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100 contestants compete each ep. for the chance to share up to $100K. The questions start out w/ those being correctly answered by 90% of America & go down as the game progresses, ending w/ a question only 1% got right. Every time a player got a Q wrong they were out & $1K was put in the pot.

90%: Which hot air balloon photo can’t be real (A or B)?
A: B- $4K
80%: Logically which 1 can you count on top come next in the sentence “I am the only”- crocodile, woman or mechanic?
A: Woman- $31K (Current pot: $35K)
70%: Wednesday, Will & Wanda went out to lunch. At the end of the meal 1 of ’em paid the bill but it wasn’t Will or Wanda. Who paid for lunch?
A: Wednesday- $7K (Current pot: $42K)
60%: If you turned this photo right-side up which part would be wrong?
A: Mouth- $10K (Current pot: $52K)

At this point everybody remaining is given a pass- they can skip 1 question but their $1K would be put in the pot.

50%: In the classic game if you say “He loves me” while plucking a flower’s 1st petal which flower would end w/ “He loves me not”- 1 w/ 5 petals, 1 w/ 50 petals or 1 w/ 555 petals?
A: 1 w/ 50 petals- 2 WRONG, 6 PASSED (Current pot: $60K)
45%: You can rearrange the letters of the 2 states North Carolina & South Dakota to create 2 other states’ names- what are the new states?
A: South Carolina & North Dakota- 6 WRONG, 6 PASSED (Current pot: $72K)
40%: In this grid where the same letter never appears in consec. squares, reading horizontally & vertically only, how many times does TREE appear?
A: 0- 1 WRONG, 7 PASSED (Current pot: $79K)
35%: Emphasize the 1st syllable of this 6-letter word & it’s a dry place. Emphasize the 2nd syllable of the same word & it means to abandon someone or something- what’s the word?
A: Desert- 6 WRONG, AT LEAST 1 PASSED (Current pot: $86K)

At this time those who still have their $1K can bow out of the game.


30%: In the series starting w/ apple, baseball, cat & dog which picture’s 23rd- rainbow, whale, xylophone or zebra?
A: Whale- 9 WRONG, AT LEAST 1 PASSED (Current pot: $90K)
25%: Logically what comes next in this sequence: EINN, ENT, EEELNV, EELTVW- EEHINRTT, EEFNORTU or EEFFINT?
A: EEHINRTT- 6 WRONG (Current pot: $92K)
20%: If you were singing “Happy Birthday to You” to your friend Zendaya you would sing 2 words exactly once- Zendaya & what?
A: Dear- 5 WRONG (Current pot: $93K)
15%: Which month has the same # of letters in its name as its order in the calendar?
A: September- 1 WRONG, AT LEAST 1 PASSED (Current pot: $95K)

After the next 2 Q’s those who are still in the game can take/share $10K or give it back & try to answer that 1% Q (they’re not allowed to use their pass on that Q).


10%: On this fictional map what number replaces the question mark?
A: 5- 4 WRONG (Current pot: $98K- Kyle of Vegas is guaranteed to make it to the 1% Q because he still has his pass)
5%: What’s the largest 2-digit # that looks the same right-side up as it does upside-down?
A: 96- 5 WRONG (Christopher was the only 1 who answered correctly)(Final pot: $99K)


1%: Wes just typed in his password w/ chocolate on his fingers. His password’s 7 letters long but only uses 4 unique letters. You can also type his password in backwards & it’ll still work- what is Wes’ password?
Chris: OACH

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