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Lauren (Georgia Institute of Technology- Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering)($57,543)
Keegan (Eckerd College- Communications)($41,758)
Brin (Amherst College- Psychology)($63,628)


Math Fingers:
#1: If you’re on a train going 2mph definitely file a complaint because in 5hrs how many miles will you have traveled?
Lauren: 10 ($200)
#2: If I have three friends named Jeff, one friend named Geoff & two friends named Jjeph how many friends do I have?
Keegan: Six
#3: If the horny alley cats outside my home cause me to lose 30min of sleep every night after 2wks how many hrs. of sleep have I lost?
Brin: Seven

Tat’s What They Said:
#1: “Once upon a midnight dreary, While I pondered weak and weary”
Keegan: Edgar Allan Poe
#2 (IKT): “I tool the one less traveled by”
Brin: Robert Frost
#3: “Phenomenal Woman”
Brin: Toni Morrison
Lauren: Maya Angelou

How to Congress (Q’s read by Sen. Schlabsky):
#1: What’s the 1st election called?
Keegan: Primary
#2: What does PAC stand for?
Brin: Political Action Committee
#3: What’s it called when you manipulate the boundaries to give a political party or group an advantage?
Brin: Gerrymandering

R2 (right answers in this rd. for S2 are worth $300):
Survey #1: What’s the best way of dealing w/ the sound of your college roommate having sex?
Brin: Headphones/earplugs- #1 (Rest of answers: Leave, loud music/turn up TV, ask to join & confront ’em)
Q1: Abbrev. dB what’s the measurement of sound you would use to describe how loudly your roommates were boning?
Brian: Decibel
S2: If you can describe it in one word the American dream means having what?
Lauren: Money- #1 (Rest of responses: Freedom, home, happiness & opportunity)
Q2: What American coin sometimes given for your thoughts now costs more to manufacture than what it’s worth?
Keegan: Penny
S3: Once we’re gone what animal do you think’s most likely to take over planet Earth?
Keegan: Apes- #1 (Rest of board: Cockroaches, dogs, cats & rats)
Q3: Koko the ape, who was known for using sign language & loving kittens, was what type of ape?
Brin: Gorilla (players elim. 1st this season took away $2K)

R3 (answers are worth $400):
Brin: YUM YUM (signature Carvel ice cream cake) OR BANG BANG (notorious mobster)(geese bickering about which way is south)- $1600 ($3600)
Keegan: MOVE IT (dance craze) OR LOSE IT (fad diet)(low-energy “Yakety Sax”)- $4K ($5200)
W- Keegan ($7200-$4400)

Don’t Know Your Major (in S2 the percentage ladder’s 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 75% & 100%):
#1: New Orleans is home to what annual celebration whose name means “Fat Tuesday” in French?
Mardi Gras
#2: What former supermodel created & hosted “america’s next top model”?
Tyra Banks
#3: W/o the jokers how many cards are in a standard deck of playing cards?
#4: Infamous witch trials occurred in what MA village in the late 1600s?
#5: Often used by flamenco dancers what percussion instruments fasten to the fingers & click together?
PASSED (A: Castanets)
#6: Buoyancy is an object’s ability to do what when immersed in a liquid?
#7: Parker & Barrow, a 1930s bank-robbing couple, were better known by what 1st names?
Bonnie & Clyde
#8: The Earth’s equator lies at what degree of latitude?
#9: Alexander Hamilton founded what maritime law enforcement branch of the U.S. military?
Navy (A: Coast Guard)
#10: Manila’s the capital of what Southeast Asian country?
PASSED (A: Philippines)
#11: What Broadway musical was co-written by the creators of “SOUTH PARK”?
PASSED (A: “The Book of Mormon”)
#12: The Napoleonic Wars ended w/ Napoleon’s defeat in what battle in 1815?
PASSED (A: Battle of Waterloo)
#13: LeBron James left the Cavaliers to join what NBA franchise in ’18?
Lakers ($31,319) = $38,519

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