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“JEOPARDY!” 6/18/24

Colleen Matthews (Portland, OR): Speech language pathologist
Mark Galiardi (orig. from Knoxville): Actor & podcaster


$200 3-Letter Noun:

It goes under your chin to protect your clothes

Mark: “What is a bib?”

$200 U.S. Government:

In 1966 the Supreme Court ruled these taxes in local & state elections were prohibited.

Mark: “What are poll taxes?” ($400)

$400 3-Letter Noun:

A small shelter- maybe of grass.

Adriana: “What is a hut?”

$600 3-Letter Noun:

The part of a bridle that goes in the mouth

Adriana: “What is bit?” ($1K)

$800 3-Letter Noun:

A roll of bills or a mass of gum

Mark: “What is a wad?” ($1200)

$1K 3-Letter Noun:

Projecting part of a wheel transforming rotary into linear motion

TS: Cam

$600 Entertaining Audiobio:

“Cancer Schmancer” was a memoir by this actress, cancer survivor & SAG president.

Colleen: “Who is Fran Drescher?” 

$200 Churches & Cathedrals:

It was the largest Christian church until 1989 when it was surpassed by 1 in Cote d’Ivoire.

Mark: “What is St. Peter’s Basilica?” ($1400)

$400 Churches & Cathedrals:

Christopher Wren’s epitaph at this London cathedral says in Latin “If you seek his monument, look around you”.

Mark: “Who is St. Paul’s?” ($1800)

$600 Churches & Cathedrals:

The final 4 stations of the cross are inside this Jerusalem church said to be located on the site where Jesus was crucified.

Colleen: “What is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?” ($1200)

$800 Churches & Cathedrals:

The Chapel of the Holy Cross was built into the red rocks of this Arizona “most beautiful place on Earth”.

Colleen: “What is Sedona?” ($2K)

$1K Churches & Cathedrals:

The Viennese call this cathedral “Steffi”; its largest bell’s “pummerin” (boomer in English).

TS #2: St. Stephen’s Cathedral

$400 U.S. Government:

The Constitution says the President “shall have power to grant reprieves” & these “for offences against the United States”.

Colleen: “What are pardons?” ($2400)

$600 U.S. Government:

On Jun. 2, 1986 this network began live telecasts from the Senate chamber.

Adriana: “What is C-SPAN?” ($1600)

$400 Entertaining Autobio:

This comedian’s rollicking autobiography was titled “It’s Not Easy Being Me” w/ his catchphrase in the subtitle.

Mark: “Who is Rodney Dangerfield?” ($2200)

$800 U.S. Government:

Adriana goofed by not going for this after being right on the $600 clue here- the answer there’s the TDD in the rd.

While the National Park Service’s a bureau of the Dept of the Interior the Forest Service’s an agency of this dept.

Nothing there- what’s Agriculture?

$1K U.S. Government:

The chief officer of the Government Accountability Office’s given this General title.

Adriana: “What is Comptroller?” ($2600)

$800 Entertaining Audiobio:

There’s not much this performer from the “Jackass” series wouldn’t do incl. titling his memoir “Professional Idiot”.

Adriana: “Who is Steve-O?” ($3400)

$1K Entertaining Audiobio:

Dracula, Frankenstein’s creature & Saruman the White on film, he titled his tell-all “Tall, Dark & Gruesome”.

Mark: “Who is Christopher Lee?”

$200 Entertaining Audiobio:

This legendary GS host’s memoir is “Priceless Memories” but the ARP’s $24.99 in hardback.

Adriana: “Who is Bob Barker?” ($3600)

$200 Familiar Sum of Its Parts:

A drink like McDonald’s Shamrock, a baby’s handheld toy & what you proverbially do “with the punches”.

Mark: “What is shake, rattle & roll?” ($1200)

$400 Familiar Sum of Its Parts:

Ridgway, Rothko, Skywalker & Steinbeck

Adriana: “Who are Matthew, Mark, Luke & John?” ($4K)

$600 Familiar Sum of Its Parts:

“Spartacus” actor Douglas, pediatrician Benjamin & name following “the real” to mean the genuine article.

Colleen: “Who are Kirk, Spock & McCoy?” ($3K)

$800 Familiar Sum of Its Parts:

Last name of Sherlock Holmes’ partner in (solving) crime & a real spasmodic muscle pain in the neck.

Adriana: “Who are Watson & Crick?” ($4800)

$1K Familiar Sum of Its Parts:

A foam you “wash yourself into”, to wash dishes using water & to do a task over & over & over.

Adriana: “What is lather, rinse & repeat?” ($5800)

$200 Scandal:

In 1995 the premier of British Columbia quit amid scandal over funds embezzled from a charity version of this game-o.

Adriana: “What is BINGO?” ($6K)

$400 Scandal:

On May 29, 2004 Archibald Cox & Sam Dash, 2 key figures who probed this ’70s affair, passed away.

Colleen: “What is Watergate?” ($3400)

$600 Scandal:

1662’s “The School for Wives” was just 1 of the works of this comic playwright to scandalize French society.

Mark: “Who is Moliere?” ($1800)

$800 Scandal:

1 lump or a lot more? Also called the Oil Reserves Scandal this 1920s imbroglio led to prison time for the Sec. of the Interior.

Adriana: “What is Teapot Dome?” ($6800)

$1K Scandal:

Reagan dismissed this Marine after his role in Iran-Contra; he was later convicted of obstructing Congress.

Mark: “Who is Oliver North?” ($2800)

LT: $2K

Adriana: $6800/Mark: $2800/Colleen: $3400


$400 History:

W/ dueling illegal Alexander Hamilton & Aaron Burr shot it out at Weehawken, NJ- a quiet spot along this river.

Mark: “What is the Hudson?” ($3200)

$800 History:

Rosa Parks was on the Cleveland Avenue bus in this city when she sat down for her rights in ’55.

Colleen: “What is Montgomery?” ($4200)

$1200 History:

Mathematician Gaspard Monge was on Napoleon’s 1798 expedition to this country where he studied the physics of mirages.

Colleen: “What is Egypt?” ($5400)

$1600 History:

Answer’s DD #1.

Before Hannibal could cross the Alps he had to bring his army through this other European mountain range.

“What are the Urals?”…not right, which drops her to $3400- what are the Pyrenees?

$2K History:

When it became historic in 1215 the name of this spot by the Thames meant “meadow on council island”.

Colleen: “What is Runnymede?” ($5400)

$400 Botany:

Xerophytes are plants that have adapted to living in locales where this is in limited supply.

Adriana: “What is sunlight?” ($6400)
Colleen: “What is water?” ($5800)

$800 Botany:

Common names for plants are all over the place; Caria japonica is 1 of many called this Lone Star state flower of song.

Mark: “What is the yellow rose of Texas?” ($4K)

$400 OSCAR-Winning Song:

“I’m gonna live forever, baby, remember my name” was a lyric from this ’80 winner from the film of the same name.

Mark: “What is ‘Fame’?” ($4400)

$800 OSCAR-Winning Song:

OSCAR had a friend in this man when his song “We Belong Together” from “TOY STORY 3” took the Academy Award for ’10.

Adriana: “Who is Randy Newman?” ($7200)

$1200 OSCAR-Winning Song:

This favorite sung by Bing Crosby from the film “Holiday Inn” took the song OSCAR for ’42.

Mark: “What is ‘White Christmas’?” ($5600)

$1600 OSCAR-Winning Song:

This ’86 film feat. “Take My Breath Away” which took away the OSCAR.

Adriana: “What is ‘TOP GUN’?” ($8800)

$2K OSCAR-Winning Song:

This ’08 song winner from “Slumdog Millionaire” had a title that meant “may victory be yours” in Hindi.

Colleen: “What is ‘Jai Ho’?” ($7800)

$1200 Botany:

Named for the Greek goddess of the rainbow this perennial can come in “bearded” varieties.

Colleen: “What is iris?” ($9K)

$1600 Botany:

Important to botanists it can be an arrangement of dried plants for study or a building housing those plants.

Adriana: “What is herbarium?” ($10,400)

$400 By Line:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”

Adriana: “Who is Dickens?” ($10,800)

$800 By Line:

“My name is Marius. And yours? Cosette”

Colleen: “Uh, Victor Hugo? Who is Victor Hugo?” ($9800)

$1200 By Line:

Answer there: the other DD & another chance to be in 1st.

“The show’s not over until the mockingjay sings.”

She gives back 2 large again because he was stuck on Susan; she was kinda on the right track because it was Suzanne Collins.

$1600 By Line:

“Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.”

Colleen: “Who is S.E. Hinton?” ($9400)

$2K By Line:

“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.”

Adriana: “Who is du Maurier?” ($12,800)

$400 “CC”:

Used as a calorie-free sweetener this powder’s hundreds of times as sweet as cane sugar.

Mark: “What is saccharine?” ($6K)

$800 “CC”:

This Italian game similar to lawn bowling’s played w/ wooden balls on a long narrow gravel court.

Mark: “What is bocce?” ($6800)

$1200 “CC”:

Also known as the javelina this new world piggy can weigh 60lbs.

Colleen: “What is a peccary?” ($10,600)

$2K Botany:

Pollination begins when pollen from the anther of 1 flowering plant reaches this tip of the pistil to another.

Adriana: “What is stamen?” ($10,800)

TS: Stigma

$400 Diamond Mining:

This Neil Diamond hit said “Good times never seemed so good”.

Mark: “What is ‘Sweet Caroline’?” ($7200)

$800 Diamond Mining:

An extinct volcano crater, it was once a ceremonial place the ancient Hawaiians used for worship & human sacrifice.

TS #2: Diamond Head

$1600 “CC”:

This type of musical composition for keyboards is written in the style of an improvisation to show off a player’s technique.

TS #3: Toccata

$2K “CC”:

This bone in the lower back section of the skull forming part of its base.

Colleen: “What is the occipital?” ($12,600)

$1200 Diamond Mining:

F. Scott Fitzgerald entitled a 1922 story The Diamond As Big As this swanky hotel.

Adriana: “What is the Ritz?” ($12K)

$1600 Diamond Mining:

This type of rattlesnake in the southwest accounts for hundreds of bites every yr.

Adriana: “What is diamondback?” ($13,600)

$2K Diamond Mining:

This Flemish city’s a leading center of the diamond industry & where legend says the 1st diamond was cut in 1476.

Colleen: “What is Bruges?” ($10,600)

TS #4: Antwerp

TOTAL DJ! LT: $6400

Pre-Final S:
Adriana: $13,600/Mark: $7200/Colleen: $10,600

Mark: $9400/Colleen: $14,600


Legend says in 1876 a dragon built for the 1st “ring” cycle had its neck send to this Mideast capital, not the right German city.

MARK: “What Hamburg + Amman” ($7195) = $5
COLLEEN: “What is Beirut?” ($4K) = $14,600

Comments on: "“JEOPARDY!” 6/18/24" (1)

  1. jpgenius said:

    What a close match, especially between the women. I may need to see Mark’s Drunk History episode soon. 🍿

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