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SDG (“Aromas in Roma”): The teammates would either taste, touch or smell an ingredient & if either person was right they would add a level to their Leaning Tower of Pisa; the team whose tower was completed won.
Ari v. Evan (taste): ANCHOVIES- EVAN
Darian v. Domaine (taste): BLUE CHEESE- DARIAN
Eric v. Dolores (touch): PIZZA DOUGH- DOLORES
Louisa v. Denise (touch): SAUSAGE- LOUISA
Yo v. Zack (touch): MOZZARELLA BALLS- ZACK
Darian v. Zack (smell): GARLIC- ZACK (by this point it was a 4-4 tie)
Ari v. Dolores (smell): CHEESE- ARI WON IT FOR HER TEAM

Team Anne: Prosciutto-wrapped shrimp w/ fennel, radicchio & grapefruit salad
Team Alex: Frito Misto w/ Mediterranean tartar sauce

MDC #3:
Team Anne: Veal Parmesan w/ spaghetti
Team Alex: Chicken Parmesan w/ spaghetti

W- Dolores & Ari
L- Denise & Yo (Also on Bottom: Evan & Eric)

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