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“WHEEL of FORTUNE” 9/14/17

$1K T-U: Q

_ E T / _ _ _ / W I L D

_ _ _ _ U S / S T A _ T !

Kyle blanks out.

L E T / T _ E / W I L D

R U _ _ U S / S T A _ T !

“LET THE WILD RUCKUS START!” from Katie was exactly the same guess as mine, but it’s incorrect.

L E T / T H E / W I L D

R U M P U S / S T A _ T !

Coming from Where the Wild Things Are, Kristin barely gets in “LET THE WILD RUMPUS START!”:

Kristin Bivona (Stamford): 8th Grade science teacher at Turn of River MS who just celebrated her 25th yr. of teaching & is married to Greg
Kyle Kellogg (San Antonio): Chemistry teacher at Churchill HS who’s also a soccer coach for kids & is married to Jackie
Katie Kuras (Mays Landing, NJ): Elementary teacher at Roland Rogers ES in Galloway who’s been married for eight yrs.

$2K T-U: E

_ _ _ _

E L E C _ I _ N

I wish there was a FREE ELECTION Kristin, but not to be.

M O C _

E L E C _ I O N

Katie makes the solve of MOCK ELECTION.

Featured WorldStrides T: AK ($8300)

Crossword Rd.: Teacher’s _______

Line #1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Line #2: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column #1: _ _ _ (incl. 1st letter of Line #1 word)
Column #2: _ _ _ _ (incl. next-to-last letter of Line #1 word & 3rd letter of Line #2 word)

Katie: 4 T’s ($650), 3 E’s, A
Kristin: M ($700), 3 I’s, 3 N’s (TD), O (NMV), G ($600)

Line #1: E _ I T I O N
Line #2: M E E T I N G
Column #1: _ E T
Column #2: N O T E

EDITION & PET are the right other words & that’s another $8300 for her.

SOLE DUD: A (Katie)

XYZAL MR: What Are You Wearing?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _

Kyle: T (1/2 CAR near $600), E
Katie: 3 N’s (MW near LaT…BANKRUPT)
Kristin: 2 D’s ($600), 4 A’s, S ($550)
Kyle: 2 G’s ($700), R ($650), C (TD)

G R A D _ A T _ _ N

C A _ / A N D / G _ _ N

He knows what a GRADUATION CAP AND GOWN feels like for a $5800 check.

DUDS: E (Kyle), S (Kristin)
BANKRUPTS: 2 (women)


_ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _

_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ / _ / _ _ _ _

Kyle: 2 T’s ($650), 2 E’s, H ($550), 2 A’s, 2 I’s, BANKRUPT NEAR $650
Katie: LaT
Kristin: 3 N’s (EXPRESS)
NL: 3 G’s, O, K, S, 2 U’s, P, F, R, D, B & Y

She’ll be…

T A K I N G / T H E

D U N E / B U G G Y

F O R / A / S P I N

…at the IBEROSTAR Cozumel.

SOLE LaT: Katie


Katie: $2K/Kristin: $28,950 in $ & Mexico/Kyle: $5800

$3K T-U: Place

_ O L L _ _ E

_ _ _ _ _ S

Katie answers COLLEGE CAMPUS & has five.

S-U: Thing
FS: $1600

_ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

L: T, S, R, N, M, 2 C’s, 2 P’s, F, K

S N _ P P _

C _ M _ _ _ C K

NOT a SNAPPY COMEBACK, but Kyle’s out of here w/ $10,600.

AIRED DUDS: T (Katie), R (Kristin), F (Kristin)

TONIGHT’S BANKRUPT TRASH (excl. plate): $4100

BR CATEGORIES AVAIL.: On the Map, Living Thing & What Are You Doing?

She brought mom Sandy & sister Karen & spins the N in SPIN.

_ R _ _ S _ N _

_ R _ _ N _


B R O _ S _ N G

_ R O _ N _

Will she BROWSING AROUND in the Mercedes-Benz GLA?…NO.

Comments on: "“WHEEL of FORTUNE” 9/14/17" (3)

  1. A Somewhat okay Show Again with the Big Success win on the Express. Another BR loss resulting in 3 losses this week meaning BR losing week.

    My rating: 7

    • Ismael Gomez said:

      Today was a shutout on the daily double. The car losing streak continues since she had a bad luck on the bonus round.
      Grade: F

  2. I’m surprised Kristin didn’t solve the BR, but good for everyone winning big.

    My rating: 7

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