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“JEOPARDY!” 6/21/07

Mary Ann Hilterhaus (Glen Ridge, NJ): Admin. assistant
Don Stewart (Belmont, MA): Teacher


$200 “Ru”:

A famous crossing of this river took place in 49 B.C.

Jesse: “What is the Rubicon?”

$400 “Ru”:

It’s also called a Swedish turnip.

Mary Ann: “What is a rutabaga?” 

$600 “Ru”:

Adjective meaning elementary or relating to 1st principles

Jesse: “What is rudimentary?” ($800)

$800 “Ru”:

1 of PBS’ highest-rated programs was “Wall $treet Week”- a show this man hosted for 32yrs.

Don: “Who is (Louis) Rukeyser?” 

$1K “Ru”:

Xavier Cugat was its “king”.

Mary Ann: “What is the rumba?” ($1400)

$200 Help:

From the Latin for “guardian” it’s a priv. instructor who helps you w/ your studies after class.

Don: “Who is a tutor?” ($1K)

$400 Help (Sarah):

“This signal was chosen because it was easy to remember & quick to send.”

Don: “What is SOS?” ($1400)

$600 Help:

A military officer acting as secretary to a general’s called this “decamp”.

Mary Ann: “What is an aide?” ($2K)

$800 Help:

The 1st female co-anchor on “60 MINUTES” helped Nixon write his bestselling memoirs.

TS: Diane Sawyer

$1K Help:

Call up the Royal Flying Doctor Service if you need emergency medical help in a remote part of this country.

Jesse: “What is Australia?” ($1800)

$200 Mali:

Rolling grassland covers much of the southern half of Mali; this desert- the northern half.

Jesse: “What is the Sahara Desert?” ($2K)

$400 Mali:

Mali’s nomads incl. the Tuareg live in portable tents chiefly made of this animal’s hair.

Don: “What is the camel?” ($1800)

$600 Mali:

Answer: DD.

This European power ruled Mali from 1895-1959 when Mali united w/ Senegal; independence came in ’60.

“What is Portugal?”…incorrect, which dropped him to $800- what was France?

$800 Mali:

Mali’s the largest African producer of this plant fiber crop- its chief export.

TS #2: Cotton

$1K Mali:

Mali’s most fertile agricultural area lies in the valley of this major west African river.

Don: “What is the Congo?” (-$200)
Jesse: “What is the Niger?” ($3K)

$200 Anthropology:

The Spinifex people of Australia are among the few remaining societies of foragers also called hunter-these.

Mary Ann: “What are gatherers?” ($2200)

$400 Anthropology:

The light skin of northern peoples prevents rickets by turning limited sunlight into the max amount of this vitamin.

Don: “What is vitamin C?” (-$600)
Mary Ann: “What is vitamin D?” ($2600)

$600 Anthropology:

Rotund Venus figures made of this substance are common artworks of the age named for this substance.

Jesse: “What is stone?” ($3600)

$800 Anthropology:

In some societies this type of feud’s settled by paying this type of “money”.

Jesse: “What is blood?” ($4400)

$1K Anthropology:

The study of 1 society from the Greek for “people” began w/ Bronislaw Malinowski’s work in Melanesia.

Mary Ann: “What is…ethnoanthropology?” ($1600)

TS #3: Ethnography

$200 Healthy Month:

The American Academy of Ophthalmology declares July safety month for these rays.

Jesse: “What are sunrays? What is sunlight?” ($4200)
Mary Ann: “What are UV rays?” ($1800)

$400 Healthy Month:

NBA star Sean Elliot, who got 1 of these from his brother, wants you to know Mar. is the month for ’em.

Don: “What is kidney?” (-$200)

$600 Healthy Month:

OBGYNs know that Apr.’s time to be aware of this type of special delivery.

Mary Ann: “What is caesarean?” ($2400)

$800 Healthy Month:

Jan.’s national month for these people who need to sit afterwards for 15 minutes & have juice & cookies.

Mary Ann: “Who are blood donors?” ($3200)

$1K Healthy Month:

Feb.’s for this type of health in kids & incl. Give Kids a Smile Day.

Mary Ann: “What is dental health?” ($4200)

$400 Classic TV Character:

Russian ensign who was rushin’ around on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise.

Jesse: “Who is Sulu?” ($3800)

TS #4: Ensign Chekov

$600 Classic TV Character:

Chubby prison guard on “Hogan’s Heroes”.

Jesse: “Who is Sergeant Schultz?” ($4400)

$800 Classic TV Character:

Cool as a cucumber cop of “HAWAII FIVE-O” who bagged the bad guys while saying “Book ’em Dan-O”.

TS #5: Steve McGarrett

$1K Classic TV Character:

Catsuited cutie who cavorted w/ John Steed on “The Avengers”.

Jesse: “Who is Emma Peel?” ($5400)- BEEPS OF TIME

TOTAL LT: $3800

Jesse: $5400/Don: -$200/Mary Ann: $4200


$400 Tough Lit:

Tennyson’s Ode On the Death of the Duke of this place was considered pretty beefy by some.

Mary Ann: “What is Wellington?” ($4600)

$800 Tough Lit:

This author’s The Awakening found Mme. Pontellier shaken by the appropriate strains of a Polish composer.

Don: “Who is (Kate) Chopin?” ($600)

$1200 Tough Lit:

These title islands in a Vonnegut parable were home to the doomed survivors of the cruise ship Bahia de Darwin.

Jesse: “What are Galapagos Islands?” ($6600)

$1600 Tough Lit:

Hawthorne’s The Marble this was inspired by a Praxiteles sculpture.

Mary Ann: “What is Faun?” ($6200)

$2K Tough Lit:

Ornithological title name of a prison in a John Cheever novel.

Don: Birdman of Alcatraz…what is Bird (-$1400)
Mary Ann: “What is a Birdcage?” ($4200)

TS: Falconer

$400 On the Road:

Susan Sarandon & Geena Davis discovered “there’s no such thing as justifiable robbery” in this film.

Mary Ann: “What is ‘Thelma and Louise’?” ($4600)

$800 On the Road:

Paul Giamatti delivered the line “Quaffable but uh…far from transcendent” in this ’04 film.

Mary Ann: “What is ‘Sideways’?” ($5400)

$1200 On the Road:

Careful! You’ll say 1 word 4 times (not 5, not 3!) in the title of this zany ’63 road comedy.

Don: “What is ‘It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World’?” (-$200)

$1600 On the Road:

Hey man- hit the road w/ Wyatt & Billy, man & check out Phil Spector as Connection in this ’69 film, man.

Mary Ann: “What is ‘Easy Rider’?” ($7K)

$2K On the Road:

Say it! Say it! Say Julie Hagerty lost the nest egg in this ’85 Albert Brooks comedy.

Mary Ann: X ($5K)

TS #2: “Lost in America”

$400 Son Also Rises:

Leopold II succeeded his dad as king of the Belgians in this yr that also marked the end of a war in the U.S.

TS #3: 1865

$800 Son Also Rises:

You may have “Red” about his father Erik but he was so successful he was nicknamed “The Lucky”.

Don: “Who is Leif Erikson?” ($600)

$1200 Son Also Rises:

This only son of Prince Andrew of Greece became a British subject in 1947 & gained a dukedom.

Mary Ann: “Who is Prince Phillip?” ($6200)

$1600 Son Also Rises:

On May 14, 1643 the Sun rose on the reign of this 4-yr-old king whose father had died at age 42.

TS #4: Louis XIV

$2K Son Also Rises:

The final answer there was DD #1.

The devil you say! He inherited the title “Duke of Normandy” from his dad Robert the Devil in 1035.

“Who is Robert the Bruce?”…goodbye, $1K- who was William the Conqueror?

$400 Animal Farm:

The saliva of this species of flying mammal contains an anticoagulant.

Jesse: “What is a bat? What is a vampire bat?” ($7K)

$800 Animal Farm:

When not in use it’s retracted by a woodpecker & it may wrap around under the skull beneath the skin.

Mary Ann: “What is tongue?” ($6K)

$1200 Animal Farm:

The wisent’s considered the European version of this animal once essential to the lives of the Plains Indians.

Jesse: “What is buffalo?” ($8200)

$1600 Animal Farm:

This deep-sea fish took its name from the fact it dangles an enticing appendage over its mouth to attract prey.

Jesse: “What is angler?” ($9800)

$2K Animal Farm:

The Ursus Californicus of this fierce brown bear’s feat. on California’s state seal.

Jesse: “What is grizzly?” ($11,800)

$400 Brave New Word:

It’s the F in FAQ.

Don: “What is frequently?” ($1K)

$800 Brave New Word:

If you reply anonymously to support your own post in an online forum you’re this hand puppet like Lamb Chop.

Mary Ann: “What is sock puppet?” ($6800)

$1200 Brave New Word:

Differing from email correspondence via post office’s considered this as if carried by a gastropod.

Jesse: “What is snail mail?” ($13K)

$1600 Brave New Word:

Reusing components in old electronics is termed this- 1 letter shorter than the word it was derived from.

Mary Ann: “What is e-cycling?” ($8400)

$2K Brave New Word:

Taken from a mining phrase a “climate” this animal’s an event foretelling environmental disaster.

Mary Ann: “What is canary?” ($10,400)

$400 War & Pizza:

On Travel Channel’s “Pizza Wars” NYC’s thin crust pies were compared to this city’s deep dish style.

Don: “What is Chicago?” ($1400)

$800 War & Pizza:

A punny promo for “SUPERMAN RETURNS” saw Papa John’s offer free pies to those living on any street named this.

Jesse: “What is Kent?” ($12,200)

TS #5: Lois Lane

$1200 War & Pizza:

Pizza Hut paid $1M to deliver a pie to Yuri Usachov- who was here at the time.

Jesse: “What is International Space Station?” ($13,400)

$1600 War & Pizza:

He found DD #2 just in time & bet $3K.

After a 5yr legal battle w/ a sugar co. this pizza chain won the right to keep its name in ’80.

“What is Domino’s?”…right to finish the rd at $16,400.

UNATTEMPTED LT: $2K (1st & 4th clues under The Son Also Rises)
TOTAL DJ! LT: $6800

Jesse: $15K/Don: $2400/Mary Ann: $11,400


Between Jul. 2005 & Jul. 2006 this state gained nearly 580K people- more than any other state.

DON: “What is Louisiana” ($0)
MARY ANN: “What is California?” ($4K) = $6400
JESSE: “What is Nevada?” (Correct: What’s Texas?)($5900) = $10.5K

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