lingerie- #4 (6)(Didn’t need: Dude clothes)

Double: For you life’s not a box of chocolates; it’s more like a bag of what?
#3: Rocks (6)(Natalie)
X- Rocks (Katina)

Edwardses: Taffy/Airheads (AT REAR- 3), poop (#1- 25), garbage (ANOTHER BA), (stale) chips (#2- 12), nails/tacks (BAs CLEARED), weight(s), tricks, dirty laundry
Jarred Steal #2: Marbles- X (Missed: Lemons & dongs- 4 a pop)

TRIPLE: Name something that might come out of a person’s nose:
#1: Snot/boogers (85)(Kevin)

Crowders: Blood (ON BOTTOM- 4), tissue, drink (#2- 5), ring & hair (OTHER BA)

#1: Something a guy might do Sat. morning in his underwear.
#2: How many days a yr are you sick enough to stay in bed?
#3: Trash what?
#4: An animal that has more nipples than humans.
#5: What do you need to play a game of volleyball?

Kevin: Get newspaper (14), 5 (9), can (42), dog (47) & volleyball (43)
Jarred: Brush teeth, 4, man, cat (28) & net (50)
Unsaid #1s: Watch TV/sports & 2

G2: Buccholzes v. Herberts

R1: Name a party game you’d be surprised grandma wanted to play at her birthday party:
#4: Beer pong (13)(Krystal)
X- Sex party (Shunise)

Buccholzes: Spin the bottle (#1- 21), flip cup, Twister (#3- 14), pin the tail on the donkey (#4- 5), strip poker (OTHER #1 OF QUESTION), 7 Minutes of Heaven, BINGO
Shunise Steal: Truth or dare- BA (4)(Other BA: Cards against humanity)

R2 (ladies): Name some info about himself your date won’t tell you that would make anyone suspicious:
#3: Martial status (16)(Asia)
X- Bank acct. (Daniel)

Herberts: Job (#1- 32), kids, liar, where lives/with who (T2), whether he’s bi (REAR- 2), education
Krystal Steal: Age- T6 (4)(#4: Rap sheet- 14/#5: Exes/lovers- 9/T6: Name)

Double: Everybody has that 1 annoying friend who does what too much?
#1: Talks/complains (76)(Kimberly)

Buccholzes: Drinks (T2- 6), gambles, smokes, steals
Shunise Steal #2: Lies- X (T2: Laughs/smiles/#4: Farts- 3/BA: Cries)

TRIPLE: Name something that might be bumpy:
#1: Road/drive (63)(Diamond)

Herberts: Person/skin (#2- 16), airplane flight, food/avocado (#3- 6), sex & clothing
Krystal Steal to Retain or Not: Amusement ride- OUT (Should’ve answered: Frog/toad- 4)

#1: A creature you’d hate to wake up in the middle of the night & see on your bed.
#2: A type of business you’d hate to live next door to.
#3: Tell us how many people you buy Christmas gifts for each yr.
#4: In the old days something that was made to last.
#5: Something you see at the beach starting w/ S.

Shunise: Spider (14), construction, 20 (7), relationship (10) & sand (47)
Crystal: Rat/mouse (12), hospital, 10 (23), china & Sun (12)
Unsaid #1s: Snake, bar and nightclub (tied) & cars

“Family Feud” 11/22/22

G1: Hills (Dianna, Susanna, Jack, Pat & Bob) v. Crowders

(Challenger notes: Dianna’s a senior producer at CNN, Susanna’s a sister, Jack’s a 16-yr-old nephew & Pat & Bob are their parents.)

R1: Name a kind of sporting equip. a sports fan might nickname “his package”:
#1: Bat/slugger (41)(Dianna)
X- Glove (Jarred)

Hills: (Foot)ball (#3- 15), (lacrosse) bag, tennis racquet, snorkel gear
Jarred Steal: Jockstrap- X (#2: Hockey stick- 18/#4: 9-iron/club- 12/#5: Barbell/dumbbell- 3/BAs: Ball bag, rod & puck)

R2: Name the 1st thing we’d smell if we entered your home:
#1: Food/onion (39)(Karen)

Crowders: Air freshener/candle (#2- 28), pet/cat litter (#3- 16), trash, flowers/plants (#4- 6), cleaner, cigar(ette) smoke
Dianna Steal: Paint- X (All ungiven BAs: Fresh laundry, weed & kids/diapers- 2 apiece)

Double: I love to wake up on top of what?
#2: Lover/Ryan Reynolds (21)(Katina)
#5: Bed (8)(Jack)

Crowders: The world (#4- 14), something soft, pile of $$$ (#1- 34), my game, cloud (BA- 5) & my golf game
Dianna Steal #2: Charts- X (Leftover: Mountain- 15)

TRIPLE: You shouldn’t bother to go to church if you’re gonna do what during the sermon?
#1: Sleep/snore (73)(Kevin)
#4: Chug flask (2)(Pat)

Crowders: Talk/cuss (#2- 8) & play on phone/Grindr (4)

#1: If your mate asked how many past lovers you’ve had never say higher than what number?
#2: Something you don’t bother doing on a lazy day.
#3: Something you might add to a glass of water.
#4: Tell us the 1st living thing that wakes up in your home in the morning.
#5: Something you use to fasten sheets of paper together.

Kevin: 2 (23), work (7), ice (35), pet (49) & stapler (60)
Jarred: 4 (2- 2 & 5 tied for #1), cut grass, lemon (33), baby (11) & paperclip (34)
Unsaid #1: Dress up

G2: Buccholzes (Vegas)(Krystal, Daniel, Kimberly, Joseph & Rhonda) v. Traverses

(Challenger notes: Daniel’s a brother, Kimberly’s a sister & Joseph & Rhonda are their parents.)

R1: You wish you could make love as often as you make what?
#1: Vittles/coffee (76)(Krystal)

Buccholzes: Pee-pee/doody (#2- 6), cocktail, noise, friends
Tonja Steal: $$$- #3 (4)(T4: Mistakes & my bed/BA: Mess)

R2: What might grandma do if she found another granny’s panties in grandpa’s car?
#2: Yell/confront (16)(Brennan)
X- Take his dentures (Daniel)

Traverses: Die, kick his butt (T3- 14), find grandpa’s panties, dump him (#1- 22), call to complain
Krystal Steal: Take his retirement- X (T3: Kill/run over him/#5: Laugh/be glad- 8/#6: Wash & fold ’em- 4/BA: Destroy car- 3)

Double: Name the most embarrassing place to be when you throw up:
#1: Church (24)(Donny)

Traverses: School (1ST OF BAs- 3), work/CEO’s desk (#3- 19), car, throes of passion, eatery/in buffet (#2- 21), theme park
Krystal Steal #2: Date- X (#4: Wedding- 5/#5: Bus/train/BAs missed: In-laws’ & store)

TRIPLE: It defeats the purpose of exercise if you’re holding what in your hand as you do it?
#1: Junk food/soda (80)(Joseph)

Buccholzes: X, cocktail (#2- 11), smartphone (AT BOTTOM- 3), book & XXX
Tonja Steal for Shutout: Remote- X (Didn’t get: Cigarette- 5)

SD: I love it when my dog wakes me up by licking my what?
Rhonda: Face/nose (65)

#1: A place where you might get in trouble for texting instead of paying attention.
#2: A word rhyming w/ “round”.
#3: Something in nature we can use to produce power.
#4: An article of clothing you have the most of in the color white.
#5: A beverage that comes in a can or bottle.

Daniel: Class (23), sound (29), water (24), socks (21) & soda (63)
Kimberly: Work (19), frown (pound tied for #1), wheat, pants (2) & beer (33)
Unsaid #1s: Car while driving, wind & shirt/blouse

“Family Feud” 11/21/22

G1: Shaddixes v. Crowders (Decatur)(Jarred, Karen, Katina, Kevin & Darius)

(Challenger notes: Jarred’s a self-taught chef & DJ, Karen’s an aunt & retired firefighter/paramedic & their teammates are cousins. Katina’s a family nurse practitioner who has a double PhD, Kevin’s been a teacher for 18yrs and a former Teacher of the Yr & Darius’ a firefighter.)

R1: Name a reason a dog might get kicked out of a dog show:
#5: Won’t obey/perform (10)(Jarred)
#7: Bad fur/wig (2)(Lisa)

Crowders: Pees/drops a deuce (#1- 31), bites judge/dog (#2- 27), humps (#4- 11), sick, has fleas (#6- 3), not qualified, died
Lisa Steal: Barks/growls- #3 (12)(Unsaid BA: Sniffin’ booty)

R2 (women): Tell us what you’d do if while he was introducing you to his parents your boyfriend forgot your name:
#1: Leave/dump him (39)(Karen)

Crowders: Slap/punch him (#3- 17), stab him, cuss him out, introduce myself (#2- 27), pretend you don’t know him
Lisa Steal #2: Stomp on him- X (#4: Laugh- 9/#5: Cry- 4/BA: Give him dirty look- 3)

Double: When a wife divorces her husband name something she enjoys having all to herself:
#4: Time/freedom (5)(Katina)
#6: Kids (2)(Meredith)

Crowders: Home/bed/closet (TOPPER- 66), $$$/checkbook (#3- 10), car, TV/remote (#2- 12), food & boyfriend
Lisa Steal #3: EVERYTHING- X (Missed: Peace & quiet- 4)

TRIPLE: Name something people bend:
#2: Rules (20)(Kevin)
X- Paper (Joan)

Crowders: Bodies/knees (TA- 46), rubber bands, hats, rulers
Lisa Steal to Play SD: Truth- #3 (15)(Could’ve also given: Wire/paperclip- 6)

SD: Something about which friends say “Keep looking, you can do better”.
Darius: Mate/dates (83)

#1: A country that might be more expensive to live in than the U.S.
#2: When you trust your gut what percent of the time are you right?
#3: A word rhyming w/ “zipper”.
#4: An animal that might dig up your lawn.
#5: Something that’s sweet & sticky.

Kevin: England (16), 70 (7), hipper (2), dog (33) & candy/chocolate (52)
Darius: Russia, 90 (18), dipper (16), groundhog (3) & honey (19)
Unsaid #1s: France, 80 & flipper

G2: Drelicks v. Traverses (Temple Hills, MD)(Tonja, Brennan, Donovan “Donny”, Jamal & Charles)

(Challenger notes: Tonja’s a retirement plan account mgr, Brennan’s their 2nd son, Donny’s their 3rd son, Jamal’s a nephew & Charles’ their 1st son.)

R1: Name something Beyonce has you wish you had:
#1: Billions (51)(Tracey)

Drelicks: Great hair/wigs (FIRST OF 4 BAs- 2), pretty skin, voice/singing career (#2- 26), fly clothes (#4- 4), homes (2 BAs LEFT), Jay-Z (1 BA REMAINS), fancy cars, awards
Tonja Steal: Hottie McBody- #3 (9)(BA leftover: Kids)

R2: Name something you’d be surprised to smell on your boss:
#2: (My wife’s) cologne (23)(Joe)
#3: Booze (19)(Brennan)

Drelicks: Weed (TA- 41), eau de bootay (#4- 7), dirt, B.O. (ON BOTTOM- 3), bad breath & cigarette smoke
Tonja Steal #2 About Other BA: Animal- X (Didn’t get: Cheese/food)

Double (ladies): When it comes to sex appeal who’s your favorite quarterback?
#1: Tom Brady (58)(Donny)

Traverses (Jamal’s a firefighter/EMT w/ the D.C. fire dept): Aaron Rodgers (#5- 4), John Madden, Kurt Cousins, Eli Manning
Tracey Steal: Patrick Mahomes- X (#2: Brett Favre- 9/#3: Joe Montana- 7/#4: Joe Namath- 6/BA: Russell Wilson- 3)

TRIPLE: You’d love to be able to say “I just got a new…” what?
#1: Car/truck (65)(Jamal)

Traverses: Home (#2- 16), job (AT REAR- 4) & mate/lover (ALSO ON BOTTOM)

#1: The night of the wk when you’re most likely to get in a fight w/ your mate.
#2: Your favorite kind of soup.
#3: An animal you see at a city park.
#4: What time does happy hr start at the bar?
#5: Someone on the baseball field who wears a mask.

Tonja: Sat. (20), chicken noodle (29), dog (37), 4PM (34) & catcher (51)
Brennan: Fri. (26), beef stew, cat, 5PM (49) & umpire
Unsaid #1: Mon.

“Family Feud” 11/18/22

G1: Shaddixes (BIR)(Lisa, Katie, Meredith, Joan & Rachel) v. O’Gormans

(Challenger notes: Lisa’s a teacher, Katie’s a daughter, Meredith’s a daughter-in-law, Joan’s a sister & Rachel’s a daughter-in-law.)

R1: If they got desperate name something Santa & Mrs. Claus might burn to stay warm at the North Pole:
#2: Sleigh (22)(Jill)
X- Clothes (Lisa)

O’Gormans: Toys/gifts (TOPPER- 49), elves (1ST OF 4 BAs- 3), reindeer, logs/X-mas tree (#3- 6), furniture (2 BAs LEFT), paper/naughty list (#4- 5), bag, coal
Lisa Steal: Toy shop (Missed: North Pole sign & gift boxes)

R2: When you were a kid name something your friends dared you to eat:
#1: Worm/bug (47)(Katie)

Shaddixes: Pet food (#4- 4), dirt (#2- 18), old expired food, boogers (ON BOTTOM- 3), dog poop, crayons
Jill Steal: Glue (#3: Grass/plants- 7/Unsaid BA: Veggies)

Double: Name something you do w/ your spouse you don’t want your children to know about:
#1: Sex (in costumes)(66)(Meredith)

Shaddixes: Get sloshed (T3- 4), dope/drugs (T3), dirty movies, argue (T3), staying up past bedtime, showering together
Jill Steal #2: Shopping- X (#2: Worry about $$$- 11/#6: Eat sweets/theirs/BA: Smoke cigs)

TRIPLE: The mugger was shocked when grandma whooped a what out of her bra?
#1: (Stun) gun (82)(Joan)
X- Purse (Huck)

Shaddixes: Lipstick, wallet/50 smackers (BA- 3), condom, knife/shiv (#3- 4) & mace can (5)

#1: Idaho’s famous for potatoes- what state might be famous for marijuana?
#2: What it off?
#3: On the scale how happy are you w/ your weekly paycheck?
#4: Something a Miss America contestant wears.
#5: Something you might buy a bar of.

Katie: FL (3), shake (13), 5 (19), dress/gown (36) & soap (44)
Rachel: CA (42), knock (26), 7 (6), heels & chocolate/candy (46)
Unsaid #1s: Take & 1

G2: Drelicks v. Hoggses (Columbus, NJ)(Seantia, Tyneshia, Tizana, Big Sean & Sean)

(Challenger notes: Seantia’s an HR worker, Tyneshia’s their big sister, Tizana’s their little sister, Big Sean’s their dad & Sean’s their little brother who’s in college.)

R1: A guy might say “If I had a dollar for every woman that _________ me I’d be a rich man”:
#1: Rejected/ghosted (31)(Seantia)

Hoggses: Kissed (#2- 12), looked at, cheated on, boinked (T4- 9), slapped (BRINGS UP REAR- 5), hugged
Tracey Steal: Flirted w/- #6 (7)(#3: Lied to- 11/T4: Loved)

R2: Name something Bad Santa might have in his sack instead of presents:
#1: Coal/rocks (29)(Tyneshia)

Hoggses: Booze (#3- 21), weed/drugs (#5- 4), condoms, dirty elf pics (BA- 3), weapons, cig(ar)s (#4- 5), sidepiece
Tracey Steal #2: Kinky toys- #2 (22)(Fittingly unsaid on bottom: Poop)

Double (men): Name a place where you’d hate to be the last in line:
#4: Food line (8)(Tizana)
X- Bar (Jordynn)

Hoggses: Church, restroom/stall (#1- 34), E.R. (#5- 6), carpool, porn shop
Tracey Steal #3: DMV- #2 (15)(#3: Concert- 14/#6: Movie- 4/BAs: Store/Black Fri. & ho house- 3 apiece)

TRIPLE (married guys): Your wife’s name is tattooed over your heart- where’s your mother-in-law’s name tattooed?
#1: Dumper (68)(Jake)
X- Hip (Big Sean)

Drelicks: Arm, back, foot (#2- 22), middle finger
Seantia Steal for SD: Priv. parts- SHUTOUT (#3: On my wife- 5/BA: Also over heart- 2)

#1: A man has a tough decision to make if the Super Bowl’s the same day as what occasion?
#2: On the scale how much of a nerd are you?
#3: Something people buy to enjoy their backyard.
#4: Kick the what?
#5: A part of the leg from the ankle up.

Deb: Wife’s birthday (11), 8 (16), pool (31), bucket (40) & knee (40)
Tracey: Wedding (37), 7 (12), swing set (5), habit (3) & hip
Unsaid #1s: Anniversary, 5 & can