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“Millionaire” 10/26/18

$30K: While most of the world drives on the right ALL BUT which of these countries still drive on the left as they were once ruled by the British?

A: Trinidad & Tobago
B: Malaysia
C: Mongolia
D: Uganda


$50K: Which of these pairs of celebs were BOTH born in the same yr.?

A: Tom Cruise & Tom Hanks
B: Naomi Watts & Cameron Diaz
C: Beyoncé & Britney Spears
D: Rihanna & Miley Cyrus

+1 (dad Jeff)
FA: WALKED (A: Beyoncé & Britney)

Linda Altieri (retiree in Crestview, FL)

$500: What’s the official state dance of HI?

A: “The Hokey Pokey”
B: “The Robot”
C: “The Hula”
D: “The ‘Thriller’ Dance”

“The Hula”$

$1K: Who of the following ISN’T known for wearing the letter A on his/her clothing?

A: Captain America
B: Alvin the Chipmunk
C: Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter
D: Adam from the Bible


$2K: Acc. to do-it-yourselfer website BobVila.com if you want your candles to last longer you should put ’em in what for a while?

A: Freezer
B: Oven
C: Blender
D: DVD player


$3K: Rhyming w/ a hairstyle assoc. w/ good ol’ boys a bald head w/ long hair in the back’s commonly called what?

A: Headlocks
B: Skullet
C: Fuzz cut
D: Fauxhawk


$5K: The mascot for the NFL team of which of these cities is a horse named Miles?

A: Cincinnati
B: Buffalo
C: Baltimore
D: Denver


C: 2%
D: 98%


$7K: 35yrs after his infamous crime who was released back into society in 2016 under orders to live w/ his mom in her VA home for at least a yr.?

A: Ted Bundy
B: John Hinckley
C: David Berkowitz
D: Bernhard Goetz


$10K: Last Apr. who set a new record for solo female artists by having 13 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 simultaneously incl. “I Like It” & “Finesse”?

A: Dua Lipa
B: Cardi B
C: Camila Cabello
D: Nicki Minaj

LLs GONE (niece Amy)- DUA LIPA & CARDI B
Cardi B$

$20K: The name of what South American country’s capital roughly translates to English as “I see a mountain”?

A: Peru
B: Venezuela
C: Chile
D: Uruguay

FA: Venezuela (A: Uruguay)

QotD: Which of these international cuisines is traditionally served atop pancake-like bread called “injera”?
A: Vietnamese
B: Ethiopian
C: Turkish
D: Indian

Thousandaire: Kylie Holtz
Although commonly known as the Eros statue the winged cherub atop a famed Piccadilly Circus fountain in London actually depicts Eros’ brother- who?
A: Lyle
B: Kevin
C: Anteros
D: Randy

FA: Anteros

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