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Ryan went 0-for-3 in “007”.

#20 (Famous Quotations, Q #3): In a speech to the British House of Commons, Winston Churchill famously said “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and…” what?
A: “…sweat”- $ ($15K- swept the category)

#22 (Plants, Q #3- BATTLE): According to the online real-estate website Trulia, what are the ten most common tree street name in the U.S.?
G: Elm, Maple, Oak, Pine, Asp- X ($16K)(0-for-3 in that, too)(Others: Cedar, Willow, Walnut, Palm, Laurel & Cherry)

#23 (Billionaires, Q #3): The first people to cross the Atlantic in a hot-air balloon were Swedish aeronaut Per Lindstrand & what British billionaire?
A: Richard Branson- $ ($17K- swept the subject)

#24 (Classic Billionaires, Q #3- BATTLE): Name the first eight released novels or novellas written by Ernest Hemingway.
G: The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea, A Farewell to Arms$ ($18K- also a sweep there)(Others: The Torrents of Springs, To Have and Have Not, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Across the River and Into the Trees & Islands in the Stream)

#25 (History, Q #2): What 1964 resolution by Congress authorized the President to use armed force in Vietnam w/o a formal declaration of war?
A: Gulf of Tonkin- $ ($19K)

#26 (World Mythology, Q #2- BATTLE): As traditionally identified, what 12 Greek gods are depicted in a seated assembly on the east frieze of the Parthenon?
G: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Ares, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Hestia- $ ($20K)(Others: Hermes, Demeter, Hephaestus, Poseidon & Artemis)

#27 (History, Q #3): At the end of WWI, the peace treaty between the Allied Powers & Germany was signed in what chamber in Versailles?
A: Hall of Mirrors- $ ($21K- sweep)

#28 (World Mythology, Q #3): The Bifrost of Norse mythology referred to what kind of structure?
A: Bridge- $ ($22K)

#29 (Global Facts, Q #2- BATTLE): Excluding Newfoundland & Labrador, what are Canada’s 12 other provinces or territories?
G: Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Yukon Territory, Alberta, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, British Columbia- $ ($23K)(Last Remaining: Nunavut)

#30 (Global Facts): What country’s the only monarchy in the Pacific?
A: Tonga- $ ($24K- sweep)

LR: 12/16 ($36K)

CHALLENGER #6: LIZ MURPHY (MIT arts producer from Cambridge, MA who’s a MENSA member & has a history degree from Harvard)

NEXT 10 SUBJECTS: Black and White Movies, Retailers, Modern Technology, Animals in History, Food and Drink, Music, Geography, 21st C. Books, People Who Never Married & Politics

#49 (Geography, Q #1- BATTLE): What eight U.S. states border the Great Lakes?
G: MN, PA, WI, NY, MI, IN, IL & OH- DRAW (still don’t get any $$$ for one)(X)

#50 (Animals in History, Q #2): After teaching her female pet orangutan to use silverware, what Frenchwoman world dress her in beautiful chemises & join her for dinner?
A: Josephine Bonaparte- XX

#51 (Food and Drink): The Buena Vista Cafe on S.F.’s Fisherman’s Wharf introduced what drink to America in 1952?
A: Irish coffee- G.O.

CHALLENGER #7: William Lee (tech product mgr. from S.F. who got his MBA from the Univ. of Chicago & got a Computer Science degree from Harvard)

NEXT 10 TOPICS: Books, Space Exploration, Big Screen Comedies, Annual Events, Birds, Politicians, Names of Places, Late Night Talk Shows, Slogans and Mottos & The Ancient World

#5 (Late Night Talk Shows): In an ongoing gag, Jimmy Kimmel has routinely apologized at the end of his show for “running out of time” to interview what actor?
A: Matt Damon- $ ($4K)

#9 (Books, Q #2- BATTLE): Excluding Red Storm Rising, what were the first ten novels by Jack Ryan creator Tom Clancy?
G: The Hunt for Red October$ ($7K)(Others: Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, The Sum of All Fears, Without Remorse, The Cardinal of the Kremlin, Debt of Honor, The Bear and the Dragon, Executive Orders & Rainbow Six)

#10 (Space Exploration, Q #2- BATTLE): Name all six U.S. space shuttles, including the one that DIDN’T go into space.
G: Challenger, Endeavour, Enterprise, Columbia, Kennedy- X (Others: Atlantis & Discovery)

#11 (Books, Q #3): What female singer’s successful children’s book series is The English Roses?
A: Madonna- $ ($8K)

#14 (Names of Places- BATTLE): Besides AL, the names of what 20 U.S. states end w/ A?
G: PA, FL, AK, GA, VA, IA, NV, CA, MT, AZ, SD- $ ($10K)

#17 (Politicians, Q #3- BATTLE): Name the 12 U.S. Attorneys General who served during the period from 1979-’15.
G: Lynch, Holder, Reno, Ashcroft, Scranton- XX ($11K)

#18 (Names of Places, Q #2): In 1807, what author was the first to refer to NYC as “Gotham”?
A: Irving- $ ($12K)

#20 (Big Screen Comedies, Q #3): In “The Hangover”, what actor DIDN’T have to fake a missing tooth, since in real life he was already missing a front incisor?
A: Ed Helms- X ($13K)

#21 (Annual Events, Q #2- BATTLE): According to Hallmark, what are the eight most popular holidays for giving greeting cards?
G: Christmas, Mother’s Day, Easter, Father’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, your birthday- XX (Others: Halloween & Thanksgiving)

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