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“JEOPARDY!” 6/20/07

Bonnie Humphrey (Tuxedo Park, NY): Attorney
Dave Dye (Torrance): Import specialist


$200 Streets:

In Waukesha, WI you can actually live on this- a 2-word phrase for a life of comfort & security.

Jesse: “What is Easy Street?”

$400 Streets:

Swing down to the intersection of Count & Basie in this capital of Virginia.

Bonnie: “What is Richmond?”

$600 Streets:

You can clean up on Dirty Ankle Road in Lawndale, located in this “Tar Heel State”.

Jesse: “What is North Carolina?” ($800)

$800 Streets:

Traverse to Traverse City, MI & go nuts a la Anthony Perkins, for you’ll find this Path there.

Dave: “What is Psycho?” 

$200 Crossword Helper:

Ara: 1 of these star groups between Triangulum Australe & Scorpius.

Dave: “What is a constellation?” ($1K)

$200 Food:

Food used in many Thai dishes & also mentioned in “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”.

Bonnie: “What are peanuts?” ($600)

$400 Food:

Munich’s traditional Weisswurst, a veal sausage, is naked w/o Senf- German for this.

Dave: “What is skin?” ($600)
Jesse: “What is sauerkraut?” ($400)

TS: Mustard

$600 Food:

At his 1st news conference George W. Bush compared Iraq sanctions to this dairy food.

TS #2: Swiss cheese

$800 Food:

The main ingredients of ratatouille are tomatoes, onions, peppers, zucchini & this veggie bigger than those.

Bonnie: “What is eggplant?” ($1400)

$1K Food:

Meat on a stick sounds better if you use the French term- “en” this.

Bonnie: “What is brochette?” ($2400)

$200 Quote:

“I’m not a crook.”

Jesse: “Who is Nixon?” ($600)

$400 Quote:

“Heeere’s Johnny!”

Dave: “What is ‘The Tonight Show’?” ($200)
Jesse: “Who is Ed McMahon?” ($1K)

$600 Quote:

“You’re fired.”

Jesse: “Who is Trump?” ($1600)

$800 Quote:

“Baby, you’re the greatest.”

Bonnie: “Who are Jackie Gleason & Ralph Kramden?” ($3200)

$1K Quote:

“Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Willis?”

Jesse: X ($600)
Bonnie: “Who is Gary Coleman?” ($4200)

$1K Streets:

Fittingly Bakersfield, CA has car dealers on this alley that’s also the name of a comic strip.

Jesse: “What is Gasoline Alley?” ($1600)

$200 Ptolemy:

Ptolemy XII, Egypt’s king for nearly 30yrs, used bribery to prevent this empire from annexing the country.

Jesse: “What is Babylon?” ($1400)

TS #3: Roman

$400 Ptolemy:

Her dad was Ptolemy XII; lucky XIII, 10yrs old at the time, became her co-ruler & husband.

Dave: “Who is Cleopatra?” ($600)

$600 Ptolemy:

Fire was an important part of this structure, 1 of the 7 ancient wonders- finished during Ptolemy II’s reign.

Jesse: “What is the Lighthouse at Alexandria?” ($2K)

$800 Ptolemy:

Ptolemy’s system of astronomy held up until 1543 when this Polish astronomer went heliocentric.

Bonnie: “Who is Copernicus?” ($5K)

$400 Crossword Helper:

Gam or pod: a herd of these large mammals.

Bonnie: “What are whales?” ($5400)

$600 Crossword Helper:

Ria: a narrow inlet of the sea formed by this type of valley that’s been partly submerged.

Jesse: “What is a fjord?” ($1400)

TS #4: River

$800 Crossword Helper:

Eft: the land dwelling form of this type of salamander.

Dave: “What is a newt?” ($1400)

$1K Ptolemy:

Ptolemy V’s decree pardoning prisoners was inscribed on this block of basalt discovered in 1799.

Jesse: “What is the Rosetta Stone?” ($2400)

$200 Earl:

The “Architect Earl” of Pembroke laid the 1st stone in the 1st Westminster Bridge over this river.

Dave: “What is the Thames?” ($1600)

$400 Earl:

In 1595 Hugh O’Neill, “the Great Earl” of Tyrone, led a revolt against British rule here.

Jesse: “What is Ireland?” ($2800)

$600 Earl:

Finally- the answer was the DD in the rd.

The Earl of Carnarvon gave up racehorses for archaeology & financed the 1922 discovery of this.

“What is King Tutankhamen’s tomb?”…correct for another $800.

$800 Earl:

Earl “Citizen” Stanhope chaired a society to promote this the yr before the French 1.

Dave: “What is a revolution?” ($2400)

$1K Earl:

In 1348 the Earl of Salisbury found his feminine side as 1 of the original knights of this.

Dave: “What is the garter?” ($3400)

$1K Crossword Helper:

Til: this type of plant; the seeds are used to make tahini.

TS #5: Sesame

TOTAL LT: $2800

Jesse: $3600/Dave: $3400/Bonnie: $5400


$400 Physics:

Relativity theory assumes the effect of acceleration on an object equals the effect of this force.

TS: Gravity

$400 Everyone’s a Critic:

In the Republic he criticized the job of painter as just a “creator of appearances…what he creates is untrue”.

Dave: “Who is Plato?” ($3800)

$800 Everyone’s a Critic:

This film critic became a leading director of the French New Wave w/ “The 400 Blows” & “Shoot the Piano Player”.

Jesse: “Who is Jean Genet?” ($2800)

TS #2: Francois Truffaut

$1200 Everyone’s a Critic:

He wrote Lyrical Ballads w/ Wordsworth & his Biographia Literaria was the best of English romantic criticism.

TS #3: Coleridge

$400 Also a Gum Brand:

A shoulder-held weapon firing armor-piercing rockets

Dave: “What is a bazooka?” ($4200)

$800 Also a Gum Brand:

To walk w/ long steps (you may “hit” yours or “take things in” it)

Jesse: “What is a stride?” ($3600)

$800 Physics:

This positively charged nuclear particle has almost 2K times the mass of the negatively charged electron.

Jesse: “What is a proton?” ($4400)

$1200 Physics:

Answer: DD #1.

In wave motion, period, the time 1 complete cycle takes, is the reciprocal of this- the # of cycles in a given time.

“What is a hertz?”…they had to deduct $1400 from him- what’s frequency?

$1600 Physics:

An object on a table & a compressed spring both have this type of energy- 1 gravitational, 1 elastic.

Jesse: “What is potential?” ($4600)

$2K Physics:

Term for the distance from the center of a lens to the pt where parallel rays that pass through it converge.

Dave: “What is an aperture?” ($2200)

TS #4: Focal length

$400 Ukraine:

Born in Ukraine in 1894 he became the undisputed leader of the USSR in ’58.

Bonnie: “Who is Khrushchev?” ($5800)

$400 “Man”:

The unlawful killing of another but w/o malice aforethought

Dave: “What is manslaughter?” ($2600)

$800 “Man”:

Marvelously meticulous medieval monks would methodically “illuminate” ’em.

Jesse: “What is a manuscript?” ($5400)

$1200 “Man”:

The name of these handcuffs came from the Latin for “little hand”.

Bonnie: “What are manacles?” ($7K)

$1600 “Man”:

Perhaps the world’s 1st industrial city was this 1 later home to the British band Oasis.

Jesse: “What is Manchester?” ($7K)

$2K “Man”:

After they invaded China & captured Beijing in 1644 they established the Ching dynasty.

Jesse: “Who are the Manchus?” ($9K)

$800 Ukraine:

Called “Mother of Cities” this Ukranian capital was heavily damaged in WWII & not fully rebuilt until around 1960.

Jesse: “What is Kiev?” ($9800)

$1200 Ukraine:

Ukraine prospered for several centuries in the Middle Ages until its 1240 conquest by these forces from the east.

Dave: “Who are the Mongols?” ($3800)

$1600 Ukraine:

1st name shared by both the PM & president of Ukraine.

Dave: “What is Vladimir?” ($2200)

TS #5: Viktor

$2K Ukraine:

Following the breakup of the Soviet Union Ukraine joined Russia & Belarus in joining this- the CIS.

Jesse: “What is the Commonwealth of Independent States?” ($11,800)

$1600 Everyone’s a Critic:

The Sacred Wood was the 1st book of criticism by this Missouri-born “Four Quartets” poet.

Jesse: “Who is T.S. Eliot?” ($13,400)

$2K Everyone’s a Critic:

Her 1991 book said “the undeclared war against American women” was the “backlash against the women’s movement”.

Bonnie: “Who is Susan Faludi?” ($9K)

$400 Cold Movie:

Peter Billingsley watched Flick get triple-dog-dared into sticking his tongue to a flagpole in this film.

Jesse: “What is ‘A Christmas Story’?” ($13,800)

$800 Cold Movie:

In the ’70s he was a hockey player in “Slap Shot” & faced a future ice age in “Quintet”.

TS #6: Paul Newman

$1200 Cold Movie:

The answer there was the other DD.

This sequel started on the icy planet of Hoth.

“What is ‘The Empire Strikes Back’?”…it was a “STAR WARS” film & Jesse got the right 1 for $1800.

$1600 Cold Movie:

The Uruguayan rugby team had a bad day & not enough seasoning in this ’93 Ethan Hawke film.

Jesse: “What is ‘Stranded’?” ($14K)

TS #7: “Alive”

$2K Cold Movie:

The end of this John Carpenter South Pole-set film found Keith David & Kurt Russell shivering & paranoid.

Jesse: “What is ‘The Thing’?” ($16K)

$1200 Also a Gum Brand:

A special edition of a newspaper

Dave: “What is extra?” ($3400)

$1600 Also a Gum Brand:

The lunar kind means the light of the Moon’s obscured because the Earth’s between the Moon & the Sun.

Bonnie: “What is an eclipse?” ($10,600)

$2K Also a Gum Brand:

W/o worry

Jesse: “What is carefree?” ($18K)

TOTAL DJ! LT: $8400

Pre-Final S:
Jesse: $18K/Dave: $3400 (NON-FACTOR)/Bonnie: $10,600


In 1852 his story The Dandy Frightening the Squatter appeared in The Carpet-Bag– a humorous paper.

DAVE: “Who was Twain?” ($0)
BONNIE: “Who was Charles Dickens?” ($3K) = $7600
JESSE: “Who is Dickens?” ($7K) = $11K

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