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“Switch” 6/20

#1: Since ’06 Roger Goodell has served as the commissioner of what sports league?
Drake (event producer in Mesa): NFL
#2: In Goldilocks & the Three Bears what was the main complaint about Papa Bear’s porridge?
Lynn (business owner in Columbus, IN): Too hot
#3: Although several firms have relocated what NYC street’s still synonymous w/ the advertising industry?
Rachel (project mgr in STL): Wall St. (A: Madison Ave.)
#4: When magma reaches the Earth’s surface through a volcano it’s more commonly known by what “hot” term?
Kevin (pastor in Orange Co.): Lava (Carmen: Business consultant in Aledo, TX)

#1: The food travel series “Searching for Italy” is hosted by what actor from such films as “Julie & Julia” & “Big Night”- Meryl Streep, Stanley Tucci or Tony Shalhoub?
Rachel: Stanley- BOTTOM 3 RIGHT
#2: The feel that your phone’s buzzing in your pocket when it’s really not is a real syndrome called what- phantom vibration, vibratory awareness or cell anxiety?
Carmen: Phantom vibration- UNANIMOUS
#3: When the ancient Egyptians mummified a body what organ did they leave inside- heart, brain or stomach?
#4: Which Moore has more children- Demi, Mandy or Julianne?
Drake: Demi- BOTTOM 4 RIGHT
#5: Frank Lucas was the title character in which of these Denzel Washington movies- “American Gangster”, “The Equalizer” or “He Got Game”?
Rachel: “American Gangster”- MEN AGREED W/ HER

#1: The musical duo Gnarls Barkley consisted of music producer Danger Mouse & what singer- Cee-Lo Green, John Legend or Usher?
Lynn: John (mistakenly touched that instead of Cee-Lo)
#2: The ball that drops in Times Square every New Yr.’s Eve weighs about as much as what- adult male elephant, adult male human or adult male horse?
Drake: Elephant- RACHEL RIGHT TOO
#3: If you took a cruise down the Danube River you could pass through which of these European cities- Vienna, Berlin or Prague?
Rachel: Vienna- GIRLS RIGHT
#4: What are there more of in the world- left-handed people, redheaded people or hazel-eyed people?
Lynn: Left-handed- SARAH WENT FROM #1 TO OUT

#1: Even though Los Angeles is on the Pacific Ocean which of these landlocked cities is located farther west- Boise, Reno or Helena, MT?
#2: William Henry Harrison was our shortest-serving President who but who was actually our shortest President- Adams, Madison or Van Buren?
Drake: Madison- ADVANCED TO #1
#3: Who’s the only female solo artist to win 3 Album of the Year Grammys for solo recordings- Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift or Adele?
A: Taylor- DRAKE


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