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“JEOPARDY!” 6/19/07

Jesse Berry (Little Rock): Tax analyst
Susan Otto (Waukesha, WI): Teacher


$200 “Ho”:

This goodhearted pachyderm did a favor for a bird by sitting on her egg in a nest in a tree for 51 days.

Kai-Ning: “Who is Horton?”

$400 “Ho”:

Formed in 2001 it’s a presidential cabinet dept.

Kai-Ning: “What is Homeland Security?” ($600)

$600 “Ho”:

Air & heir for example.

Jesse: “What are homonyms?” 

$200 Literary Mountains:

In 1 of his fables a bee of Mt. Hymettus asked Jupiter for its sting to be fatal.

Susan: “Who is Aesop?”

$400 Literary Mountains:

The action of this novel concerned a quest to defeat the dragon Smaug in his lair in Erebor- the lonely mountain.

Jesse: “What is The Hobbit?” ($1K)

$600 Literary Mountains:

In German this title peak of a Thomas Mann work was known as Der Zauberberg.

Jesse: “What is The Magic Mountain?” ($1600)

$800 Literary Mountains:

Answer: DD.

In a Hemingway tale Harry got gangrene; before he died he had a vision of flying in a plane toward this mountain.

“What is Kilimanjaro?”…correct for another $600.

$1K Literary Mountains:

In his Five Weeks in a Balloon the title conveyance anchored itself to Mt. Longwek- the trembling mountain.

Jesse: “Who is Verne?” ($3200)

$200 Ages Ago:

When Sumerians used these in war they had 4 wheels & were drawn by big-eared equines called onagers.

Jesse: “What are chariots?” ($3400)

$400 Ages Ago:

From 1275-1292 Marco Polo worked for the Yuan dynasty under this emperor.

Kai-Ning: “Who is Kublai Khan?” ($1K)

$600 Ages Ago (Sarah in Luxor, Egypt):

“Ramses the Great lived to be 96, had 200 wives & concubines & 1 tomb held at least 20 of these including Mery-Atum.”

Jesse: “What is…cats?” ($2800)

TS: Sons

$800 Ages Ago:

The 1571 Battle of Lepanto was the last major naval battle between ships powered by these.

Susan: “What are sails?” (-$600)
Jesse: “What are oars(men)?” ($3600)

$1K Ages Ago:

In 538 B.C. Cyrus the Great put an end to the “captivity” of the Jews in this realm.

Susan: “What is Babylon?” ($400)

$800 “Ho”:

Medical adjective for an alternative kind of treatment covering the body, mind & spirit of the patient.

Susan: “What is holistic?” ($1200)

$1K “Ho”:

Errol Flynn was born in this Tasmanian capital in 1909.

Susan: “What is Hobart?” ($2200)

$200 Heather:

Her marriage to Paul McCartney was less than fab as the 2 split in ’06.

Kai-Ning: “Who is Heather Mills?” ($1200)

$400 Heather:

Wed to members of Bon Jovi & Motley Crue she could always say she was w/ the band.

Kai-Ning: “Who is Heather Locklear?” ($1600)

$600 Heather:

Heather O’Rourke memorably announced “They’re here” in this ’82 thriller.

Jesse: “What is ‘POLTERGEIST’?” ($4200)

$800 Heather:

Heather Tom (not Heather Thomas) played Victoria Newman on this long-running CBS soap opera.

TS #2: “The Young and the Restless”

$200 Congressman:

Al Gore

Susan: “What is Tennessee?” ($2400)

$1K Heather:

Heather Thomas (not Heather Tom) buddied up w/ stuntman/bounty hunter Lee Majors on this ’80s series.

TS #3: “The Fall Guy”

$200 Plane Crazy:

He began mass-producing business jets in 1964 & later 8-track stereotape players for cars.

TS #4: Bill or William Lear

$400 Plane Crazy:

In 1958 this firm introduced the 1st commercial U.S. jet, the 707; in the ’60s it built the 1st stage of the Saturn V rocket.

Jesse: “What is BOEING?” ($4600)

$600 Plane Crazy:

On Aug. 6, 1945 this B-29 airplane became the 1st to drop an atomic bomb in warfare.

Susan: “What is the Enola Gay?” ($3K)

$800 Plane Crazy:

In 1912 this Dutch plane builder set up a plant near Berlin; later his fighter planes were flown by the Red Baron.

Jesse: “What is Fokker?” ($5400)

$1K Plane Crazy:

This B-17 flying fortress of WWII was named for a southern city & Margaret Polk- the girlfriend of the pilot.

TS #5: Memphis Belle

$400 Congressman:

John Quincy Adams after the presidency

Susan: “What is Massachusetts?” ($3400)

$600 Congressman:

Newt Gingrich

Jesse: “What is Georgia?” ($6K)

$800 Congressman:

Dick Cheney

Jesse: “What is Texas?” ($5200)

TS #6: Wyoming

$1K Congressman:

2006 House majority leader John Boehner

TS #7: Ohio

TOTAL LT: $5400

Kai-Ning: $1600/Susan: $3400/Jesse: $5200

“AFI’s 100 YEARS, 100 MOVIES”

$400 Fashion History:

Now a piece of fabric covering a tear, in the 1700s it was a piece of fabric stuck on a lady’s face as an adornment.

TS: Patch

$800 Fashion History:

Yes, “deer”, in the ’50s Pat Boone was famous for wearing these pale oxfords.

TS #2: White bucks

$400 Canada:

Canada’s 1st full-scale one of these controversial power plants opened on Lake Huron in 1967.

Susan: “What is a nuclear power plant?” ($3800)

$400 “AFI’s 100 Years, 100 Movies”:

This actor was in an impressive 9 films on the ballot; his daughter was in 3.

Susan: “Who is Henry Fonda?” ($4200)

$800 “AFI’s 100 Years, 100 Movies”:

1 of the 2yrs, both more than 5 decades ago, represented on the AFI ballot w/ 11 films each.

Susan: “What is 1939?” (other was ’42)($5K)

$1200 “AFI’s 100 Years, 100 Movies”:

This ’58 film named for an affliction was the only movie on the ballot starting w/ V.

Jesse: “What is ‘Vertigo’?” ($6400)

$400 Short Papal:

The 1st pope w/ this name lasted 4yrs; No. II, only 1- we were on XVI & wished him well.

Jesse: “What is Benedict?” ($6800)

$800 Short Papal:

Severinus waited 18 months for consecration by Heraclius, this emperor in Constantinople, then died in 3 mo.

TS #3: Byzantine

$1200 Short Papal:

V wasn’t a lucky number for this pope of 685 (a few months’ run) but XXIII lasted from 1958-63.

Jesse: “Who is John?” ($8K)

$1600 Short Papal:

Yo this pope III had a “ROCKY” 1yr reign from 884-885.

Susan: “Who is Sylvester?” ($3400)
Kai-Ning: “Who is Balboa?”

TS #4: Adrian

$2K Short Papal:

The V pope of this name came in like a lion in 903 (but went out like a lamb by 904).

Jesse: “Who is Leo?” ($10K)

$400 Modern Scientists:

Using a blender & radioactive “tags” Alfred Hershey found that this, not protein, was the genetic material of life.

Kai-Ning: “What is DNA?”

$800 Modern Scientists:

Answer: DD #1.

On Mar. 16, 1961 NASA dedicated its space flight center to this man on the 35th anniversary of a major feat of his.

“Um, who is Canaveral?”- I don’t think so, which sent Kai-Ning to -$1600; who was Robert Goddard?

$1200 Modern Scientists (Sarah in the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab):

“Princeton experimented with a tokamak- the 1st promising fusion reactor technology conceived by this Soviet scientist who fought for disarmament.”

Kai-Ning: “Who is (Andrei) Sakharov?” (-$400)

$1600 Modern Scientists:

After WWII scientist Samuel Goudsmit & team located this German atomic weapons project leader.

Susan: “Who is (Werner) Heisenberg?” ($5K)

$1600 “AFI’s 100 Years, 100 Movies”:

This Lew Wallace “tale of the Christ” was the only title on the ballot twice; Charlton Heston was in 1.

Jesse: “What is ‘Ben-Hur’?” ($11,600)

$2K Modern Scientists:

After a 1980s legal battle Robert Gallo & Luc Montagnier agreed to share credit for the isolation of this virus.

Jesse: “What is HIV?” ($13,600)

$400 13-Letter Word:

The female offspring of 1 of your own children

Kai-Ning: “What is a granddaughter?”

$800 13-Letter Word:

The dietary practice of not eating meat or meat products

Kai-Ning: “What is vegetarian?”
Susan: “What is vegetarianism?” ($5800)

$2K “AFV’s 100 Years, 100 Movies”:

Big news- besides Tom Hanks’ “BIG” these were 2 of the 3 movies on the ballot w/ “big” in the title.

Kai-Ning: “What is ‘The Big Chill’?” (-$2800)

TS #5: “The Big Chill”, “The Big Sleep” & “The Big Parade”

$1200 13-Letter Word:

Adjective describing any organism that eats its own kind

Jesse: “What is cannibalistic?” ($14,800)

$1600 13-Letter Word:

A doctor who specializes in the elderly

Kai-Ning: “What is a geriatrician?” (-$4400)
Jesse: “What is a gerontologist?” ($16,400)

$2K 13-Letter Word (Cheryl):

“The string of values seen here is increasing this way from the Latin for ‘to declare’.”

Susan: “What is exponentially?” ($7800)

$800 Canada:

Toronto’s CN Tower opened in this yr in which Canada also hosted the Summer Olympics.

Jesse: “What is 1976?” ($17,200)

$1200 Canada:

The answer was DD #2.

Scarlet Riders was a collection of pulp tales about this Canadian group.

“What is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?”…Jesse added $1200.

$1600 Canada:

Most of the province of British Columbia’s in this time zone.

Jesse: “What is Pacific time zone?” ($20K)

$2K Canada:

Martin, not Brian, was the real 1st name of this man who was Canada’s PM from 1984-93.

Susan: “Who is Mulroney?” ($9800)- TIME WAS UP ON KAI-NING’S CHAMPIONSHIP REIGN 

TOTAL DJ! LT: $5600

Pre-Final S:
Kai-Ning: -$4400/Susan: $9800/Jesse: $20K (LOCK)

Kai-Ning: -$2400/Jesse: $20,200


This man’s return to the U.S. in 1824, 47yrs after his 1st trip here, added splendor to James Monroe’s presidential term.

SUSAN: “Who was Lafayette?”
JESSE: BLANKED (both wagered $0)

Comments on: "“JEOPARDY!” 6/19/07" (1)

  1. trevorpanno93 said:

    After the break, Alex pointed out that geriatrician had only 12 letters so Kai-Ning was not credited with a correct response.

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