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“JEOPARDY!” 6/11/24

Scott McCann (Germantown, TN): Math teacher
Sarah Hartzell (orig. from Howell, NJ): Audiovisual archivist


$400 AKA:

It’s sometimes known as the “Land of the Inca”.

Adriana: “What is Peru?”

$600 AKA:

Kegling is just another name for this sport.

TS: Bowling

$800 AKA:

It might ring a bell she used the pen name Currer Bell.

Adriana: “Who is Charlotte Bronte?” ($1200)

$1K AKA:

Baking soda, which creates carbon dioxide when mixed w/ an acid, is also known as this 2-word chemical compound.

Scott: “What is sodium bicarbonate?”

$800 “Go”:

Just west of Denver it had the “metal” to be a territorial capital in the 1860s.

Adriana: “What is Durango?” ($400)

TS #2: Golden, CO

$600 From the Ad:

A women wore pink pants & did a TikTok-ish dance pantomiming bodily pain.

Scott: “What is Pepto-Bismol?” ($1600)

$600 Cleanup Men:

Johnny Bench, George Foster & Tony Perez all cleaned up for this ’76 team.

Sarah: “Who are the Cincinnati Reds?”

$600 Opera:

Answer: DD.

In Wagner’s opera about the Valkyries there were 9 of ’em led by this daughter of Wotan.

“Who is Frigga?”…nope- who was Brunhild? That drops her to $400 on the bad side.

$600 New to the OED:

In the sense “to sleep briefly” this verb was already in; 2024 saw it given a new meaning, literally to abduct a pet.

Scott: “What is catnap?” ($2200)

$800 From the Ad:

“Where are you? You’re on a boat with the man your man could smell like.”

Scott: “What is Old Spice?” ($3K)

$1K New to the OED:

This Japanese word means strips of meat or vegetables coated w/ flour, egg & breadcrumbs & deep-fried.

Sarah: “What is tempura?” (-$1400)

TS #3: Katsu

$400 Opera:

“Waltz King” Johann Strauss II also composed the comic opera “Die Fledermaus” which translated as this flying animal.

Adriana: “What is the bat?” ($800)

$600 “Go”:

Near South Bend, IN is this city sharing a name w/ the “land” Joseph told his brothers to settle in.

Scott: “What is…New Canaan?” ($2400)
Adriana: “What is Goshen?” ($1400)

$1K “Go”:

Sweden’s chief seaport it’s also the headquarters of VOLVO.

Adriana: “What is Gothenburg?” (aka Goteborg)($2400)

$400 “Go”:

Formerly a city dump this park in Moscow was named for comrade Maxim in 1932.

Adriana: “What is Gorky?” ($2800)

$1K From the Ad:

From the ’90s:
Woman: “So what’s the paper say about tomorrow?”
Man: “Another scorcher!”
Woman: “Cool”

TS #4: SEARS air conditioning

$200 “Go”:

The tiny population of this huge desert’s mostly made up of Mongols & Han Chinese.

Sarah: “What is the Gobi?” (-$1200)

$800 Cleanup Men:

Good thing the Ilitch family sells lots of pizza- from ’11-’18 they paid Victor Martinez $118M to hit for this A.L. team.

Adriana: “Who are the Tigers?” ($3600)

$1K Opera:

Composer Franco Alfano finished this Asia-set opera after Puccini died.

Adriana: “What is ‘Madama Butterfly’?” ($2600)

TS #5: “Turandot”

$800 Opera:

When Charles Gounod’s “Faust” was sung in the original French this evil fiend had accents on all 3 E’s in his name.

Adriana: “Who is Mephistopheles?” ($3400)

$200 Opera:

In Rossini’s take on this tale, Alex Trebek’s favorite opera, not a fairy but the prince’s tutor got the heroine to the ball.

Adriana: “What is ‘Cinderella’?” ($3600)

$200 AKA:

This famous painting was also known as “La Gioconda”.

Sarah: “What is the ‘Mona Lisa’?” (-$1K)

$400 Cleanup Men:

He earned a nickname in an Oct. ’77 World Series game blasting 3 homers on 3 consec. pitches.

Scott: “Who is Reggie Jackson?” ($2800)

$1K Cleanup Men:

Willie Stargell, who ruled this Pittsburgh stadium as a cleanup hitter in the ’70s, was at the Pirates’ last game there in ’00.

Scott: “What is Three Rivers?” ($3800)

$800 New to the OED:

This unintended silence during a radio or TV broadcast isn’t quite as fatal as it sounds.

Scott: “What is dead air?” ($4600)

$400 From the Ad:

“For a streak-free shine that lets in more light.”

Sarah: “What is Windex?” (-$600)

$200 From the Ad:

“Eatin’ good in the neighborhood.”

Adriana: “What is Applebees?” ($3800)

$400 New to the OED:

Seems like this 2-word cardiac-related term for great anguish would’ve been in sooner than 2024.

Adriana: “What is heartbreak?” ($3400)

TS #6: Broken heart

$200 New to the OED:

This 2-word term can mean a place you might keep your wallet or figuratively someone under your control.

Scott: “What is back pocket?” ($4800)

$200 Cleanup Men:

The luckiest cleanup hitter on the face of the Earth, Lou Gehrig got to hit 4th just behind this #3.

Scott: “Who is Babe Ruth?” ($5K)

TOTAL LT: $4800

Adriana: $3400/Sarah: -$600/Scott: $5K

A “K-A”

$1200 Title’s An Adjective:

Gnarls Barkley ruled the Summer of ’06 w/ this song about examining your own mental state.

Adriana: “What is ‘Crazy’?” ($4600)

$1600 Title’s An Adjective:

“A Human Female” & “Ritual-licious” were eps of this NETFLIX show about a young man on the autism spectrum.

Sarah: “What is ‘Atypical’?” ($1K)

$2K Title’s An Adjective:

This song about “a do-or-die situation” is the title of a musical of Pat Benatar songs.

TS: “Invincible”

$1600 Ceramics:

Ceramics that are fired but not yet glazed are called this like a soup.

TS: Bisque

$1200 Observatories:

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory operates the VLA, short for this system of radio telescopes.

TS: Very Large Array

$1600 Historic Descendants:

In her film “Heir to an Execution” Ivy Meeropol explored the lives & deaths of her grandparents- this couple executed in 1953.

Adriana: “Who are the Rosenbergs?” ($6200)

$2K Historic Descendants:

A descendant of Martin Luther this 19th century German mathematician & astronomer gave his name to the object seen here.

Sarah: “What is a Mobius strip?” ($3K)

$1200 Historic Descendants:

After a Daily Triple occurred on the prev. clue DD #1 is behind this answer.

In 1812 a schooner called Patriot disappeared along w/ passengers incl. this V-P’s daughter Theodosia.

“Who is Aaron Burr?”…correct for 2 more grand & 5 right now.

$800 Historic Descendants:

Growing up w/o her mother Mary Wollstonecraft this author spent considerable time visiting her at her grave.

Adriana: “Who is Mary Shelley?” ($7K)

$800 Authors Before Authoring:

An ambulance driver during WWI in high school he was a member of the swim team & the rifle club.

Adriana: “Who is Hemingway?” ($7800)

$1200 Authors Before Authoring:

This Alabamian was working for an airline when she got a 1956 Xmas gift: “One year off from your job to write whatever you please.”

Adriana: “Who is Harper Lee?” ($9K)

$1600 Authors Before Authoring:

The answer there’s DD #2– she’s betting a third.

During WWII he flew 60 combat missions as a U.S. Air Force bombardier…isn’t that crazy? Or maybe not.

She doesn’t have him- who was Joseph Heller?

$2K Authors Before Authoring:

After quitting medical school at Johns Hopkins she moved w/ her brother Leo to Paris where she met Alice B. Toklas.

Adriana: “Who is Gertrude Stein?” ($8K)

$400 Authors Before Authoring:

She taught French & was on public assistance in the 1990s but money was no longer an issue in 2023- she was worth $1B.

Scott: “Who is Rowling?” ($5400)

$1200 “KA”:

This 10-letter adjective’s used to mean frightening or confusing like situations in works by The Trial author.

Scott: “What is Kafkaesque?” ($6600)

$800 Title’s An Adjective:

In ’88 Tom Hanks wanted to be this.

Adriana: “What is ‘BIG’?” ($8800)

$1600 “KA”:

The K in K2 stands for this great mountain system.

TS: Karakoram Range

$400 Title’s An Adjective:

This song from the “Despicable Me 2” soundtrack became a global joy-inspiring phenomenon.

Adriana: “What is ‘Happy’?” ($9200)

$400 Historic Descendants:

Actress Jordana Brewster was a direct descendant of William Brewster, a leader & church elder of this colony.

Adriana: “What is Plymouth Colony?” ($9600)

$800 “KA”:

Not to be confused w/ a prayer over wine this is the Jewish prayer for the dead which basically praises God.

Scott: “What is the kaddish?” ($7400)

$2K “KA”:

During his Munich period this Russian painter cofounded Der Blaue Reiter (“The Blue Rider”) art movement.

Adriana: “Who is (Wassily) Kandinsky?” ($11,600)

$400 “KA”:

Forced to abdicate in 1918 Wilhelm II was the last German emperor of this title.

Adriana: “What is kaiser?” ($12K)

SOLE ATTEMPTED TS: $800 (Observatories)
TOTAL DJ! LT: $9200

Pre-Final S:
Adriana: $14,400/Sarah: $5400/Scott: $10,200

Adriana: $17,400/Sarah: $5600


Of the 10 states w/ 2-word names this 1 stretches the farthest south.


Final wagers:
SARAH: $3K = $8400
SCOTT: $8001 = $18,201
ADRIANA: $6600 = $22K $225,700

Comments on: "“JEOPARDY!” 6/11/24" (1)

  1. jpgenius said:

    Boy, what a close match between our new superchamp Adriana and Scott, and you gotta hand it to Sarah for her comeback. That FJ! clue was easy as pie. 😉

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