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“JEOPARDY!” 6/14/24

Kaitlin Tarr (DEN): Aspiring ceramicist
Susan Ayoob (S.F.): Content strategist


$200 Rhyming Phrase:

A trip on a party boat w/ alcohol aplenty

Kaitlin: “What is a booze cruise?”

$400 Rhyming Phrase:

There’s a male 1st name in this phrase meaning all tied up or 50-50.

Adriana: “What is even steven?” 

$600 Rhyming Phrase:

Bangers & mash or fish & chips, maybe alongside a pint of alee.

TS: Pub grub

$800 Rhyming Phrase:

The main roads & side roads of a place collectively

Susan: “What are the highways & byways?”

$1K Rhyming Phrase:

There are 2 negatives in this 4-word phrase meaning something can be done w/o difficulty.

TS #2: No muss, no fuss

$200 Jen:

Kerry Washington grew up in the Bronx where this girl “from the block” was her substitute dance teacher.

Adriana: “Who is Jennifer Lopez?” ($600)

$400 Jen:

This “American Idol” finalist played Motormouth Maybelle in the ’16 live TV production of “Hairspray”.

Adriana: “Who is Hudson?” ($1K)

$600 Jen:

In “Office Space” she played a waitress at Chotchkie’s who was reprimanded for not wearing enough “flair”.

Susan: “Who is Aniston?” ($1400)

$800 Jen:

In “Legally Blonde” Reese Witherspoon as Elle taught her as Paulette how to “bend & snap”.

Kaitlin: “Who is Jennifer Coolidge?” ($1K)

$1K Jen:

She served as press secretary for President Biden & got her own show on MSNBC in ’23.

Susan: “Who is Psaki?” ($2400)

$400 Tonic:

Remembered now as a gift to Jesus this rare 5-letter gum derived from thorny trees was used in tinctures & perfumes.

Adriana: “What is myrrh?” ($1400)

$200 Setting:

“Wuthering Heights” spoke of spending time in these grasslands “on a bank of heath…with the bees humming dreamingly”.

Kaitlin: “What is a moor?” ($1200)

$400 Setting:

“As You Like It” found the Duke & his retinue exiled to the lush environs of this forest.

Adriana: “What is Arden?” ($1800)

$600 Setting:

Answer’s the DD.

The 1st act of this Verdi opera took place in the king’s palace in Memphis (not Tennessee).

“What is ‘Aida’?”…correct for $1K- that Memphis was in Egypt.

$800 Setting:

Prince Siegfried in this ballet named for its setting took a gander at Odette & later her maidens danced a waltz.

Adriana: “What is ‘Swan Lake’?” ($3600)

$1K Setting:

James Hilton wrote its pavilions “clung to the mountainside…with the chance delicacy of flower petals impaled upon a crag”.

Adriana: “What is Shangri-La?” ($4600)

$200 Fact:

Toss a standard pair of dice & your odds of rolling the total known by this serpentine name are 1 in 36.

Kaitlin: “What is snake eyes?” ($1400)

$400 Fact:

Once upon a midday weary researchers in Sweden found these birds were better at planning ahead than apes or 4-yr-olds.

Kaitlin: “What is a raven?” ($1800)

$600 Fact:

The trail named for this pair winds 4900 miles through 16 states.

Kaitlin: “Who are Lewis & Clark?” ($2400)

$800 Fact:

Supreme Court justice John Campbell wrote a concurring opinion in the 1857 decision about this enslaved man.

Adriana: “Who is Dred Scott?” ($5400)

$1K Fact:

This 5-letter word can stand by itself or precede Mennonite to refer to a Christian group in America.

Adriana: “What is Amish?” ($6400)

$200 1824:

The American Colonization Society approved this name for a country established on the West African coast.

Kaitlin: “What is Liberia?” ($2600)

$400 1824:

18-yr-old Henriette Sontag was the soprano as this man’s final symphony premiered in Vienna.

Kaitlin: “Who is Mozart?” ($2200)

TS #3: Beethoven

$600 1824:

The U.S. War Department created the B.I.A., this agency, to handle Native American issues.

Susan: “What is the Bureau of Indian Affairs?” ($3K)

$800 1824:

This man whose independence forces defeated the Spanish army in Peru was proclaimed its dictator.

Adriana: “Who is Bolivar?” ($7200)

$1K 1824:

Florida’s capital was moved to Tallahassee midway between these 2 cities that had been alternating in the role.

Adriana: “What are Jacksonville & Pensacola?” ($6200)

TS #4: Pensacola & St. Augustine

$600 Tonic:

Remedies used this daisy-like flower as an antiseptic; you may be more familiar w/ it in your herbal tea.

Kaitlin: “What is chamomile?” ($2800)

$800 Tonic:

Now interchangeable w/ “liqueur” this type of alcohol from the Latin for “heart” once meant the drink had the qualities of a tonic.

Kaitlin: “What is a cordial?” ($3600)

$1K Tonic:

If you’ve heard of a tonic you’ve heard of a balm that got its name from this type of tree  that’s 2 letters longer than “balm”.

Adriana: “What is balsa?” ($7200)

$200 Tonic:

For a classic gin & tonic you can use this brand’s sapphire gin.

Kaitlin: “What is Bombay?” ($3800)

ATTEMPTED LT: $1400 (2nd & last 1824 clues)
UNATTEMPTED LT: $1600 (3rd & last Rhyming Phrases)

Adriana: $7200/Susan: $3K/Kaitlin: $3800


$2K #1:

’22: “First Class” w/ the Fergie sample

TS: Jack Harlow

$1600 #1:

1wk in ’98: “One Week”

Susan: “Who are the Barenaked Ladies?” ($4600)

$1200 #1:

The artist formerly known w/ a $ in ’10: “We R Who We R” & “TiK ToK”

Kaitlin: “Who is Kesha?” ($5K)

$800 #1:

’20: “Savage” & “Wap”

Kaitlin: “Who is Megan Thee Stallion?” ($5800)

$400 #1:

’18: “God’s Plan” & “Nice for What”

Adriana: “Who is Drake?” ($7600)

$400 American Poets:

The woman we know as this submitted her 1st great work “Renascence” for a prize under the gender-hiding name E. Vincent Millay.

Adriana: “Who is Edna St. Vincent Millay?” ($8K)

$400 Scotland:

The Scottish Parliament & the royal residence of Holyrood Palace are in this city.

Kaitlin: “What is Edinburgh?” ($6200)

$800 Scotland:

These Scottish geographic features incl. Rannoch, Lomond & Ness.

Kaitlin: “What are lochs?” ($7K)

$1600 Foreign Words & Phrases:

From the Yiddish it can mean chicken fat or excessive sentimentality.

Kaitlin: “What is schmaltz?” ($8600)

$2K Foreign Words & Phrases:

A member of the communist power structure in Russia it’s come to mean the loyal subordinate of a political leader.

TS: Apparatchik

$1200 Foreign Words & Phrases:

Answer’s 1 of the 2 DDs– Kaitlin’s wagering $3K.

“Health” in Spanish you’re wishing someone good health when you toast ’em saying this word.

“What is…um…Vida?”- nope; what’s Salud?

$2K Parasites:

Parasitic worms in undercooked pork can cause this disease so cook those BBQ ribs to at least 137°.

Kaitlin: “What is trichinosis?” ($7600)

$1600 Parasites:

You give me fever, the hard type of this parasite- Texas cattle fever, hemorrhagic fever, Q fever…

TS: Ticks

$1200 Parasites:

Answer there’s the final DD this wk- this will be for $2K & the lead back.

Anopheles mosquitoes transmit 1-celled parasites of the genus plasmodium to humans causing this sometimes-fatal disease.

“What is malaria?”…she’s in 1st once again.

$800 Parasites:

That ain’t your house! Cuckoos practice blood parasitism putting an egg in this place so other birds rear the young.

Kaitlin: “What is a different nest?” ($10,400)

$400 Parasites:

In truly a hairy situation these parasitic insects have biting types & sucking types- all of which sound just delightful.

Adriana: “What is lice?” ($8400)

$1200 Scotland:

Inverness is in the center of this elevated region- the most northerly mainland Scottish region.

Adriana: “What is the Highlands?” ($9600)

$1600 Scotland:

This home of golf’s also home to the 1st university in Scotland founded in 1413.

Susan: “What is St. Andrews?” ($6200)

$2K Scotland:

A major industrial burgh in the east Dundee is the principal city of this former county sharing its name w/ a cattle breed.

TS: Angus

$1200 American Poets:

In 1981 this poet’s home on East 127th St. was declared a NYC landmark.

Susan: “Who is Hughes?” ($7400)

SOLE ATTEMPTED TS: $800 (Till Death Do Us Part)
TOTAL DJ! LT: $10,400

Pre-Final S:
Adriana: $12,400/Susan: $10,200/Kaitlin: $12,800

Adriana: $12K/Kaitlin: $15K

FJ!: 1960s AMERICA

Helping draft an exec. order in ’61 Hobart Taylor, Jr. almost used the word “positive” but instead chose this alliterative phrase.

ADRIANA: “What is Affirmative Action?” ($8100) = $20.5K
KAITLIN: SAME AS…SUSAN ($410) = $12,390 $299K

Comments on: "“JEOPARDY!” 6/14/24" (1)

  1. jpgenius said:

    Another instance of Foreign Words & Phrases, a five-figure match among the three ladies, and a thrilling lucky 13th win for Adriana made for a roller coaster of an episode. Even if she loses, our superchamp will still have $300K in the bank. 😁

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