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“Millionaire” 10/15/18

Howie Dorough & AJ McLean (Backstreet Boys)(St. Jude)

#1: In the legendary tale which of these WASN’T one of the Knights of King Arthur’s Roundtable?

A: Sir Perceval
B: Sir Gawain
C: Sir Galahad
D: Sir Mix-a-Lot

Sir Mix-a-Lot$

#2: Created by I.C. Parker in 1928 what classic ice cream treat got its name when the inventor’s wife said it looked like a certain part of a chicken?

A: Drumstick
B: Beak Bar
C: Thigh Pop
D: Gibletsicle


#3: Perhaps concerned about polluting the ocean which state has been at the forefront of the movement to eradicate plastic bags w/ most kinds BANNED statewide?



#4: Because the disease’s symptoms incl. sensitivity to light & an aversion to garlic early suffers of porphyria may have inspired the legend of which creature?

A: Unicorn
B: Vampire
C: Moby-Dick
D: Abominable Snowman


#5: Three of these choices are synonyms for titles of Jim Carrey movies- which one ISN’T?

A: “Foolish and More Foolish”
B: “Flying Machines, Railway Vehicles and Cars”
C: “The Cord Dude”
D: “Fibber Fibber”

“Flying Machines, Railway Vehicles and Cars”$

#6: In ASL spreading your fingers out on BOTH hands & placing your thumbs against the sides of your forehead is how to sign what animal?

A: Alligator
B: Camel
C: Deer
D: Beaver

Deer $

#7: Which of these’s the capital city of the U.S. Virgin Islands & NOT the real name of one of the Spice Girls?

A: Melanie Brown
B: Geri Halliwell
C: Charlotte Amalie
D: Emma Bunton

Charlotte Amalie$

$20K: If you’re enjoying a delicious meal of spaghetti alle vongole you’re eating pasta w/ what?

A: Sausage
B: Clams
C: Meatballs
D: Mushrooms


$30K: In its home country which of these organizations commonly goes by an abbrev. consisting of three English letters in sequential alphabetical order?

A: Nestle
B: Royal Dutch Airlines
C: Nintendo
D: Hyundai Motor Co.

LCLS (Jeff)
Royal Dutch Airlines$

QotD: In a hit song the Backstreet Boys sang that they DIDN’T care about ALL BUT which of these things “as long as you love me”?
A: Who you are
B: Where you’re from
C: What you did
D: How low your credit score is

$50K: In addition to cycling, swimming & running a standard quadrathlon also incl. which of these events?

A: Rock climbing
B: Kayaking
C: Archery
D: Horseback riding

FA: Archery (A: Kayaking)

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