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“JEOPARDY!” 6/19/24

Tekla Sauter (CHI): Nonprofit strategist
Drew Basile (Birmingham, MI): Grad student who was recently on “SURVIVOR”


$200 Movie:

“Tampopo”, about a woman’s adventures in her noodle shop in this country, had been called a “Ramen Western”.

Drew: “What is Japan?”

$400 Movie:

Eva Longoria directed ’23’s “Flamin’ Hot” about Richard Montanez who claimed to have invented these flamin’ hot snacks.

Drew: “What are Flamin’ Hot Cheetos?” ($600)

$600 Movie:

Dishes made by Remy, an animated gourmand of the garbage, incl. an omelet, roasted mushroom & this title dish.

Drew: “What is ‘Ratatouille’?” ($1200)

$800 Movie:

As “Harold & Kumar” in a ’04 film could attest this fast food chain hits different after riding a cheetah & hang gliding.

Adriana: “What is White Castle?”

$1K Movie:

At the start of this ’73 sci-fi film Edward G. Robinson wanted more of the title food; by the end he became the title food.

Adriana: “What is ‘Soylent Green’?” ($1800)

$200 Take to Task:

It’s a fine-grained mineral used in face powder.

Drew: “What is talc?” ($1400)

$400 Take to Task:

It’s the adjective for a bicycle built for 2.

Adriana: “What is tandem?” ($2200)

$600 Take to Task:

This festive headwear got its name from a Robert Burns character.

Drew: “What is a Tam-o-Shanter?” ($2K)

$800 Take to Task:

Hysteria related to a certain spider’s bit is somehow related to the origin of this lively dance.

Tekla: “What is tarantella?”

$1K Take to Task:

This type of charm’s said to ward off evil or bring good luck.

Drew: “What is a talisman?” ($3K)

$400 Poetic Object:

Jean Toomer wrote of the flower of this crop “Boil-weevil’s coming, and the winter’s cold”.

Drew: “What is cotton?” ($3400)

$600 Poetic Object:

“The New Colossus” mentioned “a mighty woman” w/ 1 of these “whose flame is the imprisoned lightning”.

Adriana: “What is a torch?” ($2800)

$800 Poetic Object:

The answer there: the 1st DD of the evening.

The last stanza of John Keats’ poem about this title object mentioned its “attic shape”.

“What is a ‘Grecian Urn’?”…for $1.5K & the early lead back, yes.

$1K Poetic Object:

Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote of this “Her deck once red with heroes’ blood, where knelt the vanquished foe”.

Drew: “What is ‘Old Ironsides’?” ($4400)

$200 Poetic Object:

Joyce Kilmer wrote “I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as” this.

Adriana: “What is ‘a tree’?” ($4.5K)

$200 White House:

The White House’s sometimes referred to simply by this address.

Drew: “Uh, what is 600 Pennsylvania Avenue?” ($4200)
Adriana: “What is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?” ($4700)

$400 White House:

In its history this room has been used as a priv. study as well as where historic agreements have been signed.

TS: Treaty Room

$200 Oprah-Pourri:

In ’21 tens of millions watch Oprah interview these 2 people about their struggle to preserve their mental health.

Adriana: “Who are Harry & Meghan?” ($4900)

$400 Oprah-Pourri:

Oprah’s OWN Network has feat. stories of black families like “The Kings of” this California winemaking mecca.

Tekla: “What is Napa?” ($1200)

$600 Oprah-Pourri:

In ’21 Oprah used launch day of Oprah Daily, an online community, to announce she had gotten this & how relieved she felt.

TS #2: Coronavirus vaccine

$800 Oprah-Pourri:

Oprah’s friend for nearly 50yrs she’s the cohost of “CBS Mornings” & entered the O-zone when both worked at WJZ Baltimore (not only that she appeared on the cover of the newest Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue).

Adriana: “Who is Gayle King?” ($5700)

$1K Oprah-Pourri:

Oprah says of her book club picks “There’s none more essential than this Isabel Wilkerson book that puts race in its class context”.

Tekla: “What is Caste?” ($2200)

$600 White House:

Fittingly an original copy of the Gettysburg Address is on display in this upstairs guest room.

Adriana: “What is the Lincoln Bedroom?” ($6300)

$800 White House:

In ’81 Nancy Reagan took some flak for purchasing a 4732-piece $210K set of this for the White House.

Adriana: “What is China?” ($7100)

$1K White House:

The tradition of having a decorated Christmas tree in the White House began w/ this President & grandson of another in 1889.

Adriana: “Who is Benjamin Harrison?” ($8100)

$200 Roped In:

It’s the “national” name for the kids’ game w/ 2 jump ropes turning in opposite directions.

Tekla: “What is double Dutch?” ($2400)

$400 Roped In:

This synonym for “lasso” came from the Spanish reata meaning rope (I think it’s also a synonym for clothesline in pro wrestling).

Drew: “What is lariat?” ($4600)

$600 Roped In:

Boxing legend Archie Moore called a defense “the turtle shell”; Muhammad Ali adapted it to what he called this.

TS #3: Rope-a-Dope

$800 Roped In:

Clove & half are 2 of these knots used to tie a rope to a post or other support.

Tekla: “What is a hitch?” ($3200)

$1K Roped In:

Tensions between ropemakers & British soldiers helped lead to a Mar. 1770 shooting of civilians in this city.

Drew: “What is Boston?” ($5600)

LT: $1600

Adriana: $8100/Drew: $5600/Tekla: $3200


$800 It Was Once the Capital:

Yangon, sometimes called Rangoon (1948-2005)

Adriana: “What is Myanmar?” ($8900)

$800 TV Tidbit:

In ’22 he logged his 1500th sketch w/ “SNL” & that’s what’s up w/ that.

Drew: “Who is Kenan Thompson?” ($6400)

$1200 TV Tidbit:

James & Patrick Crawley’s deaths on the TITANIC set up an inheritance problem early on in this British drama.

Adriana: “What is ‘Downton Abbey’?” ($10,100)

$1600 TV Tidbit:

This actor who played a very mad man on S5 of “FARGO” had a “dedicated nippleologist” for his faux piercings.

Drew: “Who is Jon Hamm?” ($8K)

$2K TV Tidbit:

This veteran actor has been seen on NETFLIX in “3 Body Problem” & the final 2 seasons of “The Crown”.

Adriana: “Who is Jonathan Price?” ($12,100)

$400 TV Tidbit:

Will Arnett watches magic being made w/ tiny plastic bricks on the FOX show called this “Masters”.

Tekla: “What is ‘LEGO’?” ($3600)

$1200 It Was Once the Capital:

Entebbe (1894-1962)

Drew: “What is Uganda?” ($9200)

$1200 “G”:

He was succeeded by Ben Bernanke as head of the Fed.

Drew: “Who is (Alan) Greenspan?” ($10,400)

$1200 General Science:

In 1671 naturalist John Ray discovered this acid by collecting & distilling large numbers of dead ants.

Drew: “What is formic acid?” ($11,600)

$1600 “G”:

In his 2008 book Outliers he wrote “Ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness”.

Drew: “Who is (Malcolm) Gladwell?” ($13,200)

$1600 General Science:

In 1948 this vitamin C advocate found the polypeptide chain would coil into a structure he called the alpha helix.

TS: Linus Pauling

$1600 It Was Once the Country:

Quezon city (1948-76)

Drew: “Uh, what is Guatemala?” ($11,600)
Adriana: “What is the Philippines?” ($13,700)

$800 “G”:

This “REAL SPORTS” host also hosted “TODAY” for more than a decade.

Adriana: “Who is Gumbel? Greg Gumbel?” ($12,900)
Drew: “Who is Bryan Gumbel?” ($10,800)
Tekla: “Who is Bryant Gumbel?” ($4400)

$2K General Science:

It’s the 5-syllable word for a counterpart such as the positron to the negatively charged electron.

Drew: “What is an antiparticle?” ($12,800)

$2K “G”:

The G-men were after this G-man who was born in Chicago & nicknamed “Sam the Cigar”.

TS #2: Sam Giancana

$1200 Historic Ships:

Answer: DD #1! Drew’s gambling $10K.

The world’s largest aircraft carrier for 10yrs it was built on Oct. 1943 & named for a battle 16 months before.

“What is MIDWAY?”…new leader.

$2K It Was Once the Capital:

Turku (1809-1812)

Adriana: “What is Estonia?” ($10,900)
Drew: “What is Latvia?” ($20,800)

TS #3: Finland

$1200 Russian Lingo:

Russian for “three” gives us this word for a type of carriage or any trio of influential folks.

Drew: “What is a troika?” ($22K)

$1600 Russian Lingo:

Meaning “assembly” this type of council constitutes the lower house of the Russian parliament.

Tekla: “What is the Duma?” ($6K)

$800 Russian Lingo:

This borrowed word’s comfortable coming before either surgeon or whale.

TS #4: Beluga

$400 Russian Lingo:

A kopeck’s 1 of these many Russians may have in their pockets.

Tekla: “What is a coin?” ($6400)

$2K Russian Lingo:

The last answer in the column is the final DD tonight; here’s Tekla’s $3K clue.

This 14-letter word now referring to elite artistic thinkers had a more socialistic bent back in Russia.

“What is intelligentsia?”…right.

$400 It Was Once the Capital:

Kandahar (1747-1773)

Tekla: “What is Afghanistan?” ($9800)

$400 “G”:

In ’16 this current Attorney General was nominated to the Supreme Court by Barack Obama.

Tekla: “Who is Merrick Garland?” ($10,200)

$400 General Science:

Types of these waves incl. love, primary, secondary & the “did you feel that?” kind.

TS #5: Seismic

$800 General Science:

Radar images taken by the Magellan spacecraft in the 1990s helped determine this planet has around 85K volcanoes.

Drew: “What is Venus?” ($22,800)

$800 Historic Ship:

This ironclad built by John Ericsson for the U.S. Navy was never truly seaworthy & sank in Dec. 1862 off Cape Hatteras.

Drew: “What is the Monitor?” ($23,600)

$1600 Historic Ship:

In 1789 this ship’s crew tried to settle on Tubuai in the Austral islands but were rebuffed by the native inhabitants & returned to Tahiti.

Adriana: “What is the Endeavor?” ($9300)

TS #6: Bounty

$2K Historic Ship:

This similar-sounding sister ship of the Lusitania named for a north African kingdom served as a hospital ship in WWI.

TS #7: Mauretania

$400 Historic Ship:

The 48-gun gallon San Martin was the flagship of the Duke of Medina Sidonia who led this group against England in 1588.

Tekla: “What is the Spanish Armada?” ($10,600)

TOTAL DJ! LT: $10,400

Pre-Final S:
Adriana: $9300/Drew: $23,600 (LOCK)/Tekla: $10,600

Adriana: $8600/Drew: $14,800/Tekla: $9600


In 1978 a new cologne for men came out called this- what’s being played in the co.’s iconic logo.

ADRIANA: “What is AXE?” = $7900
TEKLA: “What is Polo?” = $18,601
DREW: “What is ‘JEOPARDY’?” = $23,482

Comments on: "“JEOPARDY!” 6/19/24" (1)

  1. jpgenius said:

    I sure didn’t expect Drew to make such a gutsy giant-killing Daily Double gamble (but then again, he was on Survivor). Job well done, sir! 👏🏾

    You gotta hand it to Tekla for making a rally in DJ! and Adriana for her phenomenal run. I can’t wait to see her next year. 🙂

    By the way, a cologne named after this game show? 😂

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