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G1: Bentcliffs v. Singletons (Hampton, GA)(David, Jazzlyn, Michael, Darnell & Tracey)

(Challenger notes: David’s married to Jazzlyn, Michael’s their little brother & Darnell & Tracey are their parents.)

R1: Name someone you kiss & then regretted it:
#1: Ex (43)(David)

Singletons: Dog (T5- 4), twin, friend (#2- 23), coworker/boss (#7), slut, doctor
Cathy Steal: Sibling- X (#3: Stranger- 9/#4: 1st date- 6/T5: Hot cousin/BA: Friend’s spouse)

R2: Kids avoid the deli owner’s home on Halloween because he’d put scoops of what in their bag?
#1: Meat/liverwurst (33)(Jazzlyn)
X- Lettuce (Bob)

Singletons: Coal, potato salad (T2- 16), cheese (#6- 5), baked beans, bread
Cathy Steal #2: Onion- X (T2: Mayo/condiments/T4: Tuna & coleslaw- 6 each/BA: Pasta salad- 4)

Double: Name a famous rich man whose money’s a 10 but whose looks are barely a 5:
#2: Donald Trump (25)(Darnell)
X- Stephen Hawkins (Michael) & Hugh Hefner (Colleen)

Singletons: Bill Gates (#3- 17), X, Steve Jobs, Steve Harvey (BOTTOM- 3), Rockefeller
Cathy Steal #3: Musk- OTHER #1 (#4: Jeff Bezos- 4/Also on rear: Mark Zuckerberg)

TRIPLE: Bridesmaids might get matching what for the wedding?
#1: Dresses/clothes (83)(Chris)

Bentcliffs: Lipstick, bouquets (BA- 3), jewelry (#2- 8), hairstyles & nail polishes
David Steal on 2nd BA for W or L: Gifts (Missed: Tattoos)

#1: A month of the yr that seems twice as long as the other 11.
#2: Jump…
#3: A wild animal found rolling around in the suburbs.
#4: What’s the most cash you’ve ever received in a birthday card?
#5: A term people use for alcohol.

Cathy: Dec. (35), -start (13), lion (3), $50 (22) & booze (52)
Colleen: Jan., rope (21), dog (4), $75 & juice (3)
Unsaid #1s: Deer & $100

G2: Lipseys (Savannah)(Murle, Sarah, Jerry, Phyllis & Priscilla) v. Fettings

(Challenger notes: Jerry is Murle’s partner & Phyllis is Murle’s 1st cousin.)

R1: Name a place you hope the baby sitting near you doesn’t have a loaded diaper:
#2: Eatery/meal (17)(Sarah)
X- Bar (Shellie) & back alley (Mike)

Lipseys: Church (#3- 14), theater (T5- 3), Dr./hospital (T5), grocery store, salon, car (SOLE BA), mall
Shellie Steal: Plane- ON TOP (51)(Leftover: Bus/train- 7)

R2: Name something about a female horse that makes a male horse hot to trot:
#1: Glossy coat/mane (43)(Sarah)
#2: Swishin’ tail (16)(Mike)

Lipseys: Jump/gait (T5- 4), neigh (ONLY BA- 3), hot bod/booty (#4- 12), eyes (T5), feet, how fast she runs & smile
Shellie Steal #2: Scent- IN HEAT (15)

Double: Real or fictional name a famous Harry:
#1: Potter (58)(Trish)

Fettings: Carey, Styles (#4- 5), Connick, Jr., Truman (BA- 4), and the Hendersons
Murle Steal: Belafonte- X (#2: Houdini- 13/#3: Prince Harry- 7)

TRIPLE: Who’s the 1st person you’d tell when you’ve fallen in love?
#2: Parents (21)(Jen)

Fettings: Bestie (TA- 53), person you love (#3- 17), sibling, coworker & kids
Murle Steal to Stay in This Feud: Spiritual adviser (Failed to answer: Current spouse. Bye!- 4)

#1: Acc. to women if you had a girlie sleepover now what would you make sure you’d have at it?
#2: How many yrs is considered a long life?
#3: Something a cop has made out of metal.
#4: A vegetable you chop up.
#5: A city in California starting w/ San.

Matthew: Drinks (42), 75 (5), gun (35), carrot (33) & San Francisco (50)
Mike: Makeup, 80 (17), handcuffs (17), cucumber & San Diego (39)
Unsaid #1: 90

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 5/21/24" (1)

  1. jpgenius said:
    1. Another funny episode, but I couldn’t believe some of the answers to the money/looks question. 😬
    2. Matthew cleaned up in FM! But the Lipseys – especially Murle – almost made me split my side. 😂

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