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“JEOPARDY!” 6/21/24

Josh Heit (Silver Spring): Government relations professional
Richelle Brown (Alexandria, VA): Substitute teacher


$600 Fictional Characters:

In the Twilight saga vampire-human hybrid Renesmee Cullen was a baby when this character fell for her.

Drew: “Who is Edward?”

TS: Jacob

$800 Fictional Characters:

Agatha Christie said while her grandmother was an inspiration this character was “far more fussy & spinsterish”.

Josh: “Who is Miss Marple?”

$800 On the Map:

The Tha, a tributary of this river, flows through Laos.

Drew: “What is the Mekong?” ($200)

$600 On the Map:

In 1616 navigator William Schouten rounded this cape at the tip of South America & named it for the Dutch city of his birth.

Richelle: “What is Cape Horn?”

$200 On the Map:

The name of this mountain range came from Sanskrit words for “snow” & “abode”.

Josh: “What are the Himalayas?” ($1K)

$800 Icons on Stamps:

This man wore his iconic red cardigan on his stamp.

Drew: “Who is Mister Rogers?” ($1K)

$1K Fictional Characters:

The title of a 1960 novel was explained by this lawyer who said “It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”.

Drew: “Who is Atticus Finch?” ($2K)

$400 Fictional Characters:

He told Dorothy “It is very tedious being perched up here night & day”.

Richelle: “Uh, who is…’Humpty Dumpty’?” ($200)
Josh: “Who is the Scarecrow?” ($1400)

$600 Multiple Meanings:

It’s an animal, it’s a northeastern city, it’s a verb meaning to bully.

Josh: “What is buffalo?” ($2K)

$800 Multiple Meanings:

Happening now or the movement of the tide

Drew: “What is current?” ($2800)

$1K Multiple Meanings:

To abstain or elect not to do something like not mentioning it’s another word for a song’s chorus.

Drew: X ($1800)

TS #2: Refrain

$400 Multiple Meanings:

You can do this w/ a fugitive in a place of refuge perhaps in the same-named watery area.

TS #3: Harbor

$600 Lovely Smile:

This “top model” & reality TV host coined the term smize, meaning to smile w/ your eyes.

Josh: “Who is Tyra Banks?” ($2600)

$600 Icons On Stamps:

She wore a black judicial robe & a white collar on the 2023 stamp honoring her.

Richelle: “Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?” ($800)

$1K Icons On Stamps:

A :12 achievement by this pair from Dayton, OH got ’em on more than half a dozen stamps.

Drew: “Who are the Wright Brothers?” ($2800)

$1K On the Map:

In 2024 this Omani capital faced widespread flash flooding from heavy rainstorms.

Drew: “What is Muscat?” ($3800)

$400 On the Map:

Dating to the 1690s the Eddystone Lighthouse’s near Plymouth in Devon on rocks in this narrow body of water.

Richelle: “What is the English Channel?” ($1200)

$200 Company:

AuctionWeb was an early name for this co. founded by Pierre Omidyar.

Josh: “What is eBay?” ($2800)

$800 Company:

Take a Walkman down memory lane to ’46 when this co. was founded in Tokyo by 2 engineers.

Richelle: “What is SONY?” ($2K)

$400 Company:

This brand’s LV monogram was designed by the son of its founder in 1896.

Richelle: “What is Louis Vuitton?” ($2400)

$600 Company:

In 1953 it took this co. more than 3 dozen tries to create a formula for rust prevention- now a popular lubricant.

Josh: “What is WD-40?” ($3400)

$1K Company:

The remaining answer: a TDD.

Orig. an aerial crop-dusting co. it was named for the southern U.S. region it orig. served.

He times out- what’s Delta Airlines?

$1K Lovely Smile:

Celebrity dentist Dr. Catrise Austin was in demand after working on the smile of this woman who rapped “Got a bag & fixed my teeth”.

Josh: “Who is Cardi B?”

$800 Lovely Smile:

She posted an Instagram tip- “Open your mouth when you smile, like you’re having the time of your life”.

Drew: “Blake Lively? Who is Blake Lively?” ($4600)

$200 Fictional Characters:

In a story by Edgar Rice Burroughs this title character adopted an orphaned cub that became “The Golden Lion”.

Richelle: “Who is TARZAN?” ($2600)

$200 Lovely Smile:

Her famous grin wasn’t really a “Mona Lisa Smile” though she played an art history professor in that movie.

Richelle: “Who is Julia Roberts?” ($2800)

$400 Lovely Smile:

This sport’s known for its special smiles like the 1 flashed by Bobby Clark.

Josh: “What is ice hockey?” ($1400)

$200 Multiple Meanings:

To impede or a laundry receptacle

Drew: “What is hamper?” ($4800)

$400 Icons On Stamps:

This great American has been feat. on more than 130 stamps- a fitting tribute to a former postmaster general.

Drew: “Who is Lincoln?” ($4400)
Josh: “Who is Franklin?” ($1800)

$200 Icons On Stamps:

The menu for the Celebrity Chefs stamps incl. Joyce Chen & this woman who taught us to master the art of French cooking.

Josh: “Who is Julia Child?” ($2K)

Alex Trebek’s “Forever” stamp will be avail. for presale tomorrow; it’ll be released on 7/22.

SOLE UNATTEMPTED TS: $400 (Multiple Meanings)

Drew: $4400/Richelle: $2800/Josh: $2K


$800 Did You Get My Letter?:

Mario Puzo to him: “I wrote a book called The Godfather…and I think you’re the only actor who can play the part.”

Richelle: “Who is Marlon Brando?” ($3600)

$1200 Did You Get My Letter?:

In 1937 in a last letter to her husband before she disappeared she wrote “Women must try to do things as men have tried”.

Josh: “Who is Earhart?” ($3200)

$800 Human Body:

Gotta have heart! And hips! At the hips this largest artery divides into 2 others carrying blood to the pelvis & legs.

Richelle: “What is the femoral artery?” ($2800)
Drew: “What is the aorta?” ($5200)

$1200 Human Body:

Peristaltic waves in the stomach propel food to this organ- all 7yds of it.

Richelle: “Uh, what are the intestines? The small intestine?” ($4K)

$1600 Human Body:

Answer: DD #1– she wagers ¾ her bank.

Don’t forget the R at the end of this tendon attaching the bottom of the kneecap to the top of the shinbone. 

She blanks also- what’s the patellar?

$2K Human Body:

Astigmatism occurs when the curvature of this dome-shaped transparent membrane becomes irregular.

Drew: “What is the cornea?” ($7200)

$1600 Did You Get My Letter?:

No hard feelings? In 1968 months after she shot this man Valerie Solanas wrote to him “I’m very happy you’re alive + well”.

Drew: “Who is Warhol?” ($8800)

$2K Did You Get My Letter?:

In a letter to Anais Nin: “It is true I swim in a perpetual sea of sex but the actual excursions are fairly limited.”

Drew: “Who is (Henry) Miller?” ($10,800)

$1200 Genres:

“MAMMA MIA!” & “Tina” were examples of this musical genre incl. a music-playing device.

Josh: “What is a jukebox musical?” ($4400)

$800 Abdication:

This Russian czar renounced the throne Mar. 15, 1917 & was killed w/ his family a yr later.

Drew: “Who is Nicholas II?” ($11,600)

$1600 Genres:

GRWM for short this genre of video on TikTok or Instagram follows as your fave influencer begins their day.

TS: Get ready with me

$2K Genres:

Answer there’s the last of this wk.’s DDs– $4K bet by Drew.

The novel The Difference Engine by Bruce Sterling & William Gibson was part of this alternate history genre merging Victorian-era style w/ futuristic tech.

“What is steampunk?”…yeah.

$800 Genres:

One Piece was 1 of those comic books whose Japanese name roughly translated to “whimsical pictures”.

Richelle: “What is manga?” ($1800)

$400 Genres:

Entertainment Weekly called this ’75 movie 1 of the best aquatic horror movies of all time.

Drew: “What is ‘JAWS’?” ($16K)

$1200 Abdication:

In 2013 at age 85 he became the 1st pope to abdicate since Gregory XII in 1415.

Josh: “Who is Benedict (XVI)?” ($5600)

$2K “EE”:

Fisherman father of the Apostles James & John in the bible.

TS #2: Zebedee

$1600 “EE”:

This word for a wild close-quarter brawl can also mean a confused jumble of people in a crowd.

Drew: “What is a melee?” ($17,600)

$1200 “EE”:

Paridae is a family of smallish birds such as the titmouse & this 1.

Drew: “What is a chickadee?” ($18,800)

$800 “EE”:

From the French for “retort” it’s witty conversation marked by quick responses.

Richelle: “What is repartee?” ($2600)

$2K Abdication:

This country’s King Norodom Sihanouk abdicated twice- in 1955 in favor of his father & in ’04 in favor of his son.

Richelle: “What is Thailand?” ($600)

TS #3: Cambodia

$1600 Abdication:

He became Japan’s 126th emperor on May 1, 2019 after his father Akihito abdicated due to advancing age.

TS #4: Naruhito

$400 “EE”:

It’s an embankment raised alongside a river, perhaps the Mississippi, to prevent it from overflowing.

Drew: “What is a levee?” ($19,200)

$400 Human Body:

A surgery to crush the phrenic nerve stimulating the diaphragm will relieve a severe case of this 7-letter nuisance.

Drew: “What is the hiccups?” ($19,600)

$400 Did You Get My Letter?:

To a botanist in 1844 he wrote “I am almost convinced…that species are not…immutable”.

Richelle: “Who is Darwin?” ($1K)

$400 Abdication:

Mehmed VI, the last sultan of this empire, was forced to abdicate in 1922- paving the way for Kemal Ataturk.

Josh: “What is the Ottoman empire?” ($6K)

$2K Lovely Mile:

The tacos & chili con queso at Polvos on South First Street make it a staple of this city’s “Mexican Mile”.

Josh: “What is Austin?” ($8K)

$1600 Lovely Mile:

A scenic stretch of highway near Coulee City, WA named for its 1940s cost or a ’19 competition series hosted by Tim Tebow (w/ LeBron among its producers).

TS #5: “Million Dollar Mile”

$1200 Lovely Mile:

As well as a Music Row this city has a Music Mile where you’ll find a Walk of Fame w/ stars from Trace Adkins to Trisha Yearwood.

Josh: “What is Nashville?” ($9200)

$800 Lovely Mile:

Chicago developer Arthur Rubloff dubbed a stretch of this street “The Magnificent Mile”.

Josh: “What is Michigan Avenue?” ($10K)

$400 Lovely Mile:

The Neue Galerie & the Cooper Hewitt are 2 of the institutions giving a stretch of 5th Ave. this alliterative name.

Drew: “What is the Museum Mile?” ($20K)

SOLE ATTEMPTED TS: $2K (Abdications)
TOTAL DJ! LT: $8800

Pre-Final S:
Drew: $20K/Richelle: $1K (CAN’T WIN)/Josh: $10K

Drew: $18K/Richelle: $4K/Josh: $13,400


50yrs ago Vin Scully announced he got “a standing ovation in the Deep South” for breaking a longtime record.

RICHELLE: NOBODY ($5) = $995
JOSH: “Who is Hank Aaron?” (DOUBLE) = $20K
DREW: “Who Hank Aaron” ($0)


This phenomenon named for a 19th century man’s apparent in moving light sources as well as moving sound sources.

DREW: “What is Doppler- the Doppler Effect?”

Comments on: "“JEOPARDY!” 6/21/24" (1)

  1. jpgenius said:

    A TIE?! 🤯

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