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G1: Washingtons v. Taylors (BIR)(Alec, Austin, Sean, Ashlee & Lanita)

R1: Name something you’d LIE about on an online dating site:

#1: H/weight (49)(Alec)
#2: Age (29)(Christal)

(Challengers note: Alec’s in the leadership program at Coca-Cola in Charlotte, NC.)

Taylors: Income/job (#3- 6), looks/pics (BA- 2), being single (ANOTHER BA), kids, interests/reading (FINAL BA), favorite foods, location
Christal Steal: Gender (Left: My past/solutions & size of prize/jugs- 4 each)

R2: Name something about The Wicked Witch that might remind a man of his mom-in-law:

#1: Cackle/voice (32)(Austin)(VB)
#2: Evil, crazy nag (32)(Lee)

Washingtons: Ugly face/nose (#3- 26), outfit/black hat (BA- 3), hair, always showing up & breath
Alec Steal: Cooking (Not said: Broom- 4)

Double: Name something a woman might tell her man he’s good at even if he’s NOT:

#1: Tickling her tulip (56)(Sean)

Taylors: Smiling, cooking/BBQ (#2- 14), sports, talking to parents
Christal Steal #2: Cleaning/laundry- #3 (13)(All unsaid BAs: Driving/directions, kissing & fixing things- 4 each)

TRIPLE: Name something grown men do in the swimming pool that’s very IMMATURE:

#1: Pee (59)(Tremaine)

Washingtons: Throw footballs back and forth, get NAKED, sex
Alec Steal for Sudden Death: Splash- #3 (10)(#2: Bubble fart- 19/BA: Dunk people- 8)

SD: Tell me the hardest thing to quit doing.
Lanita: Smoking (56)

#1: Besides a waiter/ress, name an occupation where people get tips.
#2: On the scale, how soundly do you sleep?
#3: Name the sport w/ the FATTEST referees.
#4: Super______
#5: A sandwich that could really stink up a kid’s backpack.

Alec: Hairdresser (19), 2, basketball (4), Bowl (11) & ham
Austin: Hostess, 4 (7), soccer (9), hero (5) & PB&J
Unsaid #1s: Bartender, 5, baseball, man & tuna

G2: Griffins (Warsaw, MO)(Josh, Jordon, John, Stephanie & Seth) v. Romans

R1: A man might tell his wife “I only went to the strip club for…” what?:

#1: The food/wings (31)(Josh)
#3: Fun/bachelor party (18)(Drew)

(Challenger notes: Josh’s the GM of a Ford dealership married to Charlene; Jordon’s a federal park ranger.)

Griffins: Research/observe (#6- 4), the great music (BA- 3), dancing, (picking up) friends, filling out an application
Drew Steal: A drink- #2 (28)(#4: Business meeting- 6/#5: $1 bills/change)

R2: Give me a specific word that SCARES men:

#1: Marriage (36)(Jordan)

Romans: Bills, pregnant (#3- 10), divorce (BA- 2), taxes, police
Josh Steal: Fired- X

#2: Commitment (22)
#4: Alimony (9)
#5: Love (6)
BA leftovers: Housework & talk

Double: Name something your lover does to RUIN the mood of taking a romantic bath together:

#3: Talks/argues/jokes (6)(John)
X- Cold water (Art)

Griffins: Blows a beefer (TA- 62), phone, BF, shave legs
Drew Steal #2: Work

T2: Pees/poops in tub
#4: Splashes
#5: Gets in/hogs tub (4)
Only BA: Turns on shower (2)

TRIPLE: Name a word that rhymes w/ “teeny”:

#1: Weenie (71)(Stephanie)

Griffins: BF, beanie (#2- 15), genie (BA- 2), meanie- GW 300-PT. SWEEP

#1: What color’s your underwear?
#2: A kind of pick.
#3: Something hot that comes w/ a cold beer.
#4: Tell me the age when a kid starts worrying about pimples.
#5: Good for ______

John: Blue (16), tooth (34), chicken wings (35), 13 (33) & nothing (60)
Stephanie: Green, hair (7), pizza (28) & 15
Unsaid #1: White

Comments on: "“Family Feud” 5/23/17" (2)

  1. jpgenius said:

    Nice work John!

    But the Taylors’ Fast Money was the most depressing since the Stapletons. But they’re coming back tomorrow.

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