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“Paid Off”- S.F.

(Early-taped ep.)

Isadora (art & design)(GA St.)($37,002)
Chad (Management Information Systems)(Univ. of GA)($8100)
Ada (international studies)(Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)($16,464)


Ladies’ Firsts:
#1: Matthew McConaughey would call her “Albright, Albright, Albright” but under the Clinton administration she was the 1st woman to be called Secretary of what?
Isadora: The Interior
Ada: State
#2: It only took 218yrs to have a woman as the Speakers of the House of Representatives. In 2007 which CA Democrat became the 1st woman to hold that position?
Isadora: Ginsburg
Ada: Lewinsky
Chad: Clinton (A: Pelosi)
#3: It WASN’T until 2010 that Kathryn Bigelow became the 1st woman to win an Academy Award in what category for “The Hurt Locker”?
Isadora: Director

Math Fingers:
#1: If “The Three Stooges” met the Fantastic Four for lunch but Moe COULDN’T attend due to an eye-poking injury how many people were at that lunch?
Chad: SIX
#2: If you’ve got 30sec to Mars but then you spend 23 of those sec. trying to remember Jared Leto’s name how many sec. until Mars?
#3 (IKT): If you throw a party & one of your guests brings a 7-layer dip but you scrape off the beans & black olives because they look disgusting how many layers of dip do you have left?
Chad: FIVE

Time Warped:
#1: Natural selection was a biological principle outlined in the book On the Origin of Species– who was the author?
Chad: Darwin
#2: Tides are affected by what major force exerted by the Moon, Sun & Earth?
Ada: Wind
Isadora: Gravity
#3: What theory explained the expansion that created the universe?
Ada: “The Big Bang”

S1: What bill of yours do your parents still pay?
Chad: Cellphone (Others: Car/car insurance, rent, food & gas)
Q1: The center of a biological cell where most of its genetic material’s held is called what?
Chad: Nucleus
S2: How long do you have to date before it’s OK to fart in front of your partner?
Chad: Six months- TA (Others: NEVER, yr., two months & 3-5 months)
Q2: Cows & sheep contribute to climate change by burping & farting what harmful gas w/ the chemical formula CH4?
Isadora: Carbon monoxide 
Chad: Methane
S3: Aside from apple pie what food best represents the U.S.?
Ada: Pizza- #3
Chad: Hot dog- #2
Isadora: Burgers- #1 (Others: BBQ & turkey)
Q3: The origin of the hamburger has NOTHING to do w/ ham but got its name from Hamburg, the 2nd-largest city in which country?
Ada: GermanyIKT

Chad: SODA OR YODA (toddler loose in the kitchen) = $3300
Ada: BRUCE (Bruce Willis movie) OR THE BOSS (Bruce Springsteen song)(gargling) = $1100
Final three choices: CONDOM, MINT OR CONDIMENT
W- Chad ($4100-$1700; Ada’s winnings were increased to $2K)

BR: DON’T KNOW YOUR MAJOR- 20% ($1623) = $5723

PtW: Ben ($3881)
Q1: Are you cold right now?
Q2: What’s the name of the machine that’s used to resurface the ice in an ice skating rink?
Q3: What slurpable frozen beverage was introduced by 7-eleven in ’66?

#5: $200
#4: $300

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