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“JEOPARDY!” 6/24/24

Graham Hicks (Ottawa): Lighting designer
Erin Buker (San Pedro, CA)

A 1 E & A 2 E

$400 1 E & 2 E:

French for “very” (has an accent over the E) & a bunch of saplings (no accent over either E)

Drew: “What is Tres & tree?”
Graham: “What is Tres & trees?”

$200 Director’s Cut:

Peter Jackson’s extended versions of this trilogy incl. Saruman’s death & Gandalf fighting the Witch King.

Erin: “What is ‘Lord of the Rings’?”

$1K Positive:

Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of this came out in 1952 but this is still recommended as a stress buster.

Drew: “What is Positive Thinking?” ($600)

$600 1 E & 2 E:

According to & a person who’s another’s equal

Drew: “What is per & peer?” ($1200)

$800 1 E & 2 E:

I’ll be very disappointed if you don’t get these: understanding or knowledge & sharp like an animal’s senses.

Drew: “What is ken & keen?” ($2K)

$1K 1 E & 2 E:

Gusto! Verve! Vivacity! & to take a quick look.

TS: Pep & peep

$400 Poetry:

Guests at many a wedding didn’t hear the lowercase in E.E. Cummings’ “i carry your” this “with me”.

Drew: “What is ‘heart’?” ($2400)

$600 Poetry:

In an obvious yet deep thought Dickinson began a poem this “is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed”.

Graham: “What is success?” ($1K)

$200 Prehistoric Animals:

Though it had a 10ft bite diameter megalodon, the biggest ever of these, died out in the Pliocene & I’m not especially sorry.

Drew: “What is a shark?” ($2600)

$600 Prehistoric Animals:

California’s official state fossil is this feline known for its canines.

Graham: “What is a sabertoothed tiger?” ($1600)

$400 Prehistoric Animals:

Answer: DD– not sure why Drew skipped over that clue after being on the $200 1.

Around 16ft tall a tusked mammal had hair that could get to be more than 2ft long- hence this descriptive name.

“What is a woolly mammoth?”…Graham took advantage & doubles up to $3200 & the early lead.

$800 Prehistoric Animals:

An early type of this semiaquatic weasel wasn’t cute & cuddly- it was the size of a wolf w/ a bite to match.

Erin: “What is an otter?” ($1K)

$1K Let Him Cook:

Soft-boiled eggs & yogurt dressing are in Jamie Oliver’s “Sorta Salmon” this south-of-France style.

Graham: “What’s lyonnaise?” ($2200)

TS #2: Nicoise

$800 Let Him Cook:

David Chang added 7UP to give this Korean staple some bubbliness in its cabbage.

Drew: “What is kimchi?” ($3400)

$600 Let Him Cook:

Bam! Enjoy “kicked up fried calamari with Creole olive salad” at his flagship New Orleans restaurant.

Graham: “Who is Emeril?” ($2800)

$400 Let Him Cook:

You bleeping bleeps better know this TV chef has a personal recipe for soft scrambled eggs & bacon jam toast on his website! Well?!

Drew: “Who is Gordon Ramsay?” ($3800)

$200 Let Him Cook:

Flavortown’s near as Guy Fieri adds some Cajun chicken to this classic creamy way to prepare fettuccine. 

Graham: “What is alfredo?” ($3K)

$400 Director’s Cut:

Ridley Scott’s “Final Cut” of this ’82 film dropped Harrison Ford’s narration suggested his character Deckard was a replicant.

Graham: “What is ‘Blade Runner’?” ($3400)

$600 Director’s Cut:

In Steven Spielberg’s ’80 “Special Edition” cut of this film moviegoers got to see Richard Dreyfuss inside the UFO (& hear John Williams’ orchestral rendition of “When You Wish Upon a Star” towards the end of the credits).

Erin: “What is ‘The Abyss’?” ($400)
Graham: “What is ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’?” ($4K)

$800 Director’s Cut:

The director’s cut of this ’86 film restored Frank Oz’s original vision- Audrey II devoured Seymour & Audrey.

Graham: “What is ‘Little Shop of Horrors’?” ($4800)

$1K Director’s Cut:

He has created the director’s cut for “Watchmen” as well as “BATMAN v. SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice”.

Drew: “Who is Zack Snyder?” ($4800)

$200 1 E & 2 E:

Short form of a job that keeps order on the court & a chain of rocks near the water’s surface

Drew: “What is ref & reef?” ($5K)

$200 Poetry:

Maya Angelou rhymed this title word w/ “eyes” & “lies”.

Graham: “What’s ‘Realize’?” ($4600)

TS #3: “Rise”

$800 Poetry:

“So vast was the struggle to found the Roman state” was a line from this epic by Virgil.

Drew: “What is the ‘Aeneid’?” ($5800)

$1K Poetry:

“There’s a stake in your fat black heart,” she wrote in “Daddy”, a searing poem from her posthumous 1965 collection “Ariel”.

Drew: “Who is Plath?” ($6800)

$1K Prehistoric Animals:

Sea scorpions called eurypterids could reach 8ft, making ’em the biggest ever members of this phylum incl. crustaceans & bugs.

Drew: “What are arthropods?” ($7800)

$200 Positive:

A basic subatomic particle it’s positively charged & the chief constituent of primary cosmic rays.

Drew: “What are protons?” ($8K)

$400 Positive:

In 2016 the 1000 Fathers March along Beale Street celebrated positive role models in this city.

Drew: “What is Memphis?” ($8400)

$600 Positive:

The sum of these 2 positive integers is a 2-digit number but when the 2 are multiplied the product’s a single digit.

Drew: “What are 1 & 9?” ($9K)

$800 Positive:

When jumpstarting a car use the red cable to connect between each battery’s positive 1 of these “final” posts.

Erin: “What is a node?” (-$400)
Drew: “What are terminals?” ($9800)- SWEEP

TOTAL LT: $2200

Drew: $9800/Erin: -$400/Graham: $4600


$1200 14-Letter Response:

In 597 B.C. this king II deported King Jehoiachin to Babylon.

Drew: “Who is Nebuchadnezzar?” ($11K)

$1600 14-Letter Response:

In philosophy it prioritizes free will; as a political philosophy it prioritizes indiv. freedom.

Drew: “What is libertarianism?” ($12,600)

$2K 14-Letter Response:

Self-hypnosis may make use of this- the planting of your own ideas into your subconscious.

Erin: “What is manifestation?” (-$2400)

TS: Autosuggestion

$1200 Italy:

The name of 34 X 7-mile Lake Maggiore means this in relation to nearby lakes.

Graham: “What is largest?” ($5800)

$400 Live Music:

Dave Grohl said his life began when he was baptized by spit & sweat at a concert by Naked Raygun- this kind of band.

Erin: “What is heavy metal?” (-$2800)
Graham: “What is punk?” ($6200)

$800 Live Music:

Beyonce’s Apr. 14, 2018 show as the 1st black woman headliner here became legendary.

Graham: “What is Coachella?” ($7K)

$1200 Live Music:

The 1st concert this Maroon 5 frontman saw was Warrant at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium as a pre-teen.

Drew: “Who is Adam Levine?” ($13,800)

$1600 Italy:

It’s the Italian name for the city of Dante & Machiavellie.

Drew: “What is Firenze?” ($15,400)

$1600 Live Music:

Answer: DD #1– looks like he learned his lesson from the last rd.

The tour name had to be NINJA when these 2 bands from the 1st Lollapalooza joined forces again in 2009.

“What are Nine Inch Nails &…Jane’s Addiction?”…just under the wire for another $2K.

$2K Italy:

Here was Sforza Castle, a 15th century fortification commissioned by the family that ruled over this city for nearly a century.

Drew: “What is Milan?” ($19,400)

$800 Italy:

Now it’s a “confusing spread of ruins”; during Rome’s golden age this open area bustled w/ shoppers & lawyers.

Drew: “What is the Forum?” ($20,200)

$1200 Presidential Nicknames:

The last of the Founding Fathers to have the job, this 5th President was known as “The Last Cocked Hat”.

Drew: “Who is Monroe?” ($21,400)

$1600 Presidential Nicknames:

John Quincy Adams was “The Accidental President” & John Tyler was given this similar epithet by his detractors.

Drew: “What is ‘His Accidency’?” ($23K)

$2K Presidential Nicknames:

The Coolidge Foundation says both dry wit & frugality w/ words led to this nickname.

Graham: “What is ‘Silent Cal’?” ($9K)

$800 Presidential Nicknames:

This bachelor President became “Ten-Cent Jimmy” after he said 10¢ a day was a fair wage.

Drew: “Who is Buchanan?” ($23,800)

$400 Presidential Nicknames:

While cooking breakfast Rep. Pat Schroeder had the idea to compare him to a Teflon frying pan.

Drew: “Who is Trump?” ($23,400)

TS #2: Reagan

$1200 Where’s the Meeting?:

Indigenous Australians’ 1st meeting w/ Europeans was w/ the crew of the Duyfken from this country in 1606.

Drew: “Uh, what is Germany?” ($22,200)
Erin: “What is Scotland?” (-$4K)
Graham: “What is the Netherlands?” ($10,200)

$800 Where’s the Meeting?:

Kaiser Wilhelm I watched over the Deutsches Eck or German Corner in Koblenz where the Mosel & this river meet.

Drew: “What is the Rhines?” ($23K)

$1600 Where’s the Meeting?:

Logan County, KY in 1800 was credited as the birthplace of the fervent religious gatherings called these 4-letter meetings.

TS #3: Camp

$1200 Olde Cars:

Named for Spanish explorer Hernando this Chrysler division made the Airflow in ’34 but eventually, not so much the cash flow.

Erin: “What is Cortes?” (-$5200)
Drew: “What is DeSoto?” ($24,200)

$1600 Olde Cars:

Honk-honk- the answer there’s the other DD.

Studebaker, maker of an electric car around 1900, was based in this town; Knute Rockne worked part-time in sales.

“Notre Dame” will definitely cost him $200 because he forgot to phrase properly; yes, they were looking for South Bend, IN.

$2K Where’s the Meeting?:

Meetings in the book First Encounters by Nancy Caldwell Sorel incl. an awkward 1 between Orson Welles & this mogul in a San Francisco elevator.

Erin: “Who is Hughes?” (-$7200)

TS #4: William Randolph Hearst

$400 Italy:

Cremona’s known as the home of this instrument craftsman who died there in his 90s in 1737.

Drew: “Who is Stradivarius?” ($24,400)

$400 Where’s the Meeting?:

In 1918 at Gray’s Inn in London FDR 1st met this man & thought he acted like a stinker; they worked well together later.

Drew: “Who is Churchill?” ($24,800)

$800 14-Letter Response:

A book by Lance Freeman about this demographic & economic shift seen “From the Ground Up” was titled There Goes the ‘Hood.

Drew: “What is gentrification?” ($25,600)

$400 14-Letter Response:

Your pen pal knows it’s an exchange of letters between 2 people.

Drew: “What is correspondence?” ($26K)

$400 Olde Cars:

Henry Ford was famous for saying customers could have this 1908-27 car in any color as long as it was black.

Drew: “What is the Model T?” ($26,400)

$800 Olde Cars:

Here was a ’58 Hawk from this U.S. automaker now a name more familiar as a partner in printers.

Graham: “What is Packard?” ($11K)

$2K Live Music:

This singer who often honors her predecessors paid tribute to Ms. Mitchell by hosting a 2023 Joni Jam.

TS #5: Brandi Carlisle

$2K Olde Cars:

In ’51 NASCAR felt the sting of the Hudson this which won the season opener in Daytona.

TS #6: Hornet


Sadly it wasn’t Erin’s day- she’s elim. w/ $2K.

Pre-Final S:
Drew: $26,400 (LOCK)/Erin: -$7200/Graham: $11K

Drew: $26,200/Graham: $9800


When this body was discovered in 1978 Persephone was suggested as its name.

GRAHAM: “What are Sam, Jacob and Callista? ♥” (his nephews & niece) = $1
DREW: “What is Ceres” (Correct: What was Charon?) = $22,400 $75,682

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