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G1: Blevinses v. Vildors (Evena, Herdyne, Jameson, Renette & Islaine)

R1: Name something a baby does that would be UNACCEPTABLE in a roommate:

#1: Cry (at 3AM)(39)(Chris)

Blevinses: Puke (on me)(#3- 9), poo/wet self (#2- 28), suck thumb, fart (#6- 4), babbling, drool
Evena Steal: Pay rent (#4: Burp- 8/#5: Make mess/toss food- 5/#7: Tinkle on my face/BA: Nurse/on my nips)

R2: Name a reason you think men grow beards:

#2: Look macho/sexy (30)(Herdyne)
X- Attract women (Tyler)

Vildors: Look older (ONE OF TWO BAs ON THE BOARD- 3), cover flaws/fat (T3- 12), locked up, lazy/HATE shaving (OTHER #1), CAN’T shave, razor bumps
Chris Steal: Keep warm- T3 (Unsaid BA: NO hair on head)

Double: Name something people have trouble holding:

#6: Their bladder (4)(Cody)
X- Ice (Jameson)

Blevinses: Butter, football, breath (#4- 8), secrets/tongue (#3- 11), fart
Evena Steal #2: Sneeze (#1: Job/employment- 18/#2: Money- 15/BAs left there: Kids/babies & bar of soap)

TRIPLE: Name something you’d HATE to see an “Out of order” sign on:

#1: Bathroom/toilet (74)(Renette)

Vildors: ATM (#2- 13), (restaurant) door, vending machine (ONE OF THE BAs- 5), water fountain & coffeemaker
Chris Steal to W Again or L: Elevator

#1: Something teens do starting w/ D.
#2: Something you’d collect if you had the money.
#3: A fear many people have.
#4: W/ what age does a woman qualify as a cougar?
#5: Where are you the most ticklish?

Chris: Drugs (22), cars (30), spiders (18), 40 (42) & belly (23)
Tyler: Drive (13), coins (4), the dark (5), 35 (4) & feet (51)
Unsaid #1s: Dance/drink & heights

G2: Circuits (Stacy, Chris, Darci, Danny & Mandy) v. Browns

R1 (guys): Name someone you’d HATE your mate to say you reminded her of:

#1: Ex (54)(Tyrone)

Browns: (Her) dad (#2- 16), dog/pet, grandparents, boss
Stacy Steal: Her brother- #3 (6)

#4: (Her) mom (5)
Unprovided BAs: Politician & Bozo/clown (3 each)

R2: Name something of his wife’s a cheapskate might give to his mistress as a gift:

#1: Jewelry/watch (51)(Chris)

Circuits: Perfume (#4- 6), flowers (#3- 7), clothes (#2- 28), gift card, kids & car
Tyrone Steal: $ (BA: Vibrator/toy- 2)

Double: Name something a doctor might pull out of a person:

#5: Baby (7)(Manny)(VB)
X- Gerbil (Darci)

Browns: Piece of glass, appendix (#1- 15), tonsils (T4), heart, bullets
Sandy Steal #2: Kidneys

#2: Teeth (14)
#3: Splinters/slivers (12)
#6: Ticks/leeches/bugs
Sole BA of rd.: (Kidney)stones (5)

TRIPLE: Name something that gives a woman support:

#1: Bra (66)(Danny)

Circuits: Spouse/boo (#3- 8), hose/socks (BA- 4), parents, friends (11)

#1: Acc. to the men, name something you would need if you were going to a Halloween party as Hugh Hefner.
#2: How old were you when you learned how to spell your name?
#3: An animal that would love to have you for an entree.
#4: A band instrument that requires a good set of lungs.
#5: Something a man might HATE about his chest.

Danny: Robe/smokin’ jacket (35), five (32), tiger (21), tuba (43) & hairy (43)
Mandy: Pipe (23), four (30), lion, trumpet & flat

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 2/9/15" (3)

  1. jpgenius said:

    Dang, the Blevins have gotten HOT – $40,760!

  2. jpgenius said:

    Another adventure begins – GO Circuits!

    Also, GERBIL?!?! 😂🤣

  3. And – why would a cheapskate give his mistress THAT? 😳

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