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$1K T-U: WAYD?

L _ _ _ N G

L _ R _ E

Brett or one of his opponents could be LIVING LARGE:

Brett Smith (Myrtle Beach): Major lawn service provider worker who’s a newlywed to Robin
Morgan White (PHI): Underwriter for insurance co.
Melissa Bridges (Mt. Pleasant, TN; orig. from Muncie, IN): IT specialist married to Terry for 28yrs

$2K T-U: OtM

_ _ K Y O

_ _ _ _ _

Brett quickly gets TOKYO, JAPAN.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _

Brett: 2 T’s ($600), 4 E’s, N ($900)
Morgan: S ($700)
Melissa: 2 A’s (FP), L ($650), 2 R’s (TD), C ($700), O
Brett: J ($800), I, 2 M’s ($550)

_ R E M I _ M

L E A T _ E R

J A C _ E T

A PREMIUM LEATHER JACKET‘s traded for another $2600.

DUDS: N (Brett), S (Morgan) & O (Melissa)

Egg.Land’s Best Crossword/MR: Cash _______ 

Line #1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Line #2: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column #1: _ _ _ _ (incl. 6th letter of Line #1 word & 3rd letter of Line #2 word)
Column #2: _ _ _ _ (incl. last letter of Line #2 word)

Morgan: T ($700), 2 A’s, S (MDW), 2 E’s, M ($600)
Melissa: R (1/2 CAR near $900), L ($650)
Morgan: N ($650), U
Melissa: C ($650), 2 I’s, 2 D’s ($550), LaT
Brett: V ($650), 2 O’s (OoV), P (SS!- CarGurus.com), G (1/2 CAR)

Line #1: A D V A N C E
Line #2: D E P O S I T
Column #1: C R O P
Column #2: G I _ T

Here’s another $1400 & a $7K cash GIFT to bring his $ earnings to 14 grand.

DUDS: M (Morgan), L (Melissa) & U (Morgan)
SOLE LaT: Melissa

Flashback Moment #9 (’97 in PHX): Old puzzleboard’s retirement
Flashback Moment #10 (’01 in HI): Arnold & Edward’s sound effect blooper

PP: Thing

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Melissa: R ($500), A (FP), 2 T’s ($900), 5 E’s (VOWELS OUT IN ONE SWOOP)

E _ _ E _ _ E _ T

_ E A T _ E R

There’s EXCELLENT WEATHER at Anse Chastanet- PR.


Brett: $14K/Melissa: $11,550 in $ & St. Lucia

Flashback Moment #11 (’08): First $100K win of S26

$3K T-U: F&D

P O _ T E R _ _ _ _ E

_ _ _ _ _

Brett gets a PORTERHOUSE STEAK off the grill.

R4: Phrase

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Brett: 2 T’s ($550), 3 E’s- S-U
FS: $1700

E _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ T E _ E _ T

L: 3 N’s, M, 2 R’s, S

E _ R N _ N _

_ N T E R E S T

We’re EARNING INTEREST as he solves (although not right away) to add $7650.
SOLE DUD: M (Morgan)


He spins whatever’s hiding behind that &.

_ _ _ _ N _ / _ _

_ T / _ _ _ N


_ _ _ I N G / _ _

_ T / _ _ _ N


Comments on: "“WHEEL of FORTUNE” 5/9/19" (24)

  1. Another BR fuck up to end the 6K Episode run. It’s 9th BR Loss and if we don’t get a win on the 7000th Show, We will have its worst ever Big Money week. Dumb and Stupid Idiot Brett needed a D, W, P and a A.

    My rating: 2 (Anyone wants to add to this?)

  2. Robert Wray said:

    PLEASE do not tell me we’re about to get skunked on this special week…

  3. Disappointed episode today. An incorrect letter on the mystery wedge and the wheel was mean to Morgan. Let’s hope that we can get an correct letter on the mystery wedge tomorrow before we could say Gas Money. The ghost of Charlie O’Donnell is almost here if we don’t get a bonus round win tomorrow.
    Grade: F-
    Rating: 2

  4. This is where things get serious, my friends, for Wheel’s 7000th episode is coming tomorrow! However, a certain skunk singing Chevalier is also making his approach and could soon give the Sony Pictures Studios a foul smell with its rancid odor if tomorrow’s bonus round winds up being lost; it is also important to note that because this is our 9th straight BR loss in a row, we could also see our current BR losing streak going into the double digits as well.

  5. bencalebrod said:

    Good grief, a VERY special week of Wheel and they still have the bonus round in super-hard mode. If tomorrow’s bonus round is lost, I’ll be VERY tempted to rate the episode a -7.

    My Rating: 3

  6. Once again, another BR loss (9th straight BR loss as if I’m counting here) and a pity $1000 given to Morgan. What else can I say about this episode?

  7. Will tomorrow’s winner need Pat to help out to prevent back-to-back skunkings? I know Pat helping out isn’t ideal, but be honest, it’s better than ruining a special week with a second straight skunking, right, or do you think a second straight skunking on this special week is better?

    • Skipps Largo said:

      Pat helping a contestant CHEAT to prevent a skunking would ruin the special week EVEN MORE than getting skunked would as it would cause public backlash, hatemail, riots, and for the show to go bankrupt & off the air.

      You really don’t want the show to go bankrupt, DO YOU???

      Exactly….. NOW SHOVE IT. Idiot.

      • What about having a puzzle where RSTLNE would fill in at least half of the puzzle on any Friday where the BR record for the week is 0-4, what would that do?

      • Skipps Largo said:

        If they did that too often they could go BANKRUPT. You should know that TV game shows like this one are like businesses and they will have tougher challenges in store for contestants, OK? To earn the cash & prizes, you have to WORK FOR IT. And if players keep winning the big prizes over and over (that goes the same for losing over and over), then this show would be off the air already.

      • Skipps Largo said:

        Not to mention THEY HAVE A BUDGET TO CONTROL.

      • I only ask they do this on Fridays whenever the record for the week is 0-4, otherwise, they can use hard puzzles as they wish. If they did this, then there’d be 5 more wins than we have right now, would those 5 extra wins cause the show to go bankrupt?

  8. Adam Alam said:

    Brett pretty much ran away with the game. Melissa also did pretty well for second place (even though 82% of her winnings came from the Prize Puzzle).

    I nailed all three Tossups just as fast as Brett (I had the second off the O.).

    I had the bonus with RSTLNE. PDMA was the way to go this time. Because Brett wasted his letter choices (He thought the first word was BAKING, which still fits.), we’re on a shutout alert once again, and this time on a special week! I hope that this does not happen.

  9. jpgenius said:

    Brett did pretty good, but he needed the A’s in the BR (the obvious -ING wasn’t gonna help much.)

    My rating: 6

    I highly doubt we’ll get skunked on this milestone week, but let’s what happens… 😳

  10. actually, he has nothing.(his first word is BAKING)

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