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“Paid Off” 10/16

Dewana (TV production)(Howard)($64,370)
Anthony (psychology)(Presbyterian College)($18,325)
Whitney (public administration)(GA St.)($85,126)


History of Terrible:
#1: American soldiers were caught photographing & abusing prisoners of wars in Abu Ghraib prison in what country?
Anthony: Afghanistan
Whitney: Iraq
#2: During the Red Scare in the 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy used smear tactics to accuse people of being members of what political party?
Anthony: Communist
#3: One of the WORST things America ever did was put its own citizens into internment camps during WWII just because they were from what ethnic group?
Anthony: Japanese

Finger the Masters:
#1: What artist known for painting “The Sistine Chapel” shared his name w/ a “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle”?
Dewana: Michelangelo
#2: Who painted “The Persistence of Memory”?
Anthony: Dali
#3 (IKT): A picture of “Balloon Girl” recently “self-destructed” at an auction; the anonymous artist of “Balloon Girl” was who?
Anthony: Banksy

Hey, My Organs!:
#1: Which one stores urine?
Anthony: Bladder
#2: Which one secretes acids & digests food?
Anthony: Stomach
#3: What’s that large gland behind the stomach area?
Anthony: Liver
Whitney: Pancreas

S1: What would be a fair amount for you to pay out of pocket to go to college for 4yrs?
Whitney: NOTHING
Dewana: $5K
Anthony: $10K- #1 (Others: $20K, $25K, $40K & $30K)
Q1: What former late night talk show host started a telecommunications scholarship at his alma mater Ball St.?
Anthony: David Letterman
S2: Other than looks what’s something that’ll make you swipe left on, or say “no” to, a tinder dating profile?
Anthony: Smoker- TA (Others: Republican/conservative, has kids, narcissist/ego & racist)
Q2: What popular cigarette co. feat. a rugged cowboy as their mascot?
Anthony: Marlboro
S3: If you could pick any celeb to run for President who would be your pick for ’20?
Whitney: Oprah- TA (Others: “The Rock”, Ellen DeGeneres, Tom Hanks & Barack Obama)
Q3: During his Presidency Trump has spent many weekends in FL at which private club also dubbed “The Winter White House”?
Dewana: Mar-a-Lago

Anthony: SEUSS OR SAUCE (horny dolphins) = $3600
Whitney: GIRL GROUP OR GOOP (for items on Gwyneth Paltrow’s website)(just before a sneeze) = $1400
Final three choices: FOUR LEGS, MORE LEGS OR NO LEGS
W- Anthony ($4600-$2400)

BR: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE- 40% ($7330) = $11,930

BtB: Ara ($6208)
Q1: Does “tank” rhyme w/ “bank”?
Q2: What does the T stand for in ATM?
Q3: What leader of the free word nominates the chair of the Federal Reserve?

Banks Avail.: Her Royal Swineness, St. Pignatius, Clay Bacon, Jon Ham & Oinkers
Clay Bacon- $200

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