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Archive for the ‘“Paid Off”’ Category

“Paid Off” 5/21

Hamadi (Dartmouth College- psychology)($45,610)
Pamela (Manhattanville College- TESOL)($57,710)
Muntarin (Rutgers- public health)($59,921)


Bwaby Talk:
#1: Invented in 1837 in Germany to teach young kids through play what grade of school might be mistaken as a place to find children growing out of the ground?
Pamela: Kindergarten
#2: The debate over whether personality traits are inherited or learned is called “Nature versus…” what?
Muntarin: “…Nurture”
#3: Acc. to Sigmund Freud babies are ALL id but as they grow they develop an ego & what 3rd facet of personality?
Muntarin: Superego

Tat’s What They Said:
#1: “One small step for man one giant leap for mankind”
Muntarin: Neil Armstrong
#2 (IKT): “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
Pamela: Teddy Roosevelt
#3: “We shall never surrender”
Muntarin: Winston Churchill

Time Warped:
#1: Minimus, medius & maximus are what kind of butt muscles?
Pamela: Gluteus
#2: What essential ion-containing minerals are frequently found in sports drinks?
Pamela: Electrolytes
#3: What does BMI stand for?
Muntarin: Body mass index

S1: Where was the best place to hide your weed from the RA?
Hamadi: Microwave- X
Muntarin: Desk- X
Pamela: Mattress- #2 (Rest: Drawers, in the wall, gym locker & coffee container)
Q1: What strain of weed got its name from a ’08 Seth Rogen-James Franco comedy?
Pamela: “Pineapple Express”
S2: When you hear the word “adulting” what task do you think of?
Pamela: Paying bills- #1 (Others: Working, taxes, chores/laundry & getting your own place)
Q2: What term’s used to describe the period in which a human body transitions to adulthood & 1st becomes capable of reproduction?
Hamadi: Puberty
S3: If the world goes to sh*t & the apocalypse’s upon us what’s the 1st thing you’d do?
Muntarin: Rob bank
Hamadi: Go to family- #1 (Remained: Barricade/hide in bunker, collect food/supplies, pray & get a weapon)
Q3: “Complete Protection from the Living Dead” is the subtitle of a bestselling survival guide that predicts apocalypse-style attacks by what creatures?
Muntarin: Zombies

Muntarin: KIDZ BOP OR SLIPKNOT (Michael gave song titles)(Chewbacca on hold w/ customer service) = $2800
Pamela: SIGNER (Declaration of Independence) OR NINER (49ers players)(lawnmowing squeaky toys) = $3200
Final choices: CLEAR! (TV doctor) FREEZE! (TV cop) OR OBJECTION! (TV lawyer)
W- Pamela ($7200-$4900)

Don’t Know Your Major:
#1: Rainbow Bridge’s a popular lookout point for tourists viewing what attraction on the New York/Canadian border?
Niagara Falls
#2: An Arnold Palmer’s a drink made by mixing iced tea w/ what?
#3: In medicine ENT stands for ear, nose & what?
#4: A cockapoo’s a dog that’s a mix between a cocker spaniel & a what?
#5: Rudbeckia herta is a flower more commonly known as a “black-eyed” what?
Pea (A: Susan)
#6: On Mar. 21, 1965 MLK, Jr. led a march that began in what AL city?
Montgomery (A: Selma)
#7: A menorah’s shown on 2018 U.S. postage stamps to celebrate what Jewish holiday?
#8: At 78% what gas makes up most of Earth’s atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide
#9: Anjou, Bosc & Bartlett are three varieties of what fruit?
#10: Hoosier Hill’s the highest point in what midwestern state?
#11: What’s the 3rd planet from the Sun?
#12: What does the FAA stand for?
“Flight, air & pass”
#13: Fallingwater’s a house designed in 1935 by what three-named architect?
T.O. (A: Frank Lloyd Wright) = $50,483

“Paid Off” 5/16

Joennis (Fordham- social work)($58,173)
Josh (North Carolina Wesleyan College- biology)($45,880)
Ashley (UNC Chapel Hill- speech language pathology)($67,574)


Some Good News:
#1: Stamford Univ. has begun trails of a new immune-boosting medicine that when paired w/ radiation therapy can shrink tumors & slow the spread of what disease?
Ashley: Cancer
#2: Synthetic organs are on the horizon after scientists were able to 3-D print & implant what egg-producing organ into mice?
Josh: Ovaries
#3: In 2018 The Carter Center announced that the world’s nearly rid of Guinea worm disease which’s caused by what type of organism that feeds off another organism to survive?
Ashley: Parasites

Tat’s What She Said:
#1: “When they go low we go high”
Joennis: Michelle Obama
#2 (IKT): “I don’t do fashion. I am fashion.”
Josh: Chanel
#3: “When, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.”
Josh: Susan B. Anthony

MT1000 Test Run:
#1: Shortness of breath, feelings of terror & unrelenting diarrhea are what sort of attacks?
Ashley: Panic
#2: If Michael’s spine medicine was replaced w/ sugar pills & he thinks they’re working what beneficial effect from a USELESS treatment is he experiencing?
Joennis: Placebo
#3: What disorder are you suffering if you lose your memory?
Joennis: BLANKED
Ashley: Amnesia

S1: What personal hygiene product would you skip buying in order to have extra beer $?
Ashley: Deodorant- #1 (Remainder of board: Shampoo, razors, hair gel/mousse/”product” & mouthwash)
Q1: What neurotoxin that’s often used to smooth & reduce facial wrinkles can also be injected under your arms to reduce sweating?
Josh: Botox
S2: What subject’s absolutely OFF-LIMITS on a 1st date?
Joennis: Money- #4
Josh: Having kids
Ashley: Religion- #5 (Top three: Sex, politics & exes)
Q2: What “Material Girl” known for voguing released a ’92 coffee table book simply entitled Sex?
Joennis: Madonna
S3: If money WEREN’T an issue what international city would you live in?
Josh: London- #2
Ashley: Paris- #1 (Answers left: Tokyo, Barcelona & Hong Kong)
Q3: Known as the birthplace of the can-can what historic Paris cabaret was the basis of a ’01 musical film starring Nicole Kidman?
Joennis: “Moulin Rouge”

Ashley: GOAL (soccer player) OR BOWL (ingredient you can put in a burrito bowl at Chipotle)(cow ordering at a restaurant) = $4400
Joennis: RIRI (Rihanna songs) OR KP (Katy Perry songs)(flaming volleyball) = $2800 
Final choices: MOVIE PASS (movie directors), BOARDING PASS (pilots) OR FORWARD PASS (quarterbacks)
W- Ashley ($7800-$5300)

Don’t Know Your Major:
#1: What musical instrument typically has 88 keys- 52 white ones & 36 black ones?
#2: What was the 1st name of President Washington’s wife?
#3: What tool has a flat head or a Phillips head?
#4: On what TV show did Miley Cyrus play a teen w/ a popstar secret identity?
“Hannah Montana”
#5: In Homer’s Odyssey who was the giant w/ one eye who fought Odysseus?
#6: What Swahili word means “expedition to hunt or observe animals in their habitat”?
PASSED (A: Safari)
#7: Worn on the lapel of a suit or tuxedo a boutonniere by definition consists of a what?
#8: What Christmastime ballet by Tchaikovsky feat. a Mouse King & a Sugar Plum Fairy?
“The Nutcracker”
#9: What was the nickname for the generation of Americans born between 1946-64?
Baby Boomers
#10: A martini’s typically garnished w/ either a lemon twist or what small green fruit?
#11: “Port” describes the left side of a ship; what term refers to the right?
Star side
#12: Cu is the chemical symbol for what red-orange metallic element?

“Paid Off” 5/15

Sean (VCU- cinema)($77,509)
Trasee (Illinois St.- marketing)($63,810)
Kevin (Coastal Carolina Univ.- business management)($80,569)


Franch Buks:
#1: What 1844 Alexandre Dumas novel by the same name was about a trio of swordsmen?
Sean: The Three Musketeers
#2: You probably know it as a Disney movie but what 1740 French fairytale about a hairy monster & a young woman definitely DIDN’T have a talking candlestick?
Sean: Beauty and the Beast
#3: Cyrano de Bergerac was a gifted soldier, poet & musician but he DIDN’T think he would make it w/ the ladies because of his extra-large what?
Trasee: Nose

Dancing on Their Graves:
#1: What actor-turned-assassin killed Abraham Lincoln?
Trasee: John Wilkes Booth
#2 (IKT): What 1st Russian czar murdered thousands of people?
Sean: Lenin
Kevin: Stalin
Trasee: Michael the Great (A: Ivan the Terrible)
#3: What former Chinese communist leader whose 1966 cultural revolution resulted in the death of 1.5M of his own people?
“TOO HARD” AGAIN (A: Mao Zedong)

Time Warped:
#1: A group of stars used to form a constellation shaped like the larger of two ladles- what was that called?
Sean: The Big Dipper
#2: What wild animal is Ursa Major shaped like?
Sean: Bear
#3: What was the common name of Polaris?
Sean: North Star

S1: What’s the most rebellious thing you did during your freshman yr. in college?
Trasee: Drink/day drinking- #1 (Other responses: Skip class, stay out all night, piercings/tattoos & orgy)
Q1: Taking its name from the 10th month of the yr. what celebration’s held every Autumn in Munich to the delight of beer enthusiasts?
Sean: Oktoberfest
S2: What’s the best place to breakup w/ someone?
Kevin: Bar/café- #4
Sean: Over the phone/text- #3
Trasee: Home- #1 (Others: Park & car)
Q2: What singer penned “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” supposedly about her ex Jake Gyllenhaal?
Trasee: Taylor Swift
S3: What’s the #1 deciding factor in figuring out where to live?
Sean: Cost- #1 (Rest of them: Job opportunities, location, family & weather)
Q3: As of 2018 the rent in what west coast city just goes up especially in ritzy neighborhoods like Presidio Heights where the avg. rent’s nearly $4K?
Trasee: San Francisco

Trasee: SHELLFISH (edible) OR FETISH (taboo fetish)(waiter carrying fajitas) = $3200
Sean: HOUDINI (magician/illusionist) OR WHODUNNIT (mystery author)(bear getting a massage) = $3600
Final choices: WIN (OSCAR winner), LOSER (someone who President Trump has called them that on twitter) OR DRAW (cartoon characters you can draw)
W- Sean ($7200-$6800)

Know Your Major:
#1: Often resembling a comic strip the series of sketches representing each shot of a movie’s called what?
#2: What ’93 Spielberg movie used the tagline “An adventure 65 million years in the making”?
#3: “Inside Out” & “WALL-E” were movies made by what film animation studio?
#4: The Tramp was a famous character played by what silent movie star?
PASSED (A: Charlie Chaplin)
#5: In the U.S. films are shot at a standard speed at how many frames per second?
#6: Bollywood refers to the huge film industry in what country?
#7: In ’40 who became the 1st African-American to win an OSCAR for her role in “Gone With the Wind”?
Penny May (A: Hattie McDaniel)
#8: The wheeled platform used to move a camera during a film shoot’s known as what?
#9: In what decade where “blaxploitation” films such as “Foxy Brown” & “Shaft in Africa” 1st released?
#10: What film term comes from a French phrase that means “putting on stage”?
PASSED (A: Mise-en-scene)
#11: An early classic film from 1902 was George Melies’ “A Trip to the…” what?

“Paid Off” 5/14

Elise (Evangel Univ.- communication studies)($66,722)
Brett (Illinois St.- business education)($67,332)
Alex (Miami Univ.- mass communications)($75,838)


Crime Time:
#1: Lying is fun & I recommend it but lying under oath’s a crime known as what?
Alex: Perjury
#2: When I tell the cops that during a crime I was at my mom’s murder-free home definitely NOT murdering anybody that’s known as “a rock-solid” what?
Brett: Alibi
#3: They’re gonna put your picture up in that strip club again if you keep trying to pass off a bunch of fake dollar bills as real ones because you’ve committed the crime of making what imitation currency?
Brett: Counterfeit

Oh, The Places You WON’T Go!:
#1: “So broke you can only eat cheap ramen sushi for you is so uncommon won’t eat teriyaki on top of Mt. Fuji what country is this that never will you see?”
Brett: Japan
#2 (IKT): “Packed in like a nesting doll apartment cramped, small s–tty nyet a chance to see the Kremlin in what Russian capital city?”
Elise: Moscow
#3: “You’re drowning in debut but you won’t find flotation on a big Loch Ness monster in what kilt-wearing nation?”
Alex: Scotland

Time Warped:
#1: What watery liquid’s secreted in the mouth in order to lubricate the food for proper swallowing?
Elise: Saliva
#2: What’s the anatomical term for the tube in your neck that sends it down into your stomach?
Alex: Esophagus
#3: What’s the name of the entire tract that moves the food through & out of your body?
Alex: Digestive

S1: Which of the seven deadly sins did you commit the most often while at college?
Elise: Gluttony- #1 (Others: Envy, sloth, greed & lust)
Q1: Augustus Gloop committed the sin of gluttony by eating from the forbidden chocolate river in what classic children’s book?
Elise: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
S2: What foreign language do you wish you had learned while in college?
Elise: Spanish- #1 (Remaining: French, Chinese, Japanese & German)
Q2: What Spanish dish’s made of saffron-flavored rice, seafood, meat & veggies & served in a large shallow pan?
Brett: Paella IKT CASHED IN
S3: Which male actor’s mere presence in a movie automatically makes it more successful?
Elise: Brad Pitt- #3
Brett: Denzel Washington- X
Alex: Ryan Gosling- X (Others: “The Rock”, Tom Hanks, Ryan Reynolds & George Clooney)
Q3: Dwayne Johnson spent part of his childhood growing up in Auckland, a city in what country?
Alex: New Zealand

Alex: PRANK CALL (fake names Bart Simpson has used for prank calls) OR BASKETBALL (pro basketball player)(accidentally liking a photo of your ex)- $2400
Elise: LOVE YOU (flowers you might give to someone you love) OR HATE YOU (poisons you might give to someone you hate)(endless dial-up modem)- $2400
Final choices: TICKS (companies known for making watches), TAX (companies that do taxes) OR TOES (companies known for making footwear)
W- Elise ($6300-$4700)

Don’t Know Your Major:
#1: In ’15 what pro football team was accused of improper actions in the controversy that became known as “Deflategate”?
#2: What flying mammals use echolocation to navigate in the dark?
#3: Trademarked in ’47 what classic board game incl. 100 letter tiles, a bag & four racks?
#4: What MI city’s home to the HQ of General Motors?
#5: What branch of medicine deals specifically w/ the diagnosis & treatment of cancer?
PASSED (A: Oncology)
#6: The Bay of Pigs Invasion took place in what country in ’61?
#7: Abbrev. CTS what syndrome affecting the wrist’s commonly thought to be worsened by typing?
PASSED (A: Carpal tunnel syndrome)
#8: A fortnight refers to how many wks.?
#9: Grits are traditionally made w/ what dried grain?
Rice (A: Corn)
#10: Muslims pray while facing in the direction of what holy city in Saudi Arabia?
PASSED (A: Mecca)
#11: By definition colonies of what insect are housed in an apiary?
#12: In ’17 New Orleans removed a statue of what Confederate general who surrendered at Appomattox?
PASSED (A: Robert E. Lee)
#13: Lorne Michaels created what sketch comedy show that’s been on TV for over 40yrs?
T.O. ($20,017) = $26,317

“Paid Off”- 2ND S.P.

Lauren (Georgia Institute of Technology- Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering)($57,543)
Keegan (Eckerd College- Communications)($41,758)
Brin (Amherst College- Psychology)($63,628)


Math Fingers:
#1: If you’re on a train going 2mph definitely file a complaint because in 5hrs how many miles will you have traveled?
Lauren: 10 ($200)
#2: If I have three friends named Jeff, one friend named Geoff & two friends named Jjeph how many friends do I have?
Keegan: Six
#3: If the horny alley cats outside my home cause me to lose 30min of sleep every night after 2wks how many hrs. of sleep have I lost?
Brin: Seven

Tat’s What They Said:
#1: “Once upon a midnight dreary, While I pondered weak and weary”
Keegan: Edgar Allan Poe
#2 (IKT): “I tool the one less traveled by”
Brin: Robert Frost
#3: “Phenomenal Woman”
Brin: Toni Morrison
Lauren: Maya Angelou

How to Congress (Q’s read by Sen. Schlabsky):
#1: What’s the 1st election called?
Keegan: Primary
#2: What does PAC stand for?
Brin: Political Action Committee
#3: What’s it called when you manipulate the boundaries to give a political party or group an advantage?
Brin: Gerrymandering

R2 (right answers in this rd. for S2 are worth $300):
Survey #1: What’s the best way of dealing w/ the sound of your college roommate having sex?
Brin: Headphones/earplugs- #1 (Rest of answers: Leave, loud music/turn up TV, ask to join & confront ’em)
Q1: Abbrev. dB what’s the measurement of sound you would use to describe how loudly your roommates were boning?
Brian: Decibel
S2: If you can describe it in one word the American dream means having what?
Lauren: Money- #1 (Rest of responses: Freedom, home, happiness & opportunity)
Q2: What American coin sometimes given for your thoughts now costs more to manufacture than what it’s worth?
Keegan: Penny
S3: Once we’re gone what animal do you think’s most likely to take over planet Earth?
Keegan: Apes- #1 (Rest of board: Cockroaches, dogs, cats & rats)
Q3: Koko the ape, who was known for using sign language & loving kittens, was what type of ape?
Brin: Gorilla (players elim. 1st this season took away $2K)

R3 (answers are worth $400):
Brin: YUM YUM (signature Carvel ice cream cake) OR BANG BANG (notorious mobster)(geese bickering about which way is south)- $1600 ($3600)
Keegan: MOVE IT (dance craze) OR LOSE IT (fad diet)(low-energy “Yakety Sax”)- $4K ($5200)
W- Keegan ($7200-$4400)

Don’t Know Your Major (in S2 the percentage ladder’s 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 75% & 100%):
#1: New Orleans is home to what annual celebration whose name means “Fat Tuesday” in French?
Mardi Gras
#2: What former supermodel created & hosted “america’s next top model”?
Tyra Banks
#3: W/o the jokers how many cards are in a standard deck of playing cards?
#4: Infamous witch trials occurred in what MA village in the late 1600s?
#5: Often used by flamenco dancers what percussion instruments fasten to the fingers & click together?
PASSED (A: Castanets)
#6: Buoyancy is an object’s ability to do what when immersed in a liquid?
#7: Parker & Barrow, a 1930s bank-robbing couple, were better known by what 1st names?
Bonnie & Clyde
#8: The Earth’s equator lies at what degree of latitude?
#9: Alexander Hamilton founded what maritime law enforcement branch of the U.S. military?
Navy (A: Coast Guard)
#10: Manila’s the capital of what Southeast Asian country?
PASSED (A: Philippines)
#11: What Broadway musical was co-written by the creators of “SOUTH PARK”?
PASSED (A: “The Book of Mormon”)
#12: The Napoleonic Wars ended w/ Napoleon’s defeat in what battle in 1815?
PASSED (A: Battle of Waterloo)
#13: LeBron James left the Cavaliers to join what NBA franchise in ’18?
Lakers ($31,319) = $38,519

“Paid Off”- S.F.

(Early-taped ep.)

Isadora (art & design)(GA St.)($37,002)
Chad (Management Information Systems)(Univ. of GA)($8100)
Ada (international studies)(Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)($16,464)


Ladies’ Firsts:
#1: Matthew McConaughey would call her “Albright, Albright, Albright” but under the Clinton administration she was the 1st woman to be called Secretary of what?
Isadora: The Interior
Ada: State
#2: It only took 218yrs to have a woman as the Speakers of the House of Representatives. In 2007 which CA Democrat became the 1st woman to hold that position?
Isadora: Ginsburg
Ada: Lewinsky
Chad: Clinton (A: Pelosi)
#3: It WASN’T until 2010 that Kathryn Bigelow became the 1st woman to win an Academy Award in what category for “The Hurt Locker”?
Isadora: Director

Math Fingers:
#1: If “The Three Stooges” met the Fantastic Four for lunch but Moe COULDN’T attend due to an eye-poking injury how many people were at that lunch?
Chad: SIX
#2: If you’ve got 30sec to Mars but then you spend 23 of those sec. trying to remember Jared Leto’s name how many sec. until Mars?
#3 (IKT): If you throw a party & one of your guests brings a 7-layer dip but you scrape off the beans & black olives because they look disgusting how many layers of dip do you have left?
Chad: FIVE

Time Warped:
#1: Natural selection was a biological principle outlined in the book On the Origin of Species– who was the author?
Chad: Darwin
#2: Tides are affected by what major force exerted by the Moon, Sun & Earth?
Ada: Wind
Isadora: Gravity
#3: What theory explained the expansion that created the universe?
Ada: “The Big Bang”

S1: What bill of yours do your parents still pay?
Chad: Cellphone (Others: Car/car insurance, rent, food & gas)
Q1: The center of a biological cell where most of its genetic material’s held is called what?
Chad: Nucleus
S2: How long do you have to date before it’s OK to fart in front of your partner?
Chad: Six months- TA (Others: NEVER, yr., two months & 3-5 months)
Q2: Cows & sheep contribute to climate change by burping & farting what harmful gas w/ the chemical formula CH4?
Isadora: Carbon monoxide 
Chad: Methane
S3: Aside from apple pie what food best represents the U.S.?
Ada: Pizza- #3
Chad: Hot dog- #2
Isadora: Burgers- #1 (Others: BBQ & turkey)
Q3: The origin of the hamburger has NOTHING to do w/ ham but got its name from Hamburg, the 2nd-largest city in which country?
Ada: GermanyIKT

Chad: SODA OR YODA (toddler loose in the kitchen) = $3300
Ada: BRUCE (Bruce Willis movie) OR THE BOSS (Bruce Springsteen song)(gargling) = $1100
Final three choices: CONDOM, MINT OR CONDIMENT
W- Chad ($4100-$1700; Ada’s winnings were increased to $2K)

BR: DON’T KNOW YOUR MAJOR- 20% ($1623) = $5723

PtW: Ben ($3881)
Q1: Are you cold right now?
Q2: What’s the name of the machine that’s used to resurface the ice in an ice skating rink?
Q3: What slurpable frozen beverage was introduced by 7-eleven in ’66?

#5: $200
#4: $300

“Paid Off” 10/16

Dewana (TV production)(Howard)($64,370)
Anthony (psychology)(Presbyterian College)($18,325)
Whitney (public administration)(GA St.)($85,126)


History of Terrible:
#1: American soldiers were caught photographing & abusing prisoners of wars in Abu Ghraib prison in what country?
Anthony: Afghanistan
Whitney: Iraq
#2: During the Red Scare in the 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy used smear tactics to accuse people of being members of what political party?
Anthony: Communist
#3: One of the WORST things America ever did was put its own citizens into internment camps during WWII just because they were from what ethnic group?
Anthony: Japanese

Finger the Masters:
#1: What artist known for painting “The Sistine Chapel” shared his name w/ a “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle”?
Dewana: Michelangelo
#2: Who painted “The Persistence of Memory”?
Anthony: Dali
#3 (IKT): A picture of “Balloon Girl” recently “self-destructed” at an auction; the anonymous artist of “Balloon Girl” was who?
Anthony: Banksy

Hey, My Organs!:
#1: Which one stores urine?
Anthony: Bladder
#2: Which one secretes acids & digests food?
Anthony: Stomach
#3: What’s that large gland behind the stomach area?
Anthony: Liver
Whitney: Pancreas

S1: What would be a fair amount for you to pay out of pocket to go to college for 4yrs?
Whitney: NOTHING
Dewana: $5K
Anthony: $10K- #1 (Others: $20K, $25K, $40K & $30K)
Q1: What former late night talk show host started a telecommunications scholarship at his alma mater Ball St.?
Anthony: David Letterman
S2: Other than looks what’s something that’ll make you swipe left on, or say “no” to, a tinder dating profile?
Anthony: Smoker- TA (Others: Republican/conservative, has kids, narcissist/ego & racist)
Q2: What popular cigarette co. feat. a rugged cowboy as their mascot?
Anthony: Marlboro
S3: If you could pick any celeb to run for President who would be your pick for ’20?
Whitney: Oprah- TA (Others: “The Rock”, Ellen DeGeneres, Tom Hanks & Barack Obama)
Q3: During his Presidency Trump has spent many weekends in FL at which private club also dubbed “The Winter White House”?
Dewana: Mar-a-Lago

Anthony: SEUSS OR SAUCE (horny dolphins) = $3600
Whitney: GIRL GROUP OR GOOP (for items on Gwyneth Paltrow’s website)(just before a sneeze) = $1400
Final three choices: FOUR LEGS, MORE LEGS OR NO LEGS
W- Anthony ($4600-$2400)

BR: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE- 40% ($7330) = $11,930

BtB: Ara ($6208)
Q1: Does “tank” rhyme w/ “bank”?
Q2: What does the T stand for in ATM?
Q3: What leader of the free word nominates the chair of the Federal Reserve?

Banks Avail.: Her Royal Swineness, St. Pignatius, Clay Bacon, Jon Ham & Oinkers
Clay Bacon- $200

“Paid Off” 10/9

(Early-taped ep.)

Kenisha (hospitality mgmt.)(Howard)($28,384)
Jason (applied linguistics)(GA St.)($33,351)
Amanda (engineering physics)(Ohio St.)($20,105)


Face My Phobia:
#1: Spiders
Jason: Arachnophobia 
#2: Confined places
Amanda: Claustrophobia
#3: Foreigners
TS (A: Xenophobia)

Finger the Masters:
#1: You can find the original of what smiling lady hanging at the Louvre?
Kenisha: “The Mona Lisa”
#2: “Starry Night” was painted by what Dutchman?
Jason: Monet
Kenisha: Picasso
#3 (IKT): What famous abstract expressionist was known for his drip paintings that now sell for $200M?
TS (A: Pollock)

History of Terrible:
#1: Life for women became slightly less unbearable when the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave ’em what right?
Kenisha: Vote
#2: Discrimination based on skin color was still legal in the U.S. until which act was passed in 1964?
Kenisha: Civil Rights
#3: The Indian Removal Act, which forced 100K indigenous people off of their land, was signed by what President who for some reason’s STILL on the $20 bill?
Jason: Andrew Jackson

S1: Which country’s the best for studying abroad?
Amanda: Germany- X
Kenisha: London
Jason: Spain- #3 (Leftovers: U.K., Italy, France & Australia)
Q1: The Great Hall of Christ Church at which British university was used as inspiration for the dining hall at Hogwarts?
“TOO HARD” (A: Oxford)
S2: If you could sell one of your internal organs on the black market to pay off a portion of your student debt which organ would you choose?
Jason: Liver- #3
Amanda: Kidney- #1 (Others: Appendix, spleen & gallbladder)
Q2: Drink lots of water to avoid nephrolithiasis which is what very painful kidney condition?
Kenisha: Kidney stones
S3: What female celebrity’s the new face of feminism?
Amanda: Michelle Obama- X
Jason: Emma Watson- #3
Kenisha: Yara Shahidi (Not said: Oprah, Emma Stone, Ashley Judd & Taylor Swift)
Q3: In ’07 Oprah opened her Leadership Academy for Girls to serve impoverished children in what African country?
Kenisha: Ghana
Jason: South Africa

Jason: FAN BASE (for a music artist) OR ALIEN RACE (monkeys writing a novel) = $2400
Kenisha: CRUNCH (mascot for crunchy cereal) OR PUNCH (pro boxer nickname)(cartoon parents arguing) = $2300
Final three choices: HEAD, SHOULDERS OR KNEES/TOES
W- Kenisha ($3300-$2800)

BR: KNOW YOUR MAJOR- 15% ($4258) = $7558

EM!: Cassie ($70,877)
Q1: On a scale from 1-10 are you hungry right now?
Q2: What state’s nicknamed “The Sunshine State”?
Q3: What upholstered footstool shares its name w/ a once-powerful Turkish empire?

“Paid Off” 10/2

Sarah (Regent Univ.)(cinema & TV)($34,398)
Soojin (Univ. of Southern CA)(public relations)($61,453)
Michelle (GA St.)(journalism, especially in sports)($42,417)


Know This PotUS:
#1: What 21st C. President who got in trouble for wearing a tan suit earned a nickname that begins w/ the words “No Drama”?
Soojin: Obama
#2: Though it begs the Q “Who was the mother?” what former General-turned-President was nicknamed “The Father of His Country”?
Sarah: Washington
#3: Michael prefers “Jorb” & “Gwib” but what President was best known as “Dubya”, a way of pronouncing his mobile initial w/ a TX drawl?
Michelle: George W. Bush

Money Talks:
#1: Queen Elizabeth’s on the $5 bill of what kangaroo-loving country?
Soojin: Australia
#2: Mahatma Gandhi’s on the 500 rupees note of what country?
Sarah: India
#3: A bird’s on the $10 note of what country where “The Lord of the Rings” was shot?
Soojin: New Zealand

Br’ish Liturcher:
#1: What 1945 George Orwell novel feat. a mammal revolution?
Soojin: Animal Farm
#2 (IKT): Who’s afraid of this Br’ish author who wrote “Mrs. Dalloway” and “To The Lighthouse”?
Soojin: Virginia Woolf
#3: Jonathan Swift wrote which Br’ish novel about a regular-size voyager who got straight-up OWNED by a bunch of super-tiny people called Lilliputians?
Sarah: Gulliver’s Travels

S1: When you were in college what’s the longest you went w/o showering?
Michelle: Six days
Soojin: Wk.- #3
Sarah: Three days- #2 (Unsaid: Two days, one day & five days)
Q1: The invention of liquid soap happened in 1865- the 1800s were known as what century?
Sarah: 19th
S2: What subject gets “mansplained” to you the most?
Michelle: Sports- #2
Sarah: Cars- #1; IKT (Others: Technology, finances & feminism)
Q2: In 2008 who became the 1st woman to win an IndyCar Championship race?
Michelle: Danica Patrick
S3: Which country HATES the U.S. the most?
Soojin: China- #5
Sarah: Iraq- X
Michelle: Russia- #2 (Leftovers: North Korea, Canada & Iran)
Q3: In North Korea in the 1990s ALL teachers were reportedly required to learn how to play what instrument that’s known as a “squeezebox”?
Soojin: Accordion

Sarah: BOND (James Bond villain) OR WAND (Harry Potter villain)(duck stealing motorcycle) = $2900
Soojin: STUD (Kentucky Derby-winning horse) OR DUD (big-budget movie that FLOPPED)(tennis grunting) = $2700
Final three choices: MELISSA, JOAN OR HEART (part of human heart)
W- Soojin ($4.5K-$3300)

#1: NaCl is the molecular formula for what common food additive?
Table salt
#2: The discovery of what precious metal at Sutter’s Mill, CA started an 1849 “rush”?
#3: Cinco de Mayo celebrates what country’s victory over France in the Battle of Puebla?
#4: Macintosh & Granny Smith are varieties of what fruit?
#5: In the card game blackjack the object’s to get as close to what number w/o going over?
#6: What bodily fluid’s broken down into groups of A, B & O?
#7: Bangkok’s the capital of what Southwest Asian country?
#8: In Plato’s Apology what other philosopher said “The unexamined life is not worth living”?

Easier Money: Ty ($26,589)
Q1: How many corners does a square have?
Q2: It’s easier to enjoy Mardi Gras if you’re in what city nicknamed the “Big Easy”?
Q3: It’s easier to NOT die thanks to the invention of what blood-pumping artificial organ first successfully implanted in 1982?
Pacemaker (A: Artificial heart)

“Paid Off” 9/25

Jerrod (North Carolina A&T State)(mass communications)($55,232)
Makita (Florida A&M & NCSU)(mechanical engineering)($39,535)
Alex (Univ. of West GA)(biology)($36,723)


Money Talks:
#1: Somebody’s face is on the £10 bill for what country?
Alex: England
#2: Ho Chi Minh is on the 200K Dong bill for what country?
Alex: Vietnam
#3: You can find a dos mil colones bill in what country?
Alex: Costa Rica

Know This PotUS:
#1: What former President’s Emancipation Proclamation earned him the nickname “The Great Emancipator”?
Makita: Lincoln
#2: “Tricky Dick” was actually a nickname given to what Watergate-era President?
Jerrod: Nixon
#3 (IKT): Most people had NO problem declaring “I like Ike” about what great American General-turned-President? 
Makita: Eisenhower

Math Fingers:
#1: Michael allegedly started this ep. w/ 7K Instagram followers & have since lost 6998- how many followers does he now have?
Jerrod: TWO
#2: U + ME = L.U.V. is a BAD pickup line. If U + 3 = 7, solve for U.
Alex: FOUR
#3: What’s the square root of 36?
Jerrod: SIX

S1: If money & grades were NOT a factor what college would you have gone to?
Makita: Princeton
Alex: Harvard- ON TOP; IKT USED (Leftovers: Stanford, MIT, Oxford & UCLA)
Q1: Reese Witherspoon’s character Elle Woods gained entrance to Harvard Law School in what ’01 comedy?
Makita: “Legally Blonde”
S2: What’s your #1 relationship dealbreaker?
Jerrod: CHEATS/married- TA (Left: DISPECTFUL/RUDE, LIES, smoking/BAD breath & politics)
Q2: Hilary Clinton aide Huma Abedin was married to what unfortunately-named NYC politician who got himself mired in an underage sexting scandal?
Makita: Anthony _______
Alex: Anthony Wiener 
S3: In an ideal world what profession should make the most $?
Makita: Teacher- #1 (Also there: Doctor, police, nurse & mom)
Q3: Though he was best known for patenting the 1st telephone which innovator was a teacher at the Boston School for Deaf Mutes?
Alex: Alexander Graham Bell

Makita: SHOOTERS (shot of alcohol) OR BOOSTERS (vaccine)(my dog telling my secrets) = $2600
Alex: BIG CHEESE (world leader) OR JUST CHEESE (an a capella group warming up) = $2200
W- Makita ($3800-$2800)

BR: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING- 30% ($11,861) = $15,661

DtD: Chiara ($7501)
#1: In dodgeball what do you dodge?
#2: Each yr. on New Yr.’s Eve a giant ball drops in what famous NYC square?
Times Square
#3: The HBO series “ballers” stars what pro wrestler-turned-actor?
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson