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OUT 1ST- Derek

Spicy Foot (Advantage #2): They ate 10 peppers off a hanging string connected to a pulley system which they could’ve lowered by raising their foot.
W- Nicole

Balance for Survival (Elim. #2): They placed cups of liquid into a holder connected to ropes & used ropes to maneuver the holder to their mouth so they could suck & spit the liquid into a tube. The goal was to fill up their tube to a line (Nicole’s line was lowered for winning the prev. checkpoint).
L- Leroy

Hoseball (Advantage #3): In teams of 2 they sprayed a firehose at a ball so it rolled into their goal. A pair won when they scored 2 goals.
W- Ace & Cara Maria

Bluff Night (Elim. #3): Each player chose a challenge in 1 of 3 rooms (only 2 could complete a rm’s challenge). The winners chose 1 teammate to go 1st, who would decide who went 2nd & so on.
Nailed It: 3 long nails had to be hammered into a log.
Marble Blast: They rolled a ball through a hole at the end of a ramp; every time they missed they had to collect their ball & start over.
Firearm: While wearing a glove set on fire they were to ignite 4 targets, then they needed to throw kerosene-soaked balls until 4 balls were ignited.

L- Nicole & Veronica

Day 2: They rode a scooter to a star loop containing 5 checkpoints. They had to complete 5 laps & do 1 checkpoint on the 1st lap, 2 checkpoints on lap #2 & so on. For every star (s)he had they could skip a checkpoint but they were only permitted to skip 1 checkpoint per lap. After finishing their laps they ran to collect 1 of 3 star handles & crossed the finish line.

Drink It: They either ate a cockroach or drank a shot of fermented liquid.
Connect It: A pipe puzzle was to be completed which formed a path between 2 ends of a pipe.
Rock It: They needed to find 10 stones in a tub of mealworms & stacked their stones; their stack had to remain standing for :10.
Build It: What they solved here was a vertical puzzle.
Swing It: While harnessed they swung themselves to place 2 rings around a hook mounted to a tall wall.

W- Laurel ($250K)
2ND- Cara Maria ($25K)
3RD- Steve ($25K)

Comments on: "“The Challenge All-Stars”- 4TH S.F." (1)

  1. Christopher Morris said:

    Challenge All-Stars winner Laurel Stucky is now a candidate for Contestant of the Week over at GSQ.

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