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Mini-Challenge #5: They posed w/ a piece of Away luggage for vacation selfies.
$2.5K- Nina

Maxi-Challenge #8: They made looks based on RuPaul’s songs.
GJ: Jeremy Scott

Shannel: “Hey Sis, It’s Christmas”
Angeria: “Cake & Candy”
Gottmik: “New Friends Silver, Old Friends Gold”
Vanjie: “Kitty Girl”
Roxxxy: “Lady Cowboy”
Plastique: “Star Baby”
Jorgeous: “I Bring the Beat”
Nina: “Cha Cha Bitch”

LS for Your Legacy #8: Plastique v. Roxxxy (each had 4 badges)
S: “No One Gets the Prize” by Diana Ross
W- Roxxxy 
CUT OFF- Angeria

(Final note: This was the final ep. of the season where the lip sync winner was able to use the Ruby Snippers.)

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