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“JEOPARDY!” 6/4/24

Travis Kissire (Boise): Deputy public works director
Christina Paul (Davie, FL): Foreign service officer


$200 “IZ”:

NOAA calls it “precipitation…of water less than 0.5mm in diameter”.

Adriana: “What is drizzle?”

$400 “IZ”:

A magical sorcerer; it was also slang for “excellent” in the 1920s.

Adriana: “What is wizard?” ($600)

$600 “IZ”:

A wisp of hair curling askew; GARNIER sells an “anti”-this serum.

Travis: “What is frizz?”

$800 “IZ”:

This seasoned pork sausage’s popular in Mexico.

Adriana: “What is chorizo?” ($1400)

$1K “IZ”:

It’s Sid Meier’s video game series where you start at the dawn of history & can get to the Space Age.

Travis: “What is ‘Civilization’?” ($1600)

$200 Book:

If you’re looking for updates on the March sisters try Good Wives by this 19th century American woman.

Adriana: “Who is Alcott?” ($1600)

$400 Book:

Flannery O’Connor titled a collection of short stories A Good Man is these 3 words- preach, sister.

Adriana: “What is Hard to Find?” ($2K)

$600 Book:

P.G. Wodehouse continued his tales of Bertie Wooster in Very Good this guy- Bertie’s manservant.

Adriana: “What is Jeeves?” ($2600)

$800 Book:

Angelic Aziraphale & demonic Crowley were friendly rivals in this comedic tale of pending apocalypse by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett.

Adriana: “What is Good Omens?” ($3400)

$1K Book:

Pearl S. Buck won a Pulitzer for this novel set in China.

Christina: “What is The Good Earth?”

$800 Eurofood:

Answer: DD.

Colcannon is a traditional dish made w/ potatoes & this veggie that puts the “col” in the name.

“What is collard greens?”…easy come, easy go on that $1K- what’s cabbage?

$600 Eurofood:

On “Searching for Italy” Stanley Tucci’s Turin tour incl. bagna cauda- it means this, which you step into.

Adriana: “What is a hot bath?” ($4K)

$200 21st Century Sports:

Since 2022 this NYC grand slam tennis tournament has used a system called Hawkeye instead of humans to call balls in or out.

Christina: “What is the U.S. Open?”

$400 Eurofood:

At bars in Lisbon small plates are called petiscos; in Madrid the small dishes are called these.

Christina: “What are tapas?” ($600)

$1K Eurofood:

Smoked herring eaten as these, prev. shunned as the breakfast of a bygone Britain, is making a comeback.

Travis: “What are kippers?” ($2600)

$200 Tree-via:

This subtropical marsh region of Florida has the largest mangrove forest in the continental U.S.

Adriana: “What are the Everglades?” ($4200)

$200 Common Bond:

Video, ticker, Scotch

Adriana: “What is tape?” ($4400)

$400 Common Bond:

Mug, booster, jump


$600 Common Bond:

Jon, Dicky, Uzi Ver

Adriana: “What are Lils? Lil rappers?” ($5K)

$800 Common Bond:

A smile, an egg, the books

Travis: “What are things you can cook?” ($1800)

TS #2: Things you can crack

$1K Common Bond:

Cymbals, the stock market, uninvited guests

Adriana: “What are things that crash?” ($6K)

$200 Eurofood:

The German pastries here are Schnecken meaning these animals w/ coiled shells; eating the actual creature’s more of a French thing.

Travis: “What are snails?” ($2K)

$400 Tree-via:

These tall trees of the myrtle family are native to Australia where they’re also known as gums & stringybarks.

Christina: “What are eucalyptus?” ($1K)

$600 Tree-via:

This tree in the cashew family’s grown for its edible green nuts.

Adriana: “What is pistachio?” ($6600)

$800 Tree-via:

Quebecol is a compound derived from the sap of this tree.

TS #3: Sugar maple

$1K Tree-via:

A slight breeze will cause the leaves of this aspen to tremble, thus its name.

Travis: “What is a quaking aspen?” ($3K)

$400 21st Century Sports:

In ’07 this NL squad became the 1st team w/ 10K losses; in ’08 they won the World Series behind Cole Hamels & Ryan Howard.

Christina: “Who are the Chicago Cubs?” ($600)

TS #4: Phillies (they currently have the best record in MLB this season)

$600 21st Century Sports (Bill Cowher):

“I coached the 1st 6th-seeded team to reach the Superbowl even though this quarterback of my Steelers threw for half as many yards as the Seahawks passer.”

Adriana: “Who is (Ben) Roethlisberger?” ($7200)

$800 21st Century Sports:

A bit like Sci-Fi’s Anywhere Door or Phoenix Gate it opened on Oct. 15, 2018 to whisk college athletes to a new school.

TS #5: Transfer portal

$1K 21st Century Sports:

Then w/ Oklahoma City this master of the triple double became the 1st back-to-back MVP of the NBA All-Star Game since the ’50s.

Adriana: “Who is Durant?” ($6200)

TS #6: Russell Westbrook

TOTAL LT: $4200

Adriana: $6200/Christina: $600/Travis: $3K


$1200 Port:

Piraeus is not only this capital city’s main port it’s a terminus for railway passengers.

Travis: “What is Athens?” ($4200)

$1200 “C”:

This American expatriate modeled for Edgar Degas incl. his painting “At the Milliner’s”.

TS: Mary Cassatt

$1600 “C”:

This 1948 painting depicted a young woman trying to crawl up a hill to her farmhouse.

Adriana: “What is ‘Christina’s World’?” ($7800)

$400 Idioms & Expressions:

Boxing gave us this idiom for the best & closest spot to watch the action of any kind.

Adriana: “What is a ringside seat?” ($8200)

$800 Idioms & Expressions:

This term for a stockpile of cash’s more often applied to money to wage a political campaign than a military 1.

Travis: “What is a war chest?” ($5K)

$1200 Jun. 4:

1940: the last of 340K troops were hastily evacuated from this seaport.

Adriana: “What is Dunkirk?” ($9400)

$1200 Idioms & Expressions:

This tradition where you meet the pope’s a snide expression meaning to show extreme subservience to anyone (Raychell Rose would agree).

Travis: “What is bend the knee?” (aka kiss the ring)($6200)

$1600 Idioms & Expressions:

Answer: there it is, 1 of the DDs in this rd- he’s wagering $3800 to go for the lead.

Sticky foot pads called pulvilli are needed if you want to literally be this & listen to others’ conversations while unseen.

“What is…on little cat feet?”- oh no; you would be a fly on the wall.

$2K Idioms & Expressions:

Janis Joplin’s last concert was fronting a band w/ this 3-word name meaning all out & incl. a synonym for to dance.

TS: Full Tilt Boogie

$2K “C”:

“Head of a Bandit” is 1 of the surviving sculptures by this double “C” Frenchwoman who destroyed much of her own work.

Travis: “Who is Camille Claudel?” ($4400)

$1600 Port:

A major European port this 2nd-largest Dutch city straddles both banks of the New Meuse.

Adriana: “What is Rotterdam?” ($11K)

$400 Modern Potpourri:

Choose letters wisely on this New York Times game that feted its 1Kth puzzle by lighting up the Empire State Building.

Travis: “What is ‘Wordle’?” ($4800)

$800 Modern Potpourri:

K is for this brand offering k-rounds coffee pods.

Adriana: “What is KEURIG?” ($11,800)

$1200 Modern Potpourri:

Be careful- a fake Windows update could be this named for the fee you’ll have to pay hackers.

Christina: “What is ransomware?” ($1800)

$800 “C”:

Answer there: DD #2.

Picasso called this Post-Impressionist known for his “Bathers” series the “father of us all”.

“Who is (Paul) Cezanne?”…correct for another $1K.

SOLE ATTEMPTED TS: $2K (June 4 Ever More)
TOTAL DJ! LT: $13,600

Pre-Final S:
Adriana: $17,400 (LOCK)/Christina: $2400/Travis: $4800

Christina: $3200/Travis: $8600


This character in a series of popular books begun in 1934 promised “I’ll stay till the wind changes”.

CHRISTINA: “Who is The Wiza Winnie the Pooh (BUSTS)
TRAVIS: “Who is Mary Poppins?” = $9599
ADRIANA: “Who is Mary Poppins Poppins?” = $24,400 $116,200

Comments on: "“JEOPARDY!” 6/4/24" (3)

  1. Christopher Morris said:

    50/50 split for me.

    • deepscan said:

      Also 50/50 for me because of what happened in the doldrums of the 100 Acre Wood in the End Game.

      Once again, a sorry Main Game with 2 DDs lost. That led to Christina being the one bankrupt and ending up stranded in the 100 Acre Wood as Adriana ends the latest 5xC crisis and ends up with a spot in next season’s ToC. Isn’t it ironic both Pooh and Poppins are Disney characters? Zip A Dee Doo DUMB on you, Christina. Candidate for ZONK ANSWER OF THE WEEK, folks.

      Bobby’s Rating – also 50/50 Split

      A spoonful of sugar didn’t make the medicine go down for Travis & Christina.

      On to WOF!

  2. jpgenius said:

    Welcome to the club, Adriana. Nice to see an all-female tourney berth so far. 👏🏾

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